Humans are both deceptive and gullible, perhaps because of the survival advantages of being receptive to placebo effects. Some of its properties are currently being studied by researchers who are investigating the many manifestations of aura of humans, animals and all materials. However, he advised against actively searching for meaning, instead suggesting that meaning should ensue as a side effect of pursuing other goals. The chakras are associated with the endocrine glands, which produce the hormones that vitalize and balance the body. If there were, the world would be quite different from what it is. "Perhaps we have a chance to rededicate ourselves to our planet, to each other, to life and love all around us. Unlike organized religion, metaphysics has no strong deity or head person but rather respects the power of nature and the Prime Source of the Universe. What does it evoke within you?. It assigns classes to spiritual power. Yes, it is about finding gold. The usual definition of metaphysics is "the philosophical study of reality." And, for dualism, it is "the belief that reality has two basic natures." The point of view from which I will answer is that there is a physical aspect (universe) and mental aspect (mind). We hope that these opening remarks can provide some guidance specially in pointing in the right direction for those who are still puzzled about what spirituality really is and what the connections between spiritual awareness and extraterrestrial life is. Studies show that the brain may react in similar ways to diverse spiritual experiences. There was a major energy shift, opening new awareness, during this time frame. Hence, something must be done (by each and every one of us) in order to improve the lives of millions of people. Did Humans Evolve Susceptibility to Placebo Effects? spirituality, love, and . Metaphysics is the study of the visible and invisible forces of nature, including material and spiritual forces, to gain a better understanding of the universe based on direct inner experience. Nuriel The Angel of Hailstorms and Spellbinding, Transcendental Meditation Vs Mindfulness Meditation. In other words, the more spiritually advanced extraterrestrials are our older brothers and sisters in a cosmic sense, and are inviting us to be receptive towards this realization in our hearts. They were not fools worshiping heat. Japa Meditation Japa Meditation it is a type of mantra meditation. Now, let's dive a bit deeper to find out more about the various spiritual . In order to perceive beyond the physical (and to grasp the spiritual) we need to connect with our inner selves. It is like a sea of potential that links us all. Charles Johnston MD on October 17, 2022 in Cultural Psychiatry. *By this we mean: even if you think that your life is perfect and your own world is perfect, anyone who is really honest must admit that we live in a world full of suffering. Your spirituality is the aspect of you that is tuned into the idea of there being something beyond you. No direct causal link has been established, but research has consistently found that religious involvement is correlated with better physical and mental health, including better sleep, lower blood pressure, and an overall lower rate of mortality. While the astral plane is mostly connected with the emotions (and the liquid element water), the mental plane is connected with mind processes and the gaseous substances in the dense physical plane. It provides spiritual momentum and nurtures the whole galactic system, with the physical rotation of the galaxy around this center being the most obvious consequence of this animating principle. Part of the problem is that the theories of the more advanced metaphysical principles have always been hidden from public knowledge (hence the term occult or esoteric literature). Also known as God, but it has many other names. Itis the science of spirituality, philosophy and religion. Spiritual Metaphysics examines the relationship between our minds and matter, form and essence, appearance and substance. Religion Debate. Such projections can occur into the astral, mental, buddhic (or intuitional) or higher spiritual planes according to the consciousness level of each person. To examine the physical world that we live in, we have to do it from a higher level, from above, though. Pink is a gentle color that represents spiritual balance. The metaphysical could be the missing link that will help you and I manifest more of what we desire in life and less of what we don't.. Youll find the full video on this topic here: Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE to JasonPowell.Fatith on YouTube; its free and it helps to make sure you dont miss the latest video. This is the place normally inhabited by intelligences with a low degree of spiritual advancement, who cannot withstand the subtle spiritual emanations from the higher planes. This is a very powerful concept that should be learned by all sentient beings before they are permitted to venture into the cosmos. . In this metaphysics, spirituality and science are seen as two facets of the same thing, which involves recognizing a ground where the spiritual and the physical, in addition to the psychological, are seen to be meaningfully related. These beings would not normally appear in the dense physical plane (where we live), but they are capable of doing so if necessary. According to the metaphysical literature, most of humanity is currently learning to operate in this plane while at sleep (although still unconsciously for the most part). We can feel it, and we can use it to gain enlightenment and improve life conditions! Metaphysics is the study of the visible and invisible forces of nature, including material and spiritual forces, to gain a better understanding of the universe based on direct inner experience. Our current level of consciousness would allow us to have only very minor glimpses of how these beings really operate, but we know that they exist. Leave a comment Hence, the first half of these teachings is about recognizing where unselfish service is rendered trough different actions and qualities, doing whatever is possible to help and uplift. The Spiritual Root of Physical Life Metaphysics, which means "that which comes after the physical," is the study of the spiritual root of physical life. Metaphysical Christianity is not any new age philosophy. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Research supports this idea: Those who report actively seeking meaning in life also report lower life satisfaction and happiness. There may be a downside for people who avoid religion and spirituality altogether: Some research has indicated that eschewing magical thinking and being unable to identify patterns in the surrounding world may be linked to depression or anhedonia, the inability to experience pleasure. The extraterrestrials who live in their etheric bodies have developed continuity of consciousness on a much more subtle plane of matter, such as the ones existent on planet Venus where they live independent of the environmental conditions upon the denser planes which we can observe and measure with our physical instruments. Yin Yang says no matter how dark or light, knowledge or ignorance, masculine or feminine - everything needs balance. Christian spirituality is engagement with God as God has revealed himself in Jesus Christ. In conclusion, Spiritual Metaphysics tries to find evidence of the existence of that infinite intelligence. Although both AIDS and herpes have been around for a long time, it is of definite spiritual significance that both diseases came into media prominence around 1988. It stands for something greater in life than the physical or material world. As human communities grew, a belief in gods who could punish wrongdoers or support agriculture also took hold, an idea that still holds great power today. Here you can find the spiritual meaning of the best 5 crystals and the best 5 gemstones you can start implementing in your daily routine. Spiritual bypassing is a way of hiding behind spirituality or spiritual practices. Prior to dogmatic ideologies, sexuality was respected for thousands of years as a sacred . This term is a reference to George Kings key role as a provider of the most accurate mental transmissions ever given on Earth. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy exploring the fundamental nature of reality. Spirituality Spirituality is the broad concept of a belief in something beyond the self. This is only so on the surface, because the many aspects of energy dealt with by science go much beyond the exclusively materialistic aspects of life. Higher dimensional extraterrestrials: This expression refers to extraterrestrial beings who have achieved a greater level of cosmic (spiritual) awareness compared to us. Spiritual metaphysics is the study of the nature of human experiences that are still considered "non-physical" or "spiritual" only because our physical senses, research and technology cannot as yet measure or detect them. Metaphysics apparently has seven basic laws that followers adhere to. Why is metaphysics about things that do not change? I would like to make a strong plea to find a free space, where the secular and the sacred peacefully coexist. The Earth is not one of them. Karmic Lords: This word applies to these mysterious and divine beings that connect with the karmic principle as to guide all life streams to acquire the experiences that they need in order to gain cosmic consciousness of the unity of all things and beyond. For others, it's about non-religious. 2021 All Rights Reserved Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, SUBSCRIBE to JasonPowell.Fatith on YouTube. Spirituality is a practice that is unique to the individual and does not adhere to a specific doctrine. Spirituality, on the other hand, is experiential, and has more to do with spiritual practices and the development and discovery of the self. They have a great respect for our suffering and struggles, and they look to the day in which we will re-unite as one family. The word spiritual refers to the non-physical aspect of our existence. Psychology Today 2022 Sussex Publishers, LLC. Universal science represents the study of the first principles. What Is Metaphysics in Today's World? What Is Spirituality? These beings manifest the supreme guiding principle that allows the cosmos to evolve in an orderly fashion. The deeper study into the nature of matter (physical) and spiritual/energy (non-physical) is called Spiritual Metaphysics,As we dig deeper into the true nature of "reality" it is becoming clear that the separation of body, mind, and spirit is an illusion. Based on the knowledge that the human beings got from Master Teachers. They help to vitalize the physical body through the activation and circulation of prana that is received from the sun. What am I? The physical act of denial is an act of faith. Karmic Law: This is the great cosmic law of action and reaction which operates in all planes/dimensions and upon all forms of energy/consciousness. It is the science of spirituality, philosophy and religion. Another reason that keeps many people away from spirituality is the apparent lack of a more scientifically-designed set of instructions, i.e., the lack of a more robust theory other than the new age embellishment which can have little substance and distorted material. Serving since 2001, in the field of spirituality and astrology. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This sub-plane exists in etheric matter around the Earth, and has been the battle ground of occult forces that would take control of the physical planet if so allowed. When we merge ourselves with this state of activity then the natural world no longer controls us and we become anchored in the realm of Spirit which makes us show up more centered and stronger in the world around us., What do you think about that? White Magic: As in Black Magic, but performed for altruistic reasons in order to render spiritual service. Spirituality Spirituality means different things to different people. Dharma Wheel. To hear the continuation of this thought process, watch the rest of the video. Metaphysics is also an inner practical knowledge that helps connect processes inside and outside ourselves, beyond the limited perception of the five physical senses. Metaphysics is the only science capable of inquiring . This website uses cookies to improve your experience. This word can also be used to refer to Cosmic Masters from the higher dimensional planets that may come to Earth in various ways to render spiritual service, including the coming of the next Cosmic Master which is discussed on this website. Our conversations are sprinkled with slips, pauses, lies, and clues to our inner world. Being unable to speak up for yourself / feeling powerless. We could use cosmetic pathways to make things look more attractive, but we feel that the simplicity of the path recommended by the Cosmic Masters is the way to go. The first six blessings refer to people who are, one way or another, rendering important service to make this world a better place for all of humanity. In my mid-20s, I was in a reflection group with a parish pastor. Subtle realms: This expression refers to the subtle planes (e.g., astral, mental, buddhic, spiritual, etc), where the energy vibration becomes progressively higher (yet more subtle as to only be perceptible by highly refined levels of consciousness). It can be a potent spiritual color, but for some people, this power can sometimes feel intimidating. Higher levels of spirituality have also been linked to increased compassion, strengthened relationships, and improved self-esteem. Luckily, if you have understood our message you will know that spirituality has nothing whatsoever to do with organized religion. This is known as 'The Observer Effect'. If we contemplate deeply into this condition, we can all at some point choose to assume some degree of responsibility for this global suffering, one way or another. A growing sense of peace and joy shows you that you are on the right path. These are people who have probably had a deep spiritual awakening, and are beginning to view the world from a new perspective. GAZETTE: How have ancestors . 236 Views. Qi Gong is a system of coordinated body-posture and movement that is a millennia old. Many people identify as spiritual but not religious: With a few exceptions, the percentage of adults who identify as religious in many industrialized countries is declining, while remaining generally high in less developed nations. For some people, Halloween and its associated ghouls and goblins are triggers. Spiritual metaphysics is a pop culture term that essentially means whatever the person using it wants it to mean. For others, it's about non-religious experiences that help them get in touch with their spiritual selves through quiet reflection, time in nature, private prayer, yoga, or meditation. 1 Psychological and Spiritual Synthesis The last freedom refers to a path which is still inconceivable to us at this state of our evolution, but hints that the destiny of those who serve towards cosmic administration (again through inner spiritual development) is to eventually become a collaborator of the sun itself. And also the spiritual world where everything begin. In metaphysics, it often involves questions of how a god operates and how a god might have created the universe. Prana: This expression refers to a form of energy or vitality which energizes the etheric bodies of all beings, and which is primarily received from the sun. Based on this, we have chosen to include in this section only the teachings received via George King (1919-1997) from the Aetherius Society ( because he was a fully accomplished yogic master with remarkable knowledge of the ancient laws, full control of the kundaline and the only and ever human on Earths modern history to be called primary mental channel by the cosmic masters themselves. Every human being is capable of consciously projecting their energies to this plane, but in order to do so one must have mastered the astral and mental planes first. Guarding your soul (your feelings, your heart, your desires) is a path that leads to great spiritual wisdom. The person who looks inside in order to discover the cosmos for their own bliss and yet fails to recognize their responsibility to take active part in helping the ones who are in need of assistance has failed to grasp how the cosmos operates. One of the most important metaphysical traditions from ancient Egypt is that of Hermes Trismegistus, associated with the Egyptian god Thoth. People are encouraged to explore the universe and engage with it on their own terms, free from the dictates of organized religion. This process operates primarily into the subtle etheric matter in the astral bodies (or auras), and is similar to several experiments around the world in which auras can be photographed at controlled conditions, showing that they are responsive to outside mental stimuli (a lot of such experiments have been conducted to study the vibration of water molecules, and how they can be modified by mental waves). The term black has nothing to do with a color per se, but it hints an intention to bring aggrandizement for itself. In the Solar System these planets have been called by the metaphysical literature as sacred planets. It is the strongest belief and also the hardest to accomplish when one decides to follow the path of free will, unconditional love and surrender. You gotta give them an A for trying though. In fact, some of the materialistic chaos that our world has fallen into has been precipitated by the lies and selfishly imposed mental slavery of many religious institutions, which have taken advantage of the prevailing ignorance in our world to gain power over others. Being religious describes a person who ascribes to codified rules set forth by some kind of . He also trims every branch that produces fruit to prepare it to produce even more. It includes questions about the nature of consciousness and the relationship between mind and matter, between substance and attribute, and between potentiality and actuality. This refers to both a more flexible and adaptive mindset toward core teachings of the great wisdom traditions but also reflects the understanding that, as the name implies, spiritual growth is an . As such, it is a universal human experiencesomething that touches us all. Focused on feeling hurt and revengeful. Does Buddhism Believe In Heaven? Blessing 9 refers to a group of beings well known in the metaphysical literature. Sinus infections, ear infections, and other irritations behind the areas of the ear, nose, eyes, and throat have a surprising metaphysical meaning. The word Metaphysical is used in literature to describe objects that are beyond any physical existence. Components of Spiritual Fasting. Consciousness is a mystery that necessitates such a romantic approach. It's a means of manifesting heaven on earth, because when we deal in the realms of metaphysical spirituality we are dealing in the realms of causation., What is metaphysical spirituality and what is its application to our life in the here and now? As a scientific concept, spiritual metaphysics is the study of the core principles of the spirit and of life on earth. It is important to note that, although the practice of telepathic rapport in self-induced trance has been tried with varying degrees of success throughout the world, in this specific case we are dealing with the life work of an advanced yogic master who had developed complete control of the latent fires of kundaline after decades of preparatory work of purification of body, emotions and mind. It is correlated with better health habits such as less smoking and drinking, an enhanced ability to cope with stress, and increased social support. It involves the use of spiritual energy to overcome the problem, such as removal of distress, caused by negative energies. Research also finds some downsides, however, such as increased levels of guilt and shame in stricter religious communities. Hence, people will start thinking twice before hurting others and will also start to appreciate why some people apparently have to go through more suffering than others. It is an absolute science that exists for a very long time. Metaphysics is the study of ultimate cause in the Universe. Finally, the freedom ascension refers to a state in which rebirth in the flesh is no longer necessary. This chakra is related to the faculty of clairvoyance, which means clear vision of frequencies outside the limited range perceived by the physical senses. Spiritual fasting is individualistic and personal . Psychiatrist Victor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, famously wrote about how he held onto meaning and purpose as a counter to suffering. Then we have the three last freedoms. A walk through your local park might help. Metaphysics and spirituality both deal with reality: that which is beyond the physical, the source of the universe. The laws were put in place to help people go through the powers that be and to find their own place within the world. Spirituality is a personal experience that creates a system of personal beliefs when searching for the meaning of life. Spiritual alchemy is about letting go of one's redundant qualities. I can only talk from my own subjective experience. So, our thoughts and perceptions really do change the world. A possible analogy would be to look inside our bodies to realize that all cells in the body act in concerted harmony to cooperate towards the well being of the whole body. Thought should be a tool that we can pick up when we need it and then set down again. Want more positive thoughts? Do not be discouraged just because present science still focuses so much on the materialistic perception given by the physical senses. Spiritual Metaphysics containsthree important sections. Either way, it tends "to make sense" to that person. Space Commander: This terminology refers to a cosmic being who is normally in charge of a large fleet of spacecraft on behalf of one or more spiritual hierarchies (e.g., a space commander serving the hierarchy of the Solar System or of the galactic system). Remember that in question number 2 we had indicated that the sun itself is also inhabited by intelligent beings. After sifting through many different versions of what everyone thinks metaphysics is and how it is practiced, I compiled some solid observations that define metaphysical belief. When those are attained then we have freedom from ignorance (enlightenment), freedom from limitation (cosmic consciousness) and freedom from rebirth (ascension). So how can we learn about spirituality from a scientific or metaphysical approach, enhancing the consciousness from a sound cosmic method with actual results? It includes breathing and meditation through movement, and iIt's used for the purposes of health, spirituality, and martial-arts training. Peak experiences make for interesting stories, but living deliberately and curiously makes for an interesting life. As they live in a higher form of combined consciousness-vibratory nature, their existence is not heavily constrained by the properties of the adjacent dense physical plane, allowing them to inhabit the planets which according to our standards would be uninhabitable. Spiritual energy is the same: we cannot see it, but it is there for us to tap into when we move beyond our five physical senses. So, there you have it! The universal laws influence everything we see and feel. 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