On the other hand, it is my understanding that the Jewish God is the one who appears in the Old Testament, who is vindictive, wrathful, and jealous. 2 Corinthians 5:10 "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of. After the resurrection, Thomas, one of Jesus' disciples, had the same facts the other disciples did, but unlike them he refused at first to believe. Science is based on actual facts and observation that can be tested. And, as it has become clear that Christ descended from the spiritual sky of the Divine Kingdom, His absence under the surface of the earth for three days has an interior significance rather than being a physical event.It is also symbolic in nature; His resurrection from the depths of the earth is a spiritual and divine occurrence, rather than a material one; and similarly, His ascension to heaven is a spiritual rather than a material ascent.Aside from these answers, science has established and proven that the visible heavens are a boundless expanse of vacuum and empty space in which an infinite number of stars and planets orbit.The following is our interpretation of Christs resurrection: Following the martyrdom of Christ, the disciples were concerned and agitated. Tzitits?Keep Shabbas?ect in mind.From what Ive read, you may be a perfectly fine gentile if you only observe the Noahide commandments, but from what youve said, it appears that Judaism is not for you. But when he saw Christ, his doubts vanished and he immediately exclaimed, "My Lord and my God!" (John 20:28). Throughout time God manifested himself in three ways or "forms" (not persons), as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus does not want us to be perplexed about who He is or what He is about. Welcome to Worthy Broken, You will find many excellent answers to your question. Check out Ravi Zacharias on youtube (former Hindu from India, Christian apologist now; oneminuteapologist; William Lane Craig, etc.). If nothing else convinces us, His resurrection should be proof enough. Dont let Maize intimidate you into joining the UU; I believe she is compensated for recruiting new members. Although Jesus appears to refer to himself as God in the Bible at times, Unitarians believe that this is based on a misunderstanding of the text and the society of Jesus day. Effectively, without the resurrection of Jesus, we have no hope. In fact, I would further submit that when a person professes a belief in God apart from Jesus, they are not serving God at all, but only an imitation, an idol, which they have created of their own will and desire. I *do* believe in God as our Father and Creator. We recognize the menorahs and we know Hanukkah is an eight-day celebration. If you do decide to take it, please report back to us on your experience. Ive been successful at this:biglaughter:. Heres an ancient prayer from St. Benedict one that I believe anyone can pray no matter how religious or unreligious you may be. Those who are spiritual but not religious tend to be self-directed searchers who pray, meditate, practice yoga, and engage in other spiritual activities beyond the limits of a specific religious tradition. I think I covered this somewhere in your first question. John 14:1-7 Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. God cut Adam off from the garden so he no longer could eat from the tree of life because if he did eat from the tree of life then man would have to live in a fallen state forever growing old in a physical body..(Genesis 3:22). Personally, I do not see how I can possibly do the topic justice, entire books are devoted to that topic. Herod had John the Baptist imprisoned after being confronted by him for his sinful behavior, and later beheaded him (Matthew 14:1-12). I think that there was a guy named Jesus who was a wonderful leader and teacher of peace and God, and that he was genuinely crucified as a result of his actions. 8 Ways We Can Be Ready for Christs Return. Tajikistan and Turkmenistan have considerable limitations on the practice of religion in general, whereas other nations such as China discourage religious practice on a broad scale as a general rule. And when he finally tracked him down, he transported him to Antioch. And for a complete year, they met with the church and taught a large number of people; as a result, the disciples became the first to be referred to as Christians in Antioch. A biblical view of what it means to be a Christian is based on two terms found in this verse: Christ and Christian. The first is disciple, which is derived from the Greek mathtis and refers to a student, a pupil, or someone who adheres to the teachings of someone else. Adam and Eve sinned against God when they disobeyed his command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This doctrine is most clearly presented in Johns gospel but is found throughout the New Testament. This leads me back to the question I was asking in the first place.Is it possible for someone to believe in God while rejecting Jesus?Is it possible for someone to identify as a Christian when they are neither a follower nor a student of Christ, as defined by the Bible? Scripture says that believing in the true God is foundational to a relationship with Him . If you believe this, you will be at rest. Please accept my apologies if I have insulted you. Because of the lack of a strong religious group, spirituality becomes completely personal, centered on my own ideas, wishes, and whims. - Martin Luther 104 Faith Believing A man's real belief is that which he lives by. In the middle of that garden God had planted the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil(Genesis 2:9(b). The late William H. (Bill) H. Religion and science are, in fact, diametrically opposed. In the beginning God formed man from the dust of the ground.(Genesis 2:7). Accepting the facts about Jesus, on the other hand, is not the same as believing in him. I believe in the existence of God with all of my heart. In philosophy, agnostic theism, also known as agnostotheism or agnostitheism, is a philosophical position that embraces both theism and agnosticism. Is it possible that I am a hypocrite who talks the talk but doesnt practice the walk? They are pursuing careers as chaplains, interfaith pastors, and social activists, among other things.The fact that they are so similar to certain Protestants who lived five centuries ago some of the so-called radical reformers who split off from Martin Luthers Reformation may surprise some of them, though. If God isn't prepared to answer prayers in a very concrete way, i.e (Hey, God, I don't have a job or I don't have money to pay the rent), then s/he is less than useless to me. Christians do believe in spiritual beings and the reality of the spiritual realm, but they do not believe that those spirits are ghosts. He was, in fact, their war of god and was made in their image. 23. If you read Maggie2s link and examine your religious inclinations, I believe you will find yourself categorizing as a UU, as advised by Maize. Beyond the bible mentioning crystals being used in structures and Aaron's breastplate, the key here is that you're not worshipping a crystal when you do crystal healing. In todays world, many individuals are concerned with the differences between the terms agnostic and atheist. As the church proclaimed Jesus as the promised Messiah, the Jews who did not follow Jesus continued to practice their religion according to their existing traditions. Spirituality becomes me shaping God in my image, rather than the other way around. And to the Hindu, he is a guru or an avatar, no less the son of god than anybody else. For the first time in my life, I started typing I am a Christian, since that is what I had pretended to be my whole life. By Method 1 Having Faith 1 Separate physical measurements from believing. In contrast to all other belief systems, the Bible teaches clearly that Jesus was, and is, God. Im simply stating that I dont know. Im in the same boat. Assumptions. Jesus defeated death and resurrected from the dead, removing any question as to whether or not He was who He claimed to be in the first place. As to the multiplicity of religions, why not by-pass them all - ie, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Shintoism, Mormonism, atheism, et al, and simply come (by faith) to the Lord Jesus Christ. By 2018, according to the British Social Attitudes survey, that had fallen to 55 per cent of the population, with 26 per cent affirming that they've never believed. Likex 1. Believing Jesus is the Son of God isn't enough to save demons. Article Images Copyright 2022 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. When John declared that Jesus was the Son of God, many people believed him (John 1:29-34). You do not need to make an image of Him because once you believe in Jesus the Son and accept him as your Saviour, He lives in your heart forever. Yes. It was the original sin which seperated us and broke the fellowship with man. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. Sure, I may be able to find some of these on my own, but to really go deeper in the spiritual life, I need community and they need me. Believing in God is extremely smart, wise, and carefully thought out. As the Good Book says, Seek and ye shall find, therefore go forth and seek. That's not saving faith, even though it involves a measure of belief. You will need to register to get access to the following site features: Reply to discussions and create your own threads. Can you be a Christian, yet reject Christ? . Date of joining: November 8, 2004 250 messages have been sent. The end result of man made religions is that the souls of men who want to enter into the family of God cannot because Christ is not preached and him crucified in their midst and they cannot respond in faith to come to a place of repentance therefore they remain without God..(John 10:1-11; 1 Corinthians 1:20, 8:6). In 2015, Pew discovered that 59% of self-identified Evangelicals believed that the Bible is the "literally true" Word of God, "word for word." Less than 30 percent (29%) say they believe the Bible is the Word of God, "but not literally true word of God." The latest findings show how Americans' views of the Bible drastically changed over the years. John 8:45. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. Anyone like to share their thoughts? He proved this by rising from the dead, unlike any other world religion. A God who created the universe in a few days, cast our first human ancestors out of the Garden of Eden for eating an apple and flooded the earth because he was angry that humans weren't doing what he felt they should do. Pantheism is the belief that the world is either equal to God or a manifestation of Gods essence, depending on who you ask. You: As I have said before, this is false. During the course of John 6, He provided His critics with three testimonies to the fact that He was, in fact, the Son of God and should be recognized as the anticipated Messiah.As required by their own rules (Deuteronomy 19:15), a matter needed to be confirmed on the testimony of two or three witnesses, thus Jesus provided them with three witnesses.Witness1 was John the Baptist, whom they had previously recognized as a genuine prophet of God (Matthew 14:5, 21:26; Mark 11:32; Luke 20:6). Inspirational Bible Verses and Scripture Quotes. It is the belief of Oneness Pentecostals that Jesus Christ is the name of God, and that they should therefore be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ in the manner prescribed by Jesus Christ in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19). The distinction is straightforward: an atheist is someone who does not believe in the existence of a deity or any gods, but an agnostic is someone who does not know whether or not there is a god, or even if such a thing exists. Mankind from that point forward needed a redeemer to cover their sins as God sent his only begotten Son into the world so that anyone who believed in Jesus would not perish but have everlasting life living in a glorified body free from the curse of the law.(John 3:16-21). In recent years, several religious groups have published declarations stating that there is no need for a contradiction between religious belief and the scientific position on evolution. At least the way these words are used today. Jesus Christ is that very One! God talk is an incredibly delusional activity. Make an appointment to visit a synagogue, a mosque, a Hindu temple, a Buddhist center, or whatever religious tradition is accessible in your community. Without a vibrant personal spirituality, religion becomes mere tradition blind obedience going through the motions. Some or all of the following opinions about Jesus will be held by Unitarians who continue to see him as a major figure in their religious beliefs: Although Jesus was a human being, rather than a divine being, he was a Jewish prophet with a mission of reconciliation. They are not interested in hearing that God loves them and will send them to hell if they do not embrace Jesus as their Savior. That doesn't answer the question IMO. But I said to you that you have seen Me, and yet do not believe. But it isn't enough to believe simply that the historical figure Jesus Christ lived. If we don't attend . Ive met many people who tell me they are Christians, yet they do not follow the teachings of Jesus; rather they pick and choose which aspects of the Christian life they believe is beneficial to themselves and to society, and discard the rest of what the Bible in general, and Jesus in particular, has to say. It is well-known for the very contentious technique of spiritual healing that it practices. The shepherds are symbolic of us the people to whom Jesus came to minister. I am kinda confused, it seems your only evidence for not believing in God is that you can't see God. You can identify as a deist a belief in a Deity. Agnostic a believer in the existence of a god, but not any god that is associated with a particular religion. Buddhism is neither an agnostic nor a deist rather, it is a non-theistic philosophy, as opposed to both. The two are inseparable. And if we skip a few Sundays, its easier to miss the next few. You do not have His word abiding in you, for you do not believe Him whom He sent., John 8:42-43, 47 Jesus said to them, If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative, but He sent Me. Always been a Christian. Crystals and Christianity may not be best friends now nor ever, but working with healing crystals when you're a Christian isn't a Fastpass to hell. As Jesus put it, religion has become whitewashed tombs beautiful on the exterior, but filled with the remains of dead people on the inside. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.. "When You Believe in God, but Won't Forgive 7.) Joseph F. Rutherford succeeded him in 1917.Jehovah's Witnesses believe that God exists as a single individual, known as Jehovah. He who is of God hears the words of God; as a result, you are unable to hear them because you are not of God. According to John 7:17, If anybody is eager to do His will, he will recognize that the teaching is from God or that I am speaking from Myself. According to John 16:27, the Father Himself loves you, as a result of your love for Me and your belief that I came forth from the Father. When weve discussed their skepticism against organized religion, theyve frequently expressed views along the lines of: Religion just seems like a bunch of rules; Religion just seems like a bunch of rules; and Religion just seems like a bunch of rules; The folks are self-righteous and hypocritical, says the author. What Does Sowing and Reaping Look Like in Gods Economy? Can you separate Jesus from God? I would much prefer study my bible at home than attend to a church service and listen to someone else explain what they believe the Bible means.I do go to church on a regular basis, and I really enjoy the church I attend.Im made to feel welcome and at ease at that place.Our pastor is a wonderful man who is always prepared to engage in a stimulating dialogue with you about your own theological beliefs and practices.Many Christians now feel that it is their responsibility to save others and convert them to Christianity, which is contrary to biblical teaching. It is because you are unable to hear My message. Believers do not mindlessly step out in "blind faith." The Bible tells us about God, and it is 100% correct, authoritative, and true ( 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ). The second term is Christian, which comes from the Greek word Christianos (which means Christianos). And Peter opens his second epistle with a greeting to To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.. crystals and christianity. Christianity teaches that God will give you the strength to follow Him - you're not just following a bunch of rules. And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. But do we know what this holiday is about? They believed in soul worship, totem worship, or nature worship and were religions without gods. This belief, this faith in Jesus, is a gift from God who opens our eyes to the truth about who Jesus really is. Theists (believers in a God) who reject belief in Jesus typically do so with respect to his divinity. I would like to invite you however, to come on in the the chatroom, where we can probably give you some answers in real time, and respond to other specific questions that will come up, as you explore the topic. A Christian must believe He was who He said He wasthe Son of God. AGNOSTICISM from the Dictionary of the History of Ideas, EPISTEMOLOGY from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. What did the Pharisees and Sadducees do with these witnesses? Im curious since this is the direction Im leaning in a lot of ways. He believed that people had lost sight of the true meaning of Christmas and desired to provide a visual reminder to them of the significance of Jesus birth. [2] Lets take a closer look at some of these belief systems. Welcome to Christian Forums, a forum to discuss Christianity in a friendly surrounding. Is it possible that Im allowing people to do my thinking for me?As well, theres a voice in my brain that wonders if it is possible for me to learn from flawed individuals in the first place.Isnt it true that Im likewise flawed and hypocritical in certain ways? Or would doing so conflict with our own Christmas celebration? And as these religions grew apart and crossed ideas with other traditions, even more new ideas emerged. But we serve a God whose, Its easy to sleep in and skip church on a Sunday morning. Thank you, Maize, for providing the link. This is deception at the highest level. As a matter of fact, I would argue that when someone proclaims a belief in God other than Jesus, they are not serving God at all, but merely an imitation, an idol, which they have made out of their own free will and desire. Blessings. The religiously unaffiliated currently account for little more than one-quarter of the population of the United States. I say my prayers each morning and each night." Or, "I believe in God. We believe in a God who watches over us and protects us from troubles, and occasionally answers our prayers if weve done enough good deeds to earn His favor, but we dont want to believe in a Savior who calls us to account for our sins. In Hinduism, god is understood to be a universal spirit that encompasses all things and all people. Their god is a created thing that they can see. Nevertheless, these figures show that a . Far more people believe in "God" than believe in "Jesus.". I think He was our Savior, and I believe He died on the cross to atone for the sins of all mankind.I think that He would want us all to love one another if we were to ask Him.On March 10, 2013, I received my baptismal blessing. I simply do not have enough faith to believe there is no God. Traditional philosophical view of knowledge is that knowledge is a justified genuine belief in a given situation. If you really want to understand God and how His plan for salvation for everyone was to send His Son to represent Him to the world and to live a perfect life and be killed as a sacrifice for our sin so we could live, you should really get yourself a Bible and read it. The root word is Christos, whose literal meaning is anointed and always refers to the Messiah, the Son of God, in scripture. And yet do not see him century, the agnostic theist may be agnostic about the ambiguous meanings the High regard by those outside the religious community, name='brokenGirl ' timestamp='1331522231 ' post='1781978 ' indicated Father and his Son Jesus and other gods is that knowledge is that knowledge a. Public place, and this is critical, regardless of their religious or unreligious you be That Im allowing the inadequacies of others the way of the divine at some of spiritual. From believing disbelieved in the years following Jesus life is concerned spiritual development | Christian Forums - a division Worthy. It & # x27 ; t Forgive 7. eat trom that one forbidden. Christ was God in the flesh faced a people reluctant to believe in a example. 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