You see, twin flames often work through karma from previous lives and old wounds from childhood. I mentioned them earlier. However, this is nothing personal and his strong feelings for his divine counterpart has not changed. It is very rare the twin flames share the same birthday and it's not an indication that it's your twin flame if they do. However, you have to be patient enough to listen to it. So now move onto the visualisation exercise. Psychic Source saved me all the unnecessary time and research while talking with one of their gifted advisors. Understanding that we both had many past lives to stem from, was the start of our beautiful twin flame journey. At the first sight of meeting your twin flame, theres an instant physical attraction. How many twin flames have a big age difference? You feel happy and bliss, and nothing can take this feeling away from you. List of Twin Flame Characteristics. Click here to get your own professional love reading. When they come together, its like nothing else matters. As mentioned, its possible to feel the most alive you have ever felt through the twin flame journey. You see that you want the same things in life, with the same life goals and aspirations. With the twin flame reunion, you find a soul that is mirroring your own, and together you can start to heal from whatever happened in your childhood, or potentially in past lives. Close your eyes, and spend a minute or two just looking at the back of your eyelids. The ironic thing about past lives is the fact, that if someone has signed a soul contract with you, stating that they will be part of your life, they will come into your life in some sort of shape or form. Theyre two parts of the same soul, and they come into each others lives to help each other grow and evolve. Almost impossible similarities and coincidences, and unbelievable abilities like telepathy are only a little part of how fascinating this connection can be. The two of you seem to have known one another for decades. How do twin flames deal with a big age difference? would you like to know more about my twin flame story? Those kinds of things make you believe in destiny and fate. These emotions can be overwhelming at times, but they are also what make the twin flame connection so special. A lot of times, synchronicity contributes to the possibility that someone is your mirror soul. And if you keep finding yourself in a reunion with someone regardless of time and distance, its a strong sign you have a twin flame connection with them. Thats why I recommend Psychic Source. Twin flame relationships arent always easy. As a highly-sought after shaman whos helped people all over the world connect with their true love through spiritual exercises, Rud Iand is certainly someone worth listening to. When I say synchronicity, what do I mean? You should focus on the energy and feeling you get once youve ALREADY reunited with them. Every Twin Flame journey is different, yet most Twin Flames go through similar challenges. You see, some may say that twin flames are drawn to each other because they are meant for each other. But if this is indeed a twin flame connection, youll eventually be able to work through these challenges and come out stronger than ever before. The next reason twin flames are destined to be together is that they need to heal their wounds together. 1) Self-love is a concept unknown to either of you. They are instantly drawn to each other, and they feel as though they have known one another for a long time. But you dont have to do all the thinking on your own. However, this doesnt mean that ALL twin flame connections have big age gaps. Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn: Frankie Pascua-dela Pasion, the intense attraction you feel toward someone, keep finding yourself in a reunion with someone, 16 big signs your twin flame is a player and nothing more. Will my younger twin still find me attractive when Im old? For example the same birthday as a person close to you, your lucky number, or something else. She enjoys the research, discovery, and reflection that go into each article as much as she writes about them, in the hopes that her words resonate with, and give perspective to her audience. They maintain an energy connection so strong that they are never not together. Its hard for us to comprehend, but its true! The divine feminine is usually the older twin. In fact, it can be quite difficult and challenging at times. Well, read along because we have 16 unmistakable signs for you to explore. Regardless if you havent met your twin flame yet or are in separation with your twin flame, there are many things you can do to speed up reunion with your twin flame. I remember when my twin mentioned things from our past lives that completely made no sense. Theres something about them that makes them unlike anyone else, and its these differences that make your twin flame so special. If you havent heard of Psychic Source before, its a site where gifted advisors help people through complicated and difficult life situations. I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was. It can be compared to a very strong magnetic field. Thats the kinds of advice I received from Psychic Sources professional advisors. However, when you first meet the age can feel like an obstacle for one or both twins, and can trigger one of both twins to run away. In fact, its often said that the twin flame relationship is the hardest one youll ever go through. As long as you can keep your eyes closed, and stay focused it will work. You see, the twin flame relationship is only a small part of the twin flame journey, after that comes twin flame separation. Who wouldnt jump at this? We teach other twin flames how to do the same. Of course, all relationships arent perfect. Now: how can you feel that way if there isnt at least a tiny bit of destiny here? On the other hand, a fake twin flame will only mirror some of your qualities and traits. So if youre still unsure, go with your gut feeling. The signs above and below will give you a good idea about why twin flames are destined to be together. When you experience this level of similarity in your twin flame, it will be hard to believe anything other than that you are destined to be together! You must be prepared to accept the intense physical energy that exists with your twin flame. And while the twin flame connection can be all-consuming, its difficult to find another love that can capture the same wonder in ones heart as they do. My twin flame connection was clearly explained by their team, and I received great insight into how I can navigate my relationship. "Twin Flames experience a different level of connection/bonding and love which can be very intense and magical. You just know when theyre thinking about you or when they need you. Because it tests every single part of you. That means that some of these people involved in spiritual soul ties haven't even met . Start by laying down in your bed and relaxing all your muscles. You see, even if you are not with your twin flame at the moment, it doesnt mean you wont be in the future. This journey that you need to take together is proof that you are meant to be in each others lives. If you are both the legal age then the big age gap is only a problem if you let it. The more past lives you have been in together, the more you will end up recognising each other. Its just that things got triggered within him when meeting you, and he might find the obstacles too big. None of this is more evident that your own twin flame. You can just feel a gentle breeze on your face, and your bare feet are gently resting in the sand below you. And while it might not always be easy, that feeling of being alive is worth it. But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a real advisor. In this free video, he provides guidance on how to heal your energy, overcome blocks, and open yourself up to limitless love. As you sit there, you feel complete. Vulnerability, insecurity, and fear are all manifestations of the mirror soul. Again, you dont need to visualise their face, just focus on the feeling you get when they smile at you and hold your hand. They need to heal these wounds before they can truly be happy in this life. Your heart does not want to deceive you- only your ego wants that. Its as if you have an indescribable and deep soul connection, which is something that cant be explained with logic, and thus, can be difficult to ignore. This means that there is a familiarity and understanding that cant be found with anyone else. So, while the twin flame connection seems to be a romantic thing, its actually very much about healing and inner growth. Usually, the age gap is only seen as an obstacle in the beginning, and as time progress they both realize that no obstacle, including the age gap, can come in the way of their love. This is because twin flames share one soul. The last reason you are destined to be with your twin flame is that even if you arent together right now if you look at the bigger picture, youre exactly where you need to be. how to have a relationship with your true twin flame? The idea of twin flames is based on the premise that a soul can be incarnated into . Twin Flames will have similar childhoods, will have worked in similar places (although different areas of the world or country). Reincarnation is simply the rebirth of a soul in different bodies in different lifetimes. If youre meant to be with someone, they will be on the same spiritual journey as you. So instead of trying to solve all your love problems on your own, speak to an advisor wholl give you the answers youre looking for. The bottom line is, only you know whats in your heart. Then challenges and issues may arise rapidly. In one of my past lives, my twin flame and I were supposed to get married and my twin left me three days before our wedding. The answer is yes. A fake twin flame will leave you feeling drained, anxious, and confused. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track. There is ONLY one. So no matter how much cellulite and wrinkles you have, you will always be his queen. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. There's nothing that can be hidden when you're talking to your twin flame; they know you and you know them better than anyone on the planet. Recognizing your twin flame isnt always straightforward. Prophetic marriages and a confirmation from god, Importance of following your life purpose on a twin flame journey. We will encounter all types of relationships as we move through life the good, the average, and the bad. These include body sensations such as heart palpitations, nausea, body temperature fluctuations, stomach flutters, etc. The twin flame connection is more intense and extreme than any other relationship, due to the important purpose of the connection mentioned previously. When you are in the presence of your twin, you feel like you have known each other forever and that you are the only ones existing in the world at that moment. Youll feel the deepest level of unconditional love that creates a feeling of completion and wholeness. Relationships are different for everyone. Do you think it is safer to choose fear and pain, for at least that is so familiar to you? However, to be realistic, your next reunion might not happen in this lifetime, so dont close yourself off to any and all relationships that are not your twin flame. There are usually many obstacles. But a true twin flame connection will make you feel at peace, loved, and supported. Time and distance have their way of giving you a world of possibilities to connect with different kinds of people. But if theres a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine, professional advisor. Its like youve found your best friend, your lover, and your soulmate all in one person. At your heart, the two of you are connected in a way that cant be severed. And theres one company that I always end up recommending, Psychic Source. The reason for this is that its important that the energies are balanced. The higher purpose of a Soulmate . They will never feel this way about another person again, which is what makes their bond even more special. This is because of their special bond, which is created when they come together. Tell yourself that youre getting closer to reunion with each breath, and that youll meet and reunite with your twin flame very soon. Clickbank, Digistore24, YouTube, Amazon, or any third party mentioned on this page/site is independent of, and the above information is for educational purposes only. This is a worry that many divine feminines have. Would you go in the direction of destruction or life? Challenges usually stem from conflicting these two choices. It feels like you are being drawn to them by some force like a magnet thats beyond your control. You will feel a range of emotions toward the other person that you have never felt before. This is another reason why they are destined to be together! For those are stick around, they usually connect with you on many levels. If you are convinced that you have a twin flame, then you are destined to be together, dont worry. You see, compatibility in twin flame love is so strong that even if youre not in the same place, your soul will always find a way back to them. Its a lovely sunny day and the wind is very calm. Why Do I Sometimes Feel So Low On My Twin Flame Journey? Once youve spent a couple of minutes just relaxing and soothing your muscles, its time to move onto the affirmations and beliefs part of the meditation. And when your values are aligned, youll notice that you have a deeper connection with your twin soul. This is because theyre such a big part of your life that you cant imagine life without them. You may start to question the relationship and worry about how your family and friends will react. Meeting them feels like meeting a part of yourself that you never knew existed. Youll feel an intense relationship with your twin flame that cant be denied. Twin flames need to have a time of separation in order for them to discover their true selves, their soul identity and to work . Answer (1 of 2): That is difficult to answer on an individual basis, but I have been told that early on when Earth (Gaia) was descending into the lower densities that it was much more common for twin flame pairs to incarnate together at the same time. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Do you need help on your twin flame journey? Either way, The Universe is here for you and wants the best for you. This site was created by Stef and Julia, a twin flame couple in full, permanant union. You will feel comfortable and safe around them, even though you just met them. Focus on relaxing all of those areas, and making sure youre comfortable. Either way, its a very special experience, and when it happens, its like the universe is smiling upon you. And with twin flames, that inner knowing is even stronger. While this is an excruciating part of your journey and a terribly triggering one, it's important to understand that the runner flame doesn't have . The next reason you and your twin flame are destined to be together is that, quite frankly, youre never without one another. When youre feeling frustrated or lost, your twin flame will be the one to remind you of whats important in life, even if theyre not physically present. For example: if you were bullied as a child, you might develop low self-esteem or body image issues. With each breath in, tell yourself that youre breathing in new energy and potential. Your twin flame is the one person in the world who was designed specifically for you your true match. As you do this, try to imagine and FEEL how you will feel when youve already met your twin flame, and youre with them. This is the wrong energy. Check out my blog to find out more! Falling in Love. Your insecurities and doubts are amplified. So, if youre meant to be with your twin flame, you will be. In that way, youll be certain your twin flame connection is real. You do not have to recall all of the trauma you experienced in difficult past lives; you do not have to re-traumatize yourself. The problem is finding someone you can trust. In fact, many twins are not even incarnated on Earth at the same time! Thats because twin flames are two halves of the same soul. As mentioned, theres a deeper connection between them because they have the same energy vibration. Yes, it is challenging to follow your hearts way, but it leads you to your good, to the fulfillment of your deepest longings and wishes. In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation. The divine feminine might have given away her power a lot in previous lifetimes. The Divine Union is that, the Divine Union, guided by the Divine and the Arch Angels. So how do I attract my twin flame into my life? Spend time with yourself in the silence, stay present with your feelings, and pay attention to your heart space. Societys Obsession With Our Relationship Status, Little Update Before I Have My Dreams Turn Into Reality, The One And The Only You Were Searching For, If My Vibrational Scale Score Was A Country, It would Be Switzerland (Neutral), I Can Do Just Fine Even Without MY TWIN FLAME, My Journey Of Becoming Someone In Everyones World, 10 answers to burning twin flame questions. 3. You cant serve both masters. 1) It's more than just thinking. So, the first reason they are destined for each other is this intense pull to be together. In fact, they help you learn more about yourselves to grow and become better people. When there is a big age gap, its not uncommon to get strange looks from people and disapproving comments from family and friends. You dont need to have seen their face for this to work. Ego wants to trick you into believing its sweet lies. Even though one of the twin flames may not be awakened yet, you will often find that they do end up mentioning something that can totally throw you off for a loop. Hopefully, the points above will shed some light on why twin flames are destined to be together. Next up, the prime reason twin flames are destined to be together is that the Universe brings you into a twin flame relationship in the first place! Now, Twin Flame relationships don't have to be romantic - although they often are. Today we will share everything you need to know about the twin flame age difference. Are you looking for the fulfillment of your hearts desires or the ones of your ego? Twin flame relationships are complicated, to say the least. So even if youre not physically around each other, theyll still hold a place in your heart. If asked to choose between life or death, what would you choose?- If you are reading this, I assume you must be choosing love. Egos voice is always louder (and prouder), but it is misleading. If it's a romantic relationship, intimacy can be intense and altering. While this intuitive experience can bring so much happiness, it can also be really tough to handle when things go south. Its a love that only happens once and is worth every effort to keep alive. Frankies recent venture into writing is fueled by her passion for human connection and meaningful relationships at home, at work, and basically everywhere. You never know what is in a persons heart. We mean nomadic in the sense of cultivating the ability to shift your perspective easily, letting go of old ways of thinking and continually embracing new perspectives. After the initial excitement and butterflies wear off, youre left with the reality of who this person is flaws and all. Twin flame separation is a reason that twin flames are destined to be together. They understand how you feel and what youre going through. If they are her true twin flame then he WILL come back. what to do if i feel detached from my twin flame? We made a video on YouTube explaining it! Meeting people and getting to know them is a natural process. She also loves working with people who have a genuine interest in breaking their inner limits through their journey of self-discovery and authenticity in their personal and professional lives. But whether you believe in them or not, there are certain signs that can indicate if you have a twin flame connection. Usually, twin flame relationships are intense and passionate, but they can also be tumultuous and difficult. This is more about the FEELING than anything else. So if we recognize our twin flame upon first meeting, it's a clue we travel together across time and space. Its also a good idea to drink a little bit of water before doing this so you dont feel you need to get up in the middle. That is the voice of the truth. (not always, but for the most part.) Its a deep and profound connection that cant be faked. You see, twin flame relationships are powerful because they allow you to link up with your higher self and also access other dimensions of love. And I find him irresistible at his worst too. (Dont we all?). Twin flame telepathy is a real thing. You can't think of anyone but them. My twin finds me irresistible even at my worst when Im sick with greasy hair, pimples, and greasy hair. The first thing to mention here is that when it comes to the SOULS, both twin flames are the same exact age, since they were once ONE soul. Sitting on a bench on the same age as yours as you can do daily to up. Arch Angels had quite a desperate, daydreamy kind of energy and energy is always with. And loves them unconditionally experiencing a twin flame relationships can be compared to gifted. Dont incarnate on Earth so common let it guide you in the Universe works with energy and do twin flames have difficult lives. 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