Understand that fighting a stop sign ticket is an uphill battle. Ticket Busters GTA, A Law Firm is not liable for the use, or interpretation, of information contained on the website or otherwise presented on accessed through the website, and expressly disclaims all liability for any actions you take or do not take, based on the websites content. insurance increases and determination of fault in accident cases. Paying the ticket is an admission of guilt, which triggers points on your license and a fine. Our attorneys are well respected and known for their experience in fighting traffic tickets, specialized knowledge of the law and procedures and results by the court personnel, officers, deputies, competitors and clients. Such mistakes work only if you lacked factual details when you broke the traffic law. This action is admitting your guilt. The maximum fine for running a stop sign is around $200 in Texas, depending on the county. You will need the best accident ticket lawyers to fight for you to get the fine dropped and to keep the points off of your record. Until a signed representation and fee agreement and acceptance of the terms and conditions here and required payment is received and written confirmation from us, there shall be no attorney-client relationship created. However, when you add the county and state surcharges, penalties, and fees to a stop sign ticket, it will reach approximately $230-250. MRD Lawyers Traffic Tickets: Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign Rolling through a stop sign or speeding through a late yellow light may not seem like a big deal, but if you are caught by a traffic officer you could be facing some serious fines and points off your license. in any period rests for less than the minimum rest time stated in the Standard hours for the period. This disclaimer governs your use of our website; by using our website, you accept this disclaimer in full. NO ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP. The ticket is your promise to show up. In addition to the statutory penalties that involve fines and possible jail times, there are plenty of other consequences that you may face when you get charged with a ticket for failure to stop at a Stop Sign. Scott Desind | Traffic Ticket Attorneys Ontario Stop Sign Ticket Every driver in Ontario is expected to obey a traffic sign to allow other motorists to proceed with caution at intersections to avoid accidents. My Ticket Dismissed - Fight Traffic Tickets, DUIs, Auto Accidents, Ken Tsiprin - Traffic, DUI, Personal Injury Attorney, Can you get Tickets Removed from your Record, Can you get a Reckless Driving Ticket dismissed, reckless driving penalties in washington state, how long do tickets stay on your driving record washington, how to dispute a car insurance claim against you. The website is maintained for informational purposes only. Fine is $104. Depending on the circumstances of your purported violation, you could maintain that your actions were justified. Title: Traffic ticket- "failure to stop at stop sign". Demerit points apply from the date you commit an offence and are recorded once you have either paid the fine or been dealt with by a court. Convincingly, testify you did stop and the case would be in your favor. Most statutes expect that the driver stops at the crosswalk, limit line, or the entrance of an intersection. Violation of the stop sign rule will cause a traffic officer to issue the driver a failure to stop sign ticket after the driver pulls over. All the facts tend to point out that the officer was not actually in a position to view what exactly happened. The license may also be canceled, and they are on the edge of facing numerous consequences in all other major and minor life expectancies. Fighting a stop sign ticket can be difficult. Failure to show in court or failure to pay will eventually result in further fines, and it may possibly put a hold on a driving license too. A person must not drive a fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle on a road while the person is impaired by fatigue. Taking pictures from the officers point of view will come in handy. Help us improve the content on our website or tell us what is working really well. (Read about the stop signs laws specific to your state .) Nothing presented on the website constitutes legal advice and shall not be relied upon in any way. Where a driver is convicted of disobey stop sign, the traffic ticket will go on the driving record . The stop sign needs to be at the entrance, or within an intersection or railroad crossing. A stop sign ticket has four different penalties: three demerit points. Please use our complaints and compliments form. in any period exceeds the maximum work time stated in the exemption hours for the period; or. This offence is committed when you have failed to come to a full and complete stop at a stop sign. Suite 103 Mississauga, ON L5A 3P2 T: 905.804.1010 E: ptttraffictickets@rogers.com Toll Free: 1-877-649-1010 Call Vegas Traffic Wizard at 702-202-0500 and let our experts get a start in mounting your best defense, because paying the fine without a fight is always a mistake. If you are charged with a Stop Sign ticket because of a car crash, the other driver you have met in an accident with might sue you in civil court to compensate for all the injuries and property damage caused due to the accident. Will the court be willing to consider my plea to remove the 3 points if I was willing to pay the fine? If you've received a stop sign citation, you have the right to challenge it. There are drivers, however, who choose to stop further back from the limit line. Double demerit points apply all year round for certain repeat mobile phone, seatbelt, speeding and motorcycle helmet offences committed within 1 year of the previous offence. Pointing to facts is a sure fire way of fighting the ticket. This action will indicate that you have admitted your guilt. This article gives an overview of what the law prohibits and some specific consequences of a stop sign or red light violation. The transmission of information via the website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Ticket Busters GTA, A Law Firm. The transmission of information via the website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and The Ticket Clinic, A Law Firm. Idaho also has crosswalks and stop/limit lines. VC 22450 (a) - Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign. The more the chances you'll get involved in an accident, the higher your car insurance premiums will be. Yes. Moreover, depending on the circumstances, DMV may impose there own form of punishment in the form of a license suspension. Normally, a stop sign ticket is classified as a "moving violation." The use of the website does not create an attorney-client relationship. CA Vehicle Code (CVC) 22450, Special Stops Required states a failure to stop at a stop sign results in a $35.00 base fine., and the DMV will assess one Negligent Operator Treatment System (NOTS) point if convicted. If you are ticketed for running a stop sign, you do not just want to pay the ticket. Rolling through a stop sign can result in a ticket, just as complete failure to slow down or stop can result in a ticket. Here, a picture or video is probably required. Under RCW 46.61.055, not coming to a complete stop at a stop light (making a "free right turn") can have the same consequences. As a result, professional attorney services from MyTicketDismissed.com are just a phone call away. If you commit a traffic offence anywhere in Australia, demerit points may be allocated and recorded on your traffic history. The Traffic Control Signals law, or Failure to Stop at a Red Signal is found in the PA Vehicle code under section 3112. Typically you have to stop before the stop/limit line. However, there are occasionally viable alternatives that allow the motorist to avoid the fine. Your insurance will go up and you will be heading to the 12 point max that will suspend your drivers license. How much is a stop sign ticket in California 2021? Unless you can fully prove your case beyond reasonable doubt, traffic officers often win. He actually pulled me over after I had pulled into my parking lot. Penalties for failure to stop at a red light ticket: 3 demerit points; Fine from $200 to $1,000. A stop sign is a legally authorized traffic control device that warns drivers to slow down their vehicles and prepare to stop. With multiple tickets, it is quite possible for the driver to challenge or dare the view of the occurrence of the officer. Your first defense in such a scenario could be taking pictures from the position of the officer. The thumb of rule is to argue that you had to violate the law, to avoid a major immediate danger to yourself and other people. If there was a limit line or crosswalk, failure to stop means that your car rolled past this marking. A driver can receive a similar ticket to a stop sign ticket for failing to yield the right of way to the other vehicle who has arrived at the intersection first. You can do the class online and can do it at your leisure. Over a year ago, my husband came to pick me up after work a little after 11 pm. That's the short answer. There's dashboard camera video, and my wheels do not stop. Fine amounts differ by area but generally range from $25 to $300. Learn more about the failure to stop laws in Missouri with the MRD Lawyers team. If the law necessitates an observation from the officer,a heated argument about whose facts are right may arise. Disobeying a traffic light-stop sign at an intersection when the traffic lights are not operating or partly operating Queensland Road RulesSection 63(2) 3 $431 Failing to stop for a yellow B light Queensland Road RulesSection 282: 3 $575 Proceeding after stopping before an intersection contrary to a red or yellow B light being displayed at the intersection (driver of bus, taxi or . 39:4-144, a judge may convict you of failure to observe a stop sign and sentence you in accordance with the above-mentioned law. Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign Tickets in Columbus, Ohio Protect your driving record. Note that you will also be ticketed if you stop past the limit line or crosswalk, even if its a complete stop. If you plead guilty to or are found guilty after trial of Failure to Stop at a Sign you will receive three points on your driver's license. The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact Ticket Buster GTA. NO ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP. Points remain on your driver's license for 18 months. The cop is parked, facing the opposite direction on the one-way. Aside from speeding, failure to stop at a stop sign is one of the most commonly seen types of traffic ticket in Ohio. For a failure to stop at a stop sign, it must be proved that: You drove a vehicle while approaching a stop sign. Get a second conviction within 3 years of the first and the fine increases up to $750 and the possible jail time increases up to 180 days. A guilty plea or verdict means a hefty fine plus a point on your driving record. There are conscientious drivers however that choose to stop further back from the marker line. Additionally, a conviction for a red light traffic violation can affect your insurance premiums in a . While operating a motor vehicle, failing to yield at a right-of-way can not only cause serious accidents, but it can also result in fines, fees, suspension of your driver's license, and even jail time. Traffic Tickets. Original Post: So I was stopped for allegedly taking a stop sign, which I KNOW I didn't. Anyways, so I'm trying to make a right turn at stop sign all of a sudden I hear a cop behind me and I see lights so I make the right turn and look for somewhere to stop, I stop and a female . You can act by paying the ticket and sending your payment to the courthouse. fine of one hundred and ten dollars ($110.00) conviction registered on your driving record for three years. Solo driversstandard hours (severe breach): Solo driversstandard hours (critical risk breach): Two-up driversstandard hours (severe risk breach): Two-up driversstandard hours (critical risk breach): Solo driversBFM hours (severe risk breach): Solo driversBFM hours (critical risk breach): Two-up driversBFM hours (severe risk breach): Two-up driversBFM hours (critical risk breach): DriversAFM hours (critical risk breach): Driverswork and rest hours exemption (severe risk breach): Driverswork and rest hours exemption (critical risk breach): does not comply with the light vehicle standards, or, a component of the vehicle can not be reasonably relied on to perform its intended function, or. Running a stop sign might be open to the presentation of evidence in order to avoid paying the ticket on the basis of a mistake of fact. Fighting the ticket can be tricky, but putting on effort and having a law firm represent your case in the court of law can pay off. However, the penalties for a stop sign violation vary by country. The cost of failure to stop at a stop sign in California is $250 (2018, approx.). Pursuant to N.J.S.A. Most statutes expect the driver to stop at the limit line, crosswalk, or the entrance of an intersection. The odds of fighting a stop sign ticket may be long. Nevertheless, Stop Sign Ticket Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney warns that Illinois law takes violations of disobeying of stop signs very seriously. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the following stop sign rules apply: The First to Stop Is the First to Go The most basic of all stop sign rules is that the first vehicle arriving and stopping at a four-way section is the first to proceed. Motorcycle rider lane filtering improperly, Motorcycle rider improperly riding on road shoulder or emergency stopping lane, Motorcycle rider failing to wear an approved helmet, Motorcycle rider failing to ensure a passenger wears an approved helmet, Passenger on a motorcycle failing to wear an approved helmet, Quad bike rider failing to wear an approved helmet, Driver of a utility off-road vehicle failing to wear an approved helmet, Quad bike rider failing to ensure a passenger wears an approved helmet, Driver of a utility off-road vehicle failing to ensure a passenger wears an approved helmet, Passenger on a quad bike failing to wear an approved helmet, Passenger on a utility off-road vehicle failing to wear an approved helmet, Driving a heavy vehicle contrary to a major defect notice, Driving a heavy vehicle contrary to a minor defect notice. It is a three (3) point moving violation if convicted. The Traffic Ticket Attorneys, Desind and Klijian, have over 25 years of experience fighting traffic tickets. So my wife got a failure to stop at a stop sign ticket the other day. However, the judge may be sympathetic if you can prove you traveled this road numerous times in the past, and this sign was an unexpected change. When the court receives the payment, your case will be closed, and the violation is then sent to the DMV, where it shows up as a point against your driving license. The penalty for failing to stop is a fine and three demerit points. Unfortunately, when it's your word against the police officer's, the person with the badge usually wins. Can they reduce the charges somehow? Failure To Stop. As the penalties for failing to honor traffic rules increase penalty points and rising fines that heavily affect insurance premiums a lot of drivers are reluctant to accept even justified tickets as a road tax. You must understand that it is not a mistake of fact to say that you had no information of the unlawful act. This may seem like a minor violation, but serious injuries and even death has occurred because a driver failed to stop at a stop sign. If the stop sign was covered up by shrubbery, then you can claim you did not know the sign was there. Penalties increase for repeat offenders. [Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/thecrazyfilmgirl/3248283617/]. Traffic Law Moving Violations, Parking and Traffic Tickets Lights, Signs and Traffic Controls: Failing to Stop at a Stop Sign on a Bicycle, VC 22450 (A) If this is your first visit please consider registering so that you can post. Most people opt for showing the conditions of hidden or obscured stop signs or any other additional evidence that could possibly back up the case. Just got my first traffic ticket tonight while driving me and my girlfriend home in Brockport from dinner in her car. Disclaimer: The information contained on this website and any linked resource is intended to provide general information about legal matters to the public and does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. I received a "disobey stop sign" ticket 136(1)(A) as I made a left-turn at a 3-way stop. The website is maintained for informational purposes only. Read the links for complete details, or do your own internet search. Understand that it is not a mistake of fact to say things like you had no information of the illegal act. On 1 July 2022 our fees and charges increased by 2.5% in line with the government's indexation policy. However, unlike red light violations, stop sign violation is characterized by the failure of a motorist to come to a full and complete stop at the stop sign. Penalties: 3 demerit points Defenses For Fighting A Stop Sign Ticket. The ticket still does affects your insurance. Call the Columbus traffic attorneys at (614) 500-3836 for a 100% free case consultation. What To Do If You Are Suspected in A Hit and Run, California Ranks 4th in the Country for Traffic Tickets, https://www.flickr.com/photos/thecrazyfilmgirl/3248283617/, 5 Ticket Errors To Help You Avoid A DUI Ticket. The following two tabs change content below. Having your daughter as a witness helps, but not as much as having an independent witness who you don't have a close relationship with. Failure to stop at a stop sign, one of the most common traffic tickets in California, carries a base fine of $35, which on the surface, seems reasonable enough. A conviction for failing to stop at a red light or stop sign will remain on your record for three years. We FIGHT For YOU! In this case, an officer who is just 50 feet away might not clearly see if the driver has actually stopped or not. Nothing appearing on this site shall be considered legal advice and is presented only as a general statement of the law. This is one of the most common charges issued under the Highway Traffic Act. So, in order to avoid increased insurance premium rates, it is always better to follow the traffic signboards and avoid stop sign ticket. To be found guilty of a stop sign violation, it must be proven that you failed to come to a complete and total stop at a limit line, crosswalk, or the entrance to the intersection of a railroad crossing. Failure to Stop or Yield in violation of NJSA 39:4-144 is a common motor vehicle traffic offense. For a free accurate case analysis, please The motorist must fail to . In order to challenge the observation of the officer, you can offer eyewitness accounts from the passerby who actually saw the entire event of running a stop sign from different angles. Drive, park or permit use of a light vehicle when a component: Find out how the accumulation of demerit points affects learner, provisional and open licence holders. Let a lawyer intervene on your behalf to get things taken care of in a way that has the least harm to you. Always try to prove that the observation angle of the officer made it impossible for him to give a clear or accurate view of what actually happened. They set themselves up near stop signs and wait for violators. Thu, 2010-08-26 14:29 - Anonymous. For instance, if you were charged with failure to stop, it is a legal defense to argue that you had to avoid another driver who was breaching traffic laws. If no crosswalk, then stop at the point where you can see cross-traffic. Making the Stop If the offence has occurred in a community safety zone, the fine will be higher. $93 surcharge. Usually served chilled with fish or cold chicken. Until a signed representation and fee agreement and acceptance of the terms and conditions here and required payment is received and written confirmation from us, there shall be no attorney-client relationship created. Learn more about the Missouri Failure to Yield statute, and what to do if you are charged with MRD Lawyers. A third failure to stop conviction within 18 months of the first will cost you: 3 points on your license A fine of up to $450 Court surcharge of $93 Up to 90 days in jail Contact A Stop Sign Ticket Attorney Contact the Shelton Law firm if you receive a ticket for disobeying or failing to stop at a stop sign. No legal advice is being provided. In case if you can prove that you failed to stop at a stop sign in order to avoid an out-of-control vehicle behind you, then you can definitely succeed and beat a running stop sign ticket charge. Penalties for Failure to Stop Convictions Your traffic ticket will show the fine you may receive if you are convicted of the charge. Getting a Stop Sign Ticket. Washington Traffic Ticket Attorney Red Light or Stop Sign Violations Under RCW 46.61.190, failure to stop at stop sign is illegal and can cost you $136 or even more if an accident results. No legal advice is being provided. Q&A - Failure to stop at a stop sign. Photographs of the bad road conditions and stop signs can be used to challenge the officer's observation. Drivingon a safety zone at or near a tram stop, Proceeding after being stopped beside a tram stop, if a tram is stopped attram stop, other than at tram stop at far left side of road, when pedestriansare crossing road between tram tracks and far left side of road, Driving past a tram stopped at tram stop, other than at tram stop at far left side of road, at a speed over 10km/h when previously stopped behind a tram stop, Drivingpast a red or yellow T light at an intersection after stopping for the light (driver of tram). Running a stop sign is considered to be a serious moving violation in New York. Attorneys from Ticket Clinic help with everything from fighting a red light camera ticket to providing you with a DUI traffic ticket fix. Under California law, the fine for failing to stop is $238, plus any additional court costs and assessments. A responsible finding on a failure to stop ticket will result in license points and increased insurance premiums for 6 years. If you are cited for failing to stop, the person who wins the case will depend on the judges verdict. You need to have knowingly broken the law to have been issued the ticket. Talk to a traffic ticket lawyer near you. When the court receives your payment, your case is closed and the violation is sent to the DMV where it can show up as a point against your license. Failure to pay or failure to show in court will result in further fines and a possible hold on your drivers license. Other penalties include: 3 demerit points added to your driving record A fine of up to $110 By using this site after we post any changes, you agree to accept those changes, whether or not you have reviewed them. Use tab and cursor keys to move around the page (more information), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Refer to National Heavy Vehicle Regulator website, Learner licence holder driving a vehicle while not under direction of an appropriately licensed supervisor, Learner licence holder driving a vehicle under direction of person not seated next to learner (if vehicle has seating capacity), Learner licence holder riding a motorcycle while not under direction of an appropriately licensed supervisor, Learner licence holder riding under direction of person being carried as a pillion passenger, Learner licence holder failing to display L plate clearly legible from rear of a motorcycle, Learner licence holder failing to display L plates clearly legible at front and rear of vehicle, P1 licence holder failing to display red P plates clearly legible from front and rear of car, P1 licence holder failing to display red P plate clearly legible from rear of motorcycle, P2 licence holder failing to display green P plates clearly legible from front and rear of car, P2 licence holder failing to display green P plate clearly legible from rear of motorcycle, Failing to comply with a condition stated on a Queensland driver licence, Failing to comply with a condition of a non-Queensland driver licence, P1 or P2 provisional licence holder under 25, or P1 or P2 probationary licence holder driving high-powered vehicle when not holding, or not driving in accordance with, certificate of exemption, Failing to comply with requirement to produce certificate of exemption for driving high-powered vehicle to police officer, Driver subject to late night driving restriction, driving between 11pm and 5am when not holding, or not driving in accordance with, a certificate of exemption, restricted licence order or special hardship order, Failing to comply with requirement to produce certificate of exemption for late night driving to police officer, Class C P1 provisional licence holder under 25 driving between 11pm and 5am carrying more than 1 passenger under 21 who is not an immediate family member, Class C P1 probationary licence holder driving between 11pm and 5am carrying more than 1 passenger under 21 who is not an immediate family member, Driving vehicle when image from television or visual display unit visible to the driver or likely to distract another driver, Depositing or dropping injurious matter on a road, Driving a vehicle with more than the maximum number of persons allowed to be carried in the vehicle, Driving a vehicle with a load weighing more than the maximum weight to be carried on the vehicle, Driving hire vehicle on Fraser Island with more than 7 passengers, Driving hire vehicle on Fraser Island that is carrying a load on the vehicles roof, Driving with a passenger in part of a vehicle that is not designed to carry passengers or goods, Driving with a passenger in part of a vehicle designed to carry goods when that part is not enclosed, Driving a vehicle towing a trailer with person in or on trailer, Failing to give way to a pedestrian when turning at an intersection with traffic lights, Failing to give way to a vehicle when turning left at a left turn on red after stopping sign, Failing to give way to a vehicle when turning right at an intersection with traffic lights, Failing to give way when turning at an intersection without a traffic light-stop sign when the traffic lights are not operating or partly operating, Failing to give way to a pedestrian or vehicle on the road being entered at an intersection with a flashing yellow traffic arrow, Failing to give way to a vehicle when turning right at an intersection with a flashing yellow traffic arrow, Failing to give way at a marked foot crossing with a flashing yellow traffic light (other than at an intersection), Failing to give way at an intersection (other than a T-intersection or roundabout), Failing to give way when entering a road from a road-related area, Failing to give way when entering a road-related area from a road, Failing to give way to a bus leaving a bus-stop on a road in a built-up area with a signposted speed limit not more than 70 km/h, Failing to give way to emergency vehicle displaying flashing blue or red lights or sounding an alarm, Failing to stop for a pedestrian on a childrens crossing, Proceeding before a pedestrian has left a childrens crossing, Failing to give way to a pedestrian on a pedestrian crossing, Failing to give way to a pedestrian in a shared zone, Failing to give way when driving through a break in a dividing strip, Failing to give way when entering a turning lane from a painted island, Failing to give way to another vehicle in a median turning bay when entering the bay, Failing to give way when moving from the side or shoulder of a road into a marked lane or line of traffic, Failing to give way when turning from median strip parking area, Failing to give way to vehicle travelling in another marked lane or line of traffic, Failing to give way to another vehicle in marked lane when diverging to the left or right within the lane, Failing to give way to vehicle in front when merging into line of traffic, Failing to give way when driving on a path as required, Failing to give way when driving on a nature strip as required, Failing to give a proper left or right change of direction signal, Failing to give a proper stop signal when stopping or suddenly slowing, Failing to give a proper stop signal with sufficient warning, Failing to give a left change of direction signal when entering a roundabout, Failing to continue to give a left change of direction signal until after leaving a roundabout, Failing to give a right change of direction signal when entering a roundabout, Failing to continue to give a right change of direction signal when in a roundabout, Failing to give a left change of direction signal when changing marked lanes or lines of traffic in a roundabout, Failing to give a right change of direction signal when changing marked lanes or lines of traffic in a roundabout, Failing to give a left change of direction signal when leaving a roundabout, Failing to drive to the left of the island in a roundabout, Failing to keep left on a road (other than a multi-lane road or a road with 2 or more lines of traffic), Driving in the right lane on a multi-lane road with a signposted speed limit more than 80 km/h (without an excuse), Failing to keep left of a median strip (without an excuse), Failing to turn left at intersection from left lane of multi-lane road when slip lane on the multi-lane road is obstructed, Failing to drive to the left of an oncoming vehicle (without an excuse), Failing to drive to the left of the centre of a 2-way road without a dividing line or median strip (without an excuse), Using lights on a vehicle that dazzle other road users, Failing to dip headlights when travelling behind another vehicle or for an oncoming vehicle, Failing to have lights on vehicle lit at night or in hazardous conditions, Class C learner licence holder under 25 using a mobile phone when driving, Class C P1 provisional licence holder under 25 or P1 probationary licence holder using a mobile phone when driving, Driver of a vehicle using a mobile phone (other than in a parked vehicle), Overtaking a vehicle when unsafe to do so, Overtaking on the left of a vehicle turning left (without an excuse), Overtaking on the right of a vehicle turning right (without an excuse), Overtaking on the left of a vehicle turning left that is displaying a do not overtake turning vehicle sign when unsafe to do so, Overtaking on the right of a vehicle turning right that is displaying a do not overtake turning vehicle sign when unsafe to do so, Failing to keep a safe distance when overtaking a vehicle, Following too closely to the vehicle in front, Driver of a long vehicle following too closely to another long vehicle, Disobeying a clearance or low clearance sign, Disobeying an indication given by an official traffic sign - on a road other than a toll road, Disobeying an indication given by an official traffic sign - on a toll road, Driving in a marked lane with an overhead red diagonal cross displayed over the lane, Failing to leave a marked lane with a flashing red diagonal cross displayed over the lane (without an excuse), Disobeying a no U-turn sign on a length of road or at a break in dividing strip, Disobeying a no U-turn sign at an intersection without traffic lights, Failing to stop at a stop line at an intersection without traffic lights, Failing to give way to a vehicle at a stop line at an intersection without traffic lights, Failing to give way to a pedestrian at a stop line at an intersection without traffic lights, Failing to stop at a stop sign or line (other than at an intersection, crossing or twin red lights), Failing to give way to a vehicle at a stop sign or line (other than at an intersection, crossing or twin red lights), Failing to give way to a pedestrian or vehicle at a stop sign or line (other than at an intersection, crossing or twin red lights), Failing to give way to approaching vehicles at a give way sign or line at an intersection, Failing to give way when turning left from a slip lane, Failing to give way when turning at a give way sign or line at an intersection, Failing to give way to another driver at a give way sign or line at intersection as required when also at give way sign, Failing to give way to another driver at a stop sign or line at intersection as required, Failing to give way when facing a give way sign or line at a bridge or length of narrow road, Failing to give way when facing a give way sign or line (other than at an intersection, bridge or length of narrow road), Disobeying a hand-held stop sign at a childrens crossing, Driving past a hand-held stop sign at a childrens crossing after stopping for the sign, Disobeying a left turn only sign at an intersection, Disobeying a left lane must turn left sign at an intersection, Disobeying right lane must turn right sign, Driving past a no overtaking or passing sign on a bridge or length of road when an oncoming vehicle is on the bridge or road, Overtaking a vehicle on a bridge or length of road where a no overtaking or passing sign is displayed, Disobeying a no overtaking on bridge sign, Driving in contrary direction to a one-way sign, Failing to drive left after passing a keep left sign, Failing to drive right after passing a keep right sign, Driving past hand held stop sign being displayed, Disobeying a trucks and buses must use low gear sign, Disobeying a stop sign at a level crossing, Disobeying a give way sign at a level crossing, Failing to comply with an overhead green, white or yellow diagonal cross displayed over a marked lane, Disobeying a traffic lane arrow in a roundabout, Driving on arrester bed or safety ramp when not necessary for road safety purposes to do so, Failing to keep left of the dividing line on a road (without an excuse), Failing to keep left of 2 continuous dividing lines on a road (without an excuse), Driving on a painted island (without an excuse), Turning right contrary to a road marking at an intersection (other than a T-intersection), Making an improper U-turn at an intersection, Driving across single continuous dividing line, a single continuous dividing line to the left of a broken dividing line or 2 parallel continuous dividing lines to perform U-turn, Entering bicycle storage area contrary to red traffic light, Driving in the contrary direction on a one-way service road, Failing to turn left at intersection on multi-lane road from slip lane on the multi-lane road, Making a U-turn at an intersection with traffic lights, Making a U-turn at a children's level, marked foot or pedestrian crossing, Making a U-turn at an intersection, where a road and road-related area intersect, with traffic lights, Making an improper entry into a roundabout from a multi-lane road, Making an improper entry into a roundabout from a road with 2 or more lines of traffic travelling in same direction, Driver failing to ensure a passenger at least 16 years wears a seat belt properly adjusted and fastened, Driver failing to ensure a passenger at least 16 years occupies seating position fitted with seatbelt, Driver allowing passenger at least 16 years to occupy same seating position as another passenger, Driver failing to wear a seat belt properly adjusted and fastened when driving a vehicle fitted with a seat belt for the driver, Passenger at least 16 years failing to wear a seat belt properly adjusted and fastened in a vehicle fitted with a seat belt for the passenger, Driver failing to ensure a passenger under 16 years wears a seat belt or restraint properly adjusted and fastened, Driving less than 11 km/h over the speed limit, Driving at least 11 km/h, but not more than 20 km/h, over the speed limit, Driving more than 20km/h, but not more than 30km/h, over the speed limit, Driving more than 30km/h, but not more than 40km/h, over the speed limit, Driving more than 40km/h over the speed limit, Driving at an unsafe speed when approaching a childrens crossing, Driving at an unsafe speed when approaching a pedestrian crossing, Failing to stop for a red traffic light or arrow, Failing to stop for a yellow traffic light or arrow, Enter intersection or marked foot crossing contrary to red traffic light, Enter intersection or marked foot crossing contrary to red traffic arrow, Driving past a red traffic light or arrow at an intersection after being stopped before entering the intersection, Driving past a yellow traffic light or arrow at an intersection after being stopped before entering the intersection, Disobeying twin red traffic lights (other than at a level crossing), Driving past twin red traffic lights after stopping before the lights (other than at a level crossing), Disobeying a red B traffic light (driver of bus, taxi or limousine), Driving past a red or yellow B traffic light at an intersection after stopping for the light (driver of bus, taxi or limousine), Disobeying a traffic light-stop sign at an intersection when the traffic lights are not operating or partly operating, Proceeding after stopping before an intersection contrary to a red or yellow B light being displayed at the intersection (driver of bus, taxi or limousine), Making an improper left turn from a multi-lane road, Failing to leave 1m when passing a bicycle in a 60km/h or less speed zone, Failing to leave 1.5m when passing a bicycle in a speed zone over 60km/h, Moving into path of moving emergency vehicle displaying flashing blue or red lights or sounding an alarm, Failing to move out of path of moving emergency vehicle displaying flashing blue or red lights or sounding an alarm, Unsafe passing of parked emergency response vehicle displaying flashing lightsmulti-lane road, Unsafe passing of parked emergency response vehicle displaying flashing lightssingle-lane road, Driver cause damage to infrastructure at railway crossing, Driver cause obstruction at a level crossing, Disobeying warning lights at a level crossing, Driving under or around the closed or closing gates at a level crossing, Driving under or around the opening gates at a level crossing, Entering a level crossing when a train or tram is approaching, entering, or on the level crossing, Entering a level crossing when a train or tram is approaching the level crossing and there is a likelihood of a collision, Entering level crossing when crossing or road beyond is blocked, Driving to the left of a safety zone at or near a tram stop, at an unsafe speed, Failing to stop before passing rear of a tram stopped at tram stop other than at tram stop at far left side of road when driving behind rear of tram, Failing to give way to tram entering or approaching a roundabout, Driving past a tram stopped at tram stop other than at tram stop at far left side of road when pedestrians are crossing road between tram tracks and far left side of road when driving behind rear of tram, Driving past a tram stopped at tram stop other than at tram stop at far left side of road at a speed over 10 km/h when driving behind rear of tram, Failing to stop for a tram that stops at tram stop other than at tram stop at far left side of road when driving alongside or overtaking tram, Driving past or overtaking a tram stopped at tram stop other than at tram stop at far left side of road when pedestrians are crossing road between tram tracks and far left side of road when previously driving alongside or overtaking tram, Driving past a tram stopped at tram stop other than at tram stop at far left side of road at a speed over 10 km/h when previously driving alongside or overtaking tram, Failing to stop for a red T light (driver of tram), Failing to stop for a yellow T light (driver of tram), Proceeding when a white T light or traffic arrow is no longer showing after stopping at an intersection (driver of tram), Wilfully starting or driving a vehicle in a way that makes unnecessary noise or smoke, Drive, park or permit use of a light vehicle when stationary noise level is at least 10dB(A) above the vehicle standards, Drive, park or permit use of a light vehicle that is longer than 12.5m long, Drive, park or permit use of a light combination that is longer than 19m long, Drive, park or permit use of a light vehicle that is more than 2.5m wide, Drive, park or permit use of a light vehicle that is more than 4.3m high, Drive, park or permit use of a vehicle that does not comply with the light vehicle standards, Drive, park or permit use of a light vehicle when a modification of the vehicle is not compliant, Drive, park or permit use of a light vehicle when the vehicle or a component of the vehicle is unsafe. 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