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Data were analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey test (P < .05). --tweak-events-item-pagination-title-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-marquee-block-heading-color-on-background: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --tweak-paragraph-link-color-on-background: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); These impactions can be managed with preventive, interceptive techniques or surgical uncovering. --tweak-marquee-block-heading-color-on-background: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-side-by-side-list-title-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-product-grid-text-below-list-scarcity-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --image-block-stack-image-button-text-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseLightAccent-hsl), 1); This study found that CTG following IIP and socket grafting promoted better esthetic outcomes. Fifty bovine teeth were divided into five groups (n = 10 teeth per group), according to the bleaching agent used and the time elapsed to perform the restorative procedures: restorative procedures performed without bleaching (control group); bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP), with restorative procedures 24 hours or 7 days after bleaching (HP/24h and HP/7d groups, respectively); and bleaching with 35% HP with calcium compost, with restorative procedures 24 hours or 7 days after bleaching (HP AutoMixx/24h and HP AutoMixx/7d groups, respectively). --tweak-form-block-button-background-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); --image-block-overlap-image-title-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --tweak-form-block-title-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --list-section-simple-title-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-paragraph-medium-color-on-background: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --tweak-form-block-background-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); The groups showed similar bond strength values without significant difference among them (P > .05). --list-section-banner-slideshow-card-button-text-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-single-column-list-meta-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --image-block-stack-image-title-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --list-section-banner-slideshow-button-text-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); Compared to Pol, an upregulation of COLIII and VIM gene expression was observed by fibroblasts cultured on Zir and LD at all time points (P < .05). --video-grid-category-nav-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-basic-grid-list-title-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-form-block-caption-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --portfolio-hover-follow-title-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --text-highlight-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); --list-section-simple-title-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --list-section-banner-slideshow-card-button-background-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-item-meta-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --headingLinkColor: hsla(var(--lightAccent-hsl), 1); --list-section-simple-card-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --tweak-text-block-background-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-item-pagination-icon-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --image-block-poster-image-button-text-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseLightAccent-hsl), 1); The cell proliferation and viability of gingival fibroblasts on the surfaces were assessed at 24, 48, and 96 hours. --image-block-poster-inline-link-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-product-grid-text-below-list-scarcity-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --list-section-banner-slideshow-card-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-newsletter-block-button-background-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --image-block-poster-image-subtitle-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry FAQ - The Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry is the longest standing peer-reviewed journal devoted solely to advancing the knowledge and practice of esthetic dentistry. ImplantsConservative adhesive restorations. --tweak-events-item-pagination-date-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --image-block-poster-image-title-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); If preventive or interceptive measures are unsuccessful in allowing the canine to erupt, there are many techniques that can be employed to uncover the PIC. --list-section-banner-slideshow-title-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); We are delighted to welcome Dr. Rade D. Paravina as the new Editor-in-Chief of the JERD. --tweak-summary-block-background-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); } --tweak-product-quick-view-button-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --navigationLinkColor: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); These results show that immediate replacement and restoration of a tooth with compromised hard and soft tissue condition in the esthetic area, with simultaneous use of connective tissue, bone graft, and membrane, could be a valid alternative to a more complex staged approach. --image-block-overlap-image-button-bg-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-accordion-block-icon-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --list-section-banner-slideshow-arrow-background-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --list-section-carousel-description-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --list-section-banner-slideshow-arrow-background-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); --menuOverlayButtonBackgroundColor: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-summary-block-background-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); 2 NH Locations: Landcare Stone Madbury, NH Stratham Hill Stone Stratham, NH Shipping Nationwide --tweak-newsletter-block-footnote-color-on-background: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --list-section-simple-card-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-heading-small-color-on-background: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --paragraphLinkColor: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --list-section-banner-slideshow-title-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); Volume 34, Issue 6 Issue on Color and Appearance in Dentistry. --image-block-overlap-image-title-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-side-by-side-list-meta-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --paragraphLinkColor: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --image-block-card-image-title-bg-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 0); --tweak-product-grid-text-below-list-title-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-marquee-block-heading-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --image-block-stack-image-subtitle-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --safeLightAccent-hsl: 7.5000000000000036, 78.87323943661971%, 72.15686274509804%; --tweak-product-basic-item-title-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); . --gradientHeaderBorderColor: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --tweak-newsletter-block-title-color-on-background: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --tweak-paragraph-large-color-on-background: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --tweak-summary-block-primary-metadata-color-on-background: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-form-block-button-background-color-on-background: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-masonry-list-excerpt-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --list-section-carousel-button-background-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); Aim - To encourage and showcase quality research in the field of aesthetic and restorative dentistry across the globe. --tweak-newsletter-block-background-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-item-pagination-title-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); These decisions and the clinical management of sites thereafter are selected based on recent changes, including the achievement of osseointegration, reestablishment of biologic width bone remodeling, the peri-implant soft tissue phenotype, the way peri-implantitis is defined, and advancements in digital technology. --image-block-poster-image-title-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --image-block-poster-image-button-text-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseLightAccent-hsl), 1); --image-block-stack-image-button-text-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseLightAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-summary-block-secondary-metadata-color-on-background: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --list-section-carousel-button-text-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-newsletter-block-title-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-newsletter-block-footnote-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --list-section-banner-slideshow-card-button-text-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-menu-block-item-title-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --list-section-simple-button-text-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseLightAccent-hsl), 1); The Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry (JERD) is the longest standing peer-reviewed journal devoted solely to advancing the knowledge and practice of esthetic dentistry. The search for clinical trials on root coverage procedures comparing CAF+CTG+EDM vs CAF+CTG was completed on online databases and gray literature, and it included studies published up to January 2022. --tweak-blog-basic-grid-list-title-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); 638001. --tweak-events-item-pagination-icon-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); All submissions to our journals are first reviewed for completeness and only then sent to be assessed by an Editor who will decide whether they are suitable for peer review. --tweak-form-block-background-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); Decker Inc., c1989-c2000. --tweak-line-block-line-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); Or preferences of your reviewing publisher, classroom teacher, institution or organization be Rate of 100 % its goal is to provide the very latest evidence-based in. Mm Publishers India will maintain all the digital archives 103, Old No:51, Sampath Nagar Main Road Velappanchavadi! 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