The Emperor had long opposed the spread of organised religion and was determined to use the creation of the new Imperium of Man to enshrine reason and science, not religion, as the true guiding light of a new interstellar human civilisation. Guilliman found himself forced back by the storm of Angron's blows. In the midst of Lorgar's incantations, the Communion pulled the soul of the Primarch from his body. Locked in their furious life-and-death struggle, the two Primarchs were oblivious to the destruction being wrought around them. Erebus had managed to complete his blasphemous ritual on Calth's surface, which summoned the beginnings of the sorcerous Ruinstorm to the galaxy's Eastern Fringe -- a monstrous Warp Storm larger and more destructive than anything space-faring Humanity had witnessed since the days of the Age of Strife. The links of cause and effect are poorly recorded, but it seems that the Emperor waited for some time after the initial reports reached his court. It was the start of what later came to be called 'The Age of Apostasy'. Now the Shadow Crusade could move on from Ultramar and rejoin Horus. More and more died -- none right away, but they never survived for long. The Ultramarines Battle Barge Armsman intercepted the Conqueror and came abeam, launching Assault Carriers and Boarding Torpedoes. Many fought at the side of Angron himself, the waves of unnatural energy that radiate from the Daemon Primarch leaving their mark on body and soul. Maim! Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when a WORD BEARERS DAEMON unit from your army is selected to fight. Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters Space Marine Legion during the Great Crusade. By this point, the World Eaters had given full vent to their most destructive urges. The gauntlet had been thrown down and the Horus Heresy had truly begun. Most notable were the barbarians' purple eyes, which reflected the colour of the Eye of Terror itself in the spectrum of visible light. The Word Bearers proceeded to achieve a monumental victory at the Battle of Calth which ensued. Huge battles erupted along the entire front. Perturabo and Angron engaged in a brutal battle, with the Daemon Primarch having the upper hand in both power and speed. As the war went on, Guilliman himself returned to coordinate the defences, and the scouring of the core worlds degenerated into a bloody stalemate. The Black Legion let nothing stand in their way. From there, protected by adamantium walls as strong as their faith, the Word Bearers ensure that their compact with the Imperium is kept. Across the galaxy the Ultramarines had pushed back the boundaries of the Imperium with energy and a mind for what should follow in the wake of war. The geological structure of Colchis was highly unstable and the resultant seismic activity split the planet apart. The Imperium was not yet ready to accept the full horror of what they faced, but Lorgar, along with Horus and Magnus, remained alert to the machinations of Chaos. This article was originally authored by Aurelius Rex over on the Bolter & Chainsword forums. Ingethel, of course, lied to the Word Bearers about how the Chaos God Slaanesh had truly been born and warned that the Eldar had failed as a species and suffered the Fall because at the moment of their ascension they were unable to accept the Primordial Truth, i.e. Withdrawal turned to rout, and many brothers died during the return to their ships. The World Eater launched himself at Guilliman with murderous hatred. The Hydra knows all. War was not just a process, it was a message, and so the Word Bearers would often include notes of the spectacular into their campaigns to make a point. Appraising the situation, the Emperor saw that for all of Angron's might as a Primarch and a leader, he would die in the coming battle. While other Legions fought in a manner that mirrored their nature, for the XVIIth Legion warfare was simply a tool to be applied. Those who had been freed from the shackles of ignorance would be given a choice, embrace the Imperial Truth or join the pyre. Lorgar was both commander and spiritual father to his Legion. The Daemon Primarch's rage killed the remaining Libarians, each of them tasting a different doom. The sheer scale and dynamism of such an endeavour made absolute knowledge a rare commodity. Wielding the Black Blade, Angron proceeded to rampage through the Loyalist forces, fighting his way to the walls of the Imperial Palace itself. However, they bleached a warrior's mind of all reason, all caution, all the instincts of mortality. The first signs of unease came when implanted Librarians started causing their closest Battle-Brothers to suffer blinding migraines and debilitating facial bleeds. When the Emperor finally met His long lost son face-to-face, as Lorgar had foreseen, the Primarch immediately dropped to one knee in obeisance, leading the population of his world in rejoicing and worshipping the Emperor as the one, true God of Mankind. Lorgar repulsed him with a projected burst of telekinesis, weak and wavering, but enough to send his brother staggering. In the aftermath of the battle, Angron's Equerry Khrn found the discarded weapon and picked it up. Guilliman confronted Lorgar, possessing the advantage of two weapons, but Lorgar's Crozius gave him a reach his brother lacked. That had been the reason Horus had pushed his father so hard to take a more measured approach. Diabolical wards of protection can turn aside the enemys blows. There are a number of unanswered questions. With his usual bellicose energy, Angron prepared it for war. But ultimately, Erebus and Kor Phaeron had failed to achieve their overall objectives: Roboute Guilliman was still alive, the Word Bearers had lost half the fleet at Calth to an Ultramarines counter-attack, and tens of thousands of Word Beaers, including the Gal Vorbak and mortal servants, had been abandoned to a useless subterranean war beneath Calth's irradiated surface while the two Word Bearers commanders had fled. Working together at last, a plan was devised to break the impasse. All-out infantry assaults supported by fast moving armour, with the aim of immediately closing into bloody melee with the foe, had always been a hallmark of the Legion, and now became often their goal; carnage for its own sake beyond any strategic objective to the contrary. Maim! Knowing how successful his own cybernetic neural implants had been at boosting his prowess and the prowess of his fellow Nucerian gladiators in battle, Angron had ordered his Legion's savants to study the neural implants known as the Butcher's Nails that he had been implanted with by his Nucerian slave masters. Kill! Feeling betrayed by the Emperor, Lorgar withdrew to his private chambers aboard his flagship, the Fidelitas Lex, refusing audience to all but Kor Phaeron, the Word Bearers' First Captain and Cardinal. Lorgar's talk of faith in The Master of Mankind being soul-armour against Chaos resonated with a fearful populace, and within decades it had become the official religion of the Imperium. The young gladiator Angron Thal'kyr, the "Lord of the Red Sands," on Nuceria with his war dog. This often took the form of names and ranks inked upon scrolls or names engraved in brass plaques, or chiseled into stone. He demanded that Horus allow him to directly assault the Imperial Palace, regardless of the fact that the Emperor's powerful psychic barrier around the Throneworld would more than likely kill the Daemon Prince until the Traitors had found a way to weaken it. Kor Phaeron was Lorgar's adoptive father and had raised him from infancy on Colchis as a member of the Covenant. That end being successfully delivering the killing force of the Legion, its Space Marines, where they could inflict the most harm and come to grapple with their foe at close quarters. The Grey Knights had defeated the Daemon Prince, hurling his spirit back into the Warp from where he could not return for over one hundred Terran years. The eruption of the Ruinstorm cut off Calth from the main body of the Ultramarines Legion and left the Astartes of the XIIIth Legion trapped on Calth locked in a brutal subterranean war with those Word Bearers units that had also been left behind when their Legion retreated from the Viridian System. This meant that the Word Bearers left behind were left to die, never to be reinforced. In this way the armies of the nascent Imperium were fighting a war in the minds of the conquered as much as they were fighting a war of flesh and blood. Hideous screams of an aggressive techno-virus infiltrate the communication systems of the target, temporarily rendering it incapable of command. The Word Bearers are tireless in their crusade to have the galaxy worship . This ensured that in the future no warband leader of the World Eaters could claim a right of command due to their prior position rather than by dint of their sheer martial ability. That is why we are the Eaters of Worlds, and the War Hounds no longer.". The Word Bearers turned Calth's own orbital defence platforms on the Veridian star, stripping away the outer layers of its photosphere and destabilising it, ultimately rendering the surface of Calth uninhabitable. Lorgar focused his concentration on the triumphant form of his mutilated brother, calling for the Neverborn, the entities men called daemons, to answer in kind. Still wracked by warp-storms and beset by the resurgent Traitor Legions, his response was to call for ever-more brutal Wars of Faith. Since the infamous Battle of Skalathrax, the once mighty World Eaters Traitor Legion has splintered into countless murderous hosts. It was a stylised representation of a roaring, horned daemon's head wreathed in flames, which represented all that the Legion stood for, all that they believed in so deeply and all that they were willing to kill for. Not even a Primarch could stand against such sheer numbers, yet it was at this time that the Emperor of Mankind came to Nuceria, drawn by the psychic emanations of his gene-son the Primarch. The warriors that had made the Butcher's Nails sing and his brain bleed just for the sin of standing near them. Where enemies stood against the Emperor because of their belief in gods or the superstitions bred by Old Night, it would fall to the XVIIth Legion to deliver the Emperor's ultimatum: recant or be destroyed. Their new God, Slaanesh, had awoken to consciousness in the 30th Millennium to find its worshippers abandoning it out of ignorance and fear, and from the Prince of Pleasure's grief was born the endless storm of the Great Eye (the Eye of Terror), an echo of the birth-screams of the Eldar's new and rejected God. Word Bearers Chaplains formerly wore the same slate grey armour of the Legion. Current Homeworld The forces of Chaos were routed after they watched their leader defeated and only the World Eaters managed to retreat back to the space hulk and escape into the safety of the Warp. Certainly the scale of their actions during the opening phases of the civil war, and the casualties they suffered, indicate that few other Legions could have approached them in size. This continued belief in the Old Ways, also maintained by many other Colchisians after the Godsworn's victory, would lay the foundation for the Word Bearers' eventual turn to Chaos. The small contingent of Word Bearers that responded found the enemy numerous and well dug in, but were able to rally the scattered refugees and whipped them into a righteous fury to re-take their city. On the surface, Lorgar's response to the Emperor's censure was to withdraw. In the thousands of years since it was embraced by the Imperium, Colchis has become a focal point for the Adeptus Ministorum. Meanwhile, far above Nuceria, the Fidelitas Lex was already a ruin, its armour pitted and cracked, its shields a memory. Suddenly, Angron burst forth from the Ultramarines' ranks, his armour a shattered wreck, and both of his Chainswords spat gobbets of ceramite armour plating and scarlet gore. greatest extent of their ire. While other Legions fought in a manner that mirrored their nature, for the XVIIth Legion warfare was simply a tool to be applied. They were the Word Bearers' mirror and shadow, alike in so many ways and different in so many others: a living example of what the Word Bearers could be. Each world they liberated required a lengthy period in which they built great cathedrals to the Emperor, and won the people over to the cause. It is not known whether or not this was standard practice amongst the other members of the Word Bearers' Chaplaincy. As his retinue formed a protective circle around their primarch, the battlefield was enveloped by a golden glow and a feeling of peace which gave even the pestilent hordes pause. Knowing how successful his own cortical implants could be at boosting a warrior's prowess in battle, Angron ordered his Apothecarion to insert the Butcher's Nails implants within every Astartes of the World Eaters Legion to enhance aggression and pain tolerance far beyond that which even the gene-engineered flesh of a Space Marine was capable. This led to widespread unrest as planets were periodically isolated and the whispers of Chaos grew stronger. Wherever they go, whatever enemy they face, the deep crimson battle-plate of the World Eaters is covered in another layer of arterial red, and then another. 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