Please complete and upload this form (pdf version or word version) to declare funding, conflict of interest and to indicate whether ethical approval was sought. Five fibers from each of the hair tress were randomly selected and incubated in 15ml 0.05M Tris-Cl buffer (pH 7.5) containing 0.2mgml1 K31protein in a petri plate for 1h in an orbital shaker at 120rpm. Similarly, the force required to break the hair before and after the chemical treatment was 20N and 11N, respectively. Introduction State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. Keep text in the illustrations themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used. Embed the used fonts if the application provides that option. If you use reference management software, please ensure that you remove all field codes before submitting the electronic manuscript. Ishii D., Abe R., Watanabe S.-i., Tsuchiya M., Ncker B., Tsumoto K. Stepwise characterization of the thermodynamics of trichocyte intermediate filament protein supramolecular assembly. Sign in to view your account details and order history, Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, 81 editors and editorial board members in 29 countries/regions, Gender Diversity Distribution of the Editors. Submission declaration and verification Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract, a published lecture or academic thesis, see 'Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication' for more information), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, including electronically without the written consent of the copyright-holder. Ensure that the following items are present: All necessary files have been uploaded:Manuscript: Include keywords All figures (include relevant captions) All tables (including titles, description, footnotes) Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files providedGraphical Abstracts / Highlights files (where applicable)Supplemental files (where applicable). Journal of Geophysical Research, Chemical treatment of hair, such as bleaching, causes damage by penetrating deep within the hair fiber and cleaving keratin K31, which results in decreased tensile strength. Keratin is characterized by high cysteine content, which varies from 7% to 20% of the total amino acid residues. Registration of clinical trials Registration in a public trials registry is a condition for publication of clinical trials in this journal in accordance with International Committee of Medical Journal Editors recommendations. Studier F.W. References in a special issue Please ensure that the words 'this issue' are added to any references in the list (and any citations in the text) to other articles in the same Special Issue. If quoting directly from a previously published method, use quotation marks and also cite the source. Elsevier authors wishing to enable other scientists to use the accession numbers cited in their papers via links to these sources, should type this information in the following manner:For each and every accession number cited in an article, authors should type the accession number in bold, underlined text. Clinical trial results In line with the position of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, the journal will not consider results posted in the same clinical trials registry in which primary registration resides to be prior publication if the results posted are presented in the form of a brief structured (less than 500 words) abstract or table. Analysis of tryptic digests of keratin K31 by Mass Spectroscopy produced a MASCOT score of 76, while 8 peptides were matched and the protein sequence coverage was 28%. Franbourg A., Hallegot P., Baltenneck F., Toutaina C., Leroy F. Current research on ethnic hair. Add [dataset] immediately before the reference so we can properly identify it as a data reference. The Share Link can be used for sharing the article via any communication channel, including email and social media. Ensure that the e-mail address is given and that contact details are kept up to date by the corresponding author. Present/permanent address. The ePub format uses eBook readers, which have several "ease of reading" features The keratins of the human beard hair medulla: the riddle in the middle. Contact details for submission If you have any problems submitting your paper through this system, please contact the Editorial Office on: e-mail:; tel: +44 (0)1865 843270; fax: +44 (0)1865 843992. 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Thus in this study E. coli BL21 CodonPlus (RIL) cells were transformed with recombinant DNA produced by ligating 1.2kb DNA fragment encoding K31 into pET-22b (+).SDS-PAGE analysis of the cell proteins showed expression level of K31 was approximately 35% of the total cell proteins (Fig. Abstract A concise and factual abstract is required (maximum length 250 words). Highlights Highlights are mandatory for this journal as they help increase the discoverability of your article via search engines. Do not import the figures into the text file but, instead, indicate their approximate locations directly in the electronic text and on the manuscript. The refolded K31protein was purified by anion exchange chromatography using Hi Trap QFF- 1ml column on fast performance liquid chromatography (FPLC) system, AKTA purifier (GE healthcare, United Kingdom). The Tryptic digest thus obtained was analyzed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The statement that all authors have approved the final article should be true and included in the disclosure. Mendeley Data This journal supports Mendeley Data, enabling you to deposit any research data (including raw and processed data, video, code, software, algorithms, protocols, and methods) associated with your manuscript in a free-to-use, open access repository. As these lack complete sequence identity with human hair keratin, are likely to be less efficient than the human hair keratin. Note: since video and animation cannot be embedded in the print version of the journal, please provide text for both the electronic and the print version for the portions of the article that refer to this content. This is required for all types of paper submitted. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. For comparison, unbleached hairs were used as a control. Characters not available on your computer (Greek letters, mathematical symbols, etc.) There are no abstract, keywords or section headings. In particular, do not use the options to justify text or to hyphenate words. The hair sample after treating with 10% bleach solution [24] for 1h in shaking incubator was rinsed with water and then air dried. The purified protein was thus confirmed to be keratin K31 (Fig. Short Communications: These should be no more than 2,500 words, with up to 20 references and a maximum of 3 figures or tables. Graphical abstracts should be submitted as a separate file in the online submission system. We would like to ask you for a moment of your time to fill in a short questionnaire, at the end of your visit. Please adhere strictly to the general instructions on style/arrangement and, in particular, the reference style of the journal. Yang J., Yan R., Roy A., Xu D., Poisson J., Zhang Y. Submit your article Please submit your article via Here are the reasons why: Coconut oil is heavy. This increase is significantly higher than the previously reported increase in Youngs modulus gained after treatment with keratin peptides [33]. Most formatting codes will be removed and replaced on processing the article. The privacy rights of human subjects must always be observed. Present simple formulae in line with normal text where possible and use the solidus (/) instead of a horizontal line for small fractional terms, e.g., X/Y. They should be no longer than 4000 words and 40 references (as above, please note that word count also excludes tables, figures and legends). All members of the Editorial Board have identified their affiliated institutions or organizations, along with the corresponding country or geographic region. Protein disulphide isomerase-mediated grafting of cysteine-containing peptides onto over-bleached hair. If other units are mentioned, please give their equivalent in SI. Before submitting your article, you can deposit the relevant datasets to Mendeley Data. The Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance (JGAR) is a quarterly online Open Access journal run by an international Editorial Board that focuses on the global spread of antibiotic-resistant microbes.. JGAR is a dedicated journal for all professionals working in research, health care, the environment and animal infection control, aiming to track the resistance threat worldwide and provides . Authors who have video or animation files that they wish to submit with their article are strongly encouraged to include links to these within the body of the article. 2b). Please note that your manuscript will be independently reviewed by the new journal. Such codes should be used consistently throughout the entire text. To facilitate reproducibility and data reuse, this journal also encourages you to share your software, code, models, algorithms, protocols, methods and other useful materials related to the project. J Soc Cosmet Chem 42, 59-67. Reference links Increased discoverability of research and high quality peer review are ensured by online links to the sources cited. Hydrolyzed keratin peptides isolated from wool or chicken feathers have been used mostly in hair treatment [[25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31]]. The secondary structure composition was calculated from CD spectrum analysis using deconvolution software CDNN [20]. The molecular weight of these keratins range from 46 to 55kDa. Type I acidic keratins are characterized by a large number of cysteine as well as proline residues [5]. Do not include references to personal communications, unpublished data or manuscripts either 'in preparation' or 'submitted for publication'. Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text. After keratin treatment the diameter of the bleach treated hairs increased to an average of 139m, a gain of nearly 49% (Table. In Coldspring Laboratory Press, NY Google Scholar: 2001. You may switch to Article in classic view. In order to minimize the effect due to variable properties of the individual hair, sets of five hairs were used to measure their tensile strength. If you have no declaration to make please insert the following statements into your manuscript: Funding: NoneCompeting interests: None declaredEthical approval: Not required. Magnification should be indicated by a line representing the actual scale of reproduction (0.1 mm, 1mm or 10 mm); the use of magnification factors is to be avoided where possible. The proteomics of keratin proteins. Sadaf S., Khan M.A., Akhtar M.W. Schweizer J., Langbein L., Rogers M.A., Winter H. Hair follicle-specific keratins and their diseases. consistently. Concise and informative. Each spectrum obtained was the average of two consecutive scans with a 1nm bandwidth. Material and methods Provide sufficient details to allow the work to be reproduced by an independent researcher. Agar plates supplemented with 100g ml1 ampicillin were used for selection of transformed colonies. Do not allow your computer to introduce word splits and do not use a 'justified' layout. Please check carefully before replying, as inclusion of any subsequent corrections cannot be guaranteed. resistance and spread in animals and environment. Roddick-Lanzilotta A., Kelly R., Scott S., Chahal S. New keratin isolates: actives for natural hair protection. Received 2018 Aug 18; Revised 2018 Sep 29; Accepted 2018 Oct 22. Italics are not to be used for expressions of Latin origin, for example, in vivo, et al., per se. Math formulae Please submit math equations as editable text and not as images. Further information can be found on the artwork instructions page. 2a). Application of K31 to the chemically damaged hairs resulted in increase of mechanical strength more than twice to 26 N. It appears that keratin K31, the major protein lost in the damaged hair [ 11 ], gets integrated in to the damaged hair filling the gaps and thus enhancing their elasticity and mechanical strength. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature. For further information, visit our Support Center. M: size marker, 1: uninduced cells; 2: induced cells; 3: cell lysate supernatant; 4: cell lysate pellet; 5: washed inclusion bodies; 6: washings; 7: refolded keratin K31. You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. The mechanical strength of the bleached hair increased by almost 2 fold after a single treatment of K31. K31, a type I acidic keratin, is a major protein of human hair keratin complex and it is essential for maintaining the hair tensile strength. JGAR is a dedicated journal for all professionals working in research, health care, the environment and animal infection control, aiming to track the resistance threat worldwide and provides a single voice devoted to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Such abbreviations that are unavoidable in the abstract must be defined at their first mention there, as well as in the footnote. Authors in Japan please note: If you would like information about how to have the English of your paper checked, corrected and improved (before submission),please contact our Tokyo office who will inform you of the services provided by language correctors: Elsevier Japan, 9-15 Higashi-Azabu 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106 Japan, Tokyo; Tel: +81-3-5561-5032; Fax: +81-3-5561-5032. The terms sex and gender should be used correctly. (a) Circular dichorism spectrum of recombinantly produced keratin K31 scanned over 180280nm wavelength. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, Submission declaration and verification, DNA sequences and GenBank Accession numbers, The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association, Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, EU Directive 2010/63/EU for animal experiments, Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, Elsevier Policy on the Use of Images or Personal Information of Patients or other Individuals, 'Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication', CONSORT checklist and template flow diagram, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors,,, Further information on the preparation of electronic artwork, More information on how to remove field codes from different reference management software, check the status of your submitted article, when your accepted article will be published. In the case of addition or removal of authors, this includes confirmation from the author being added or removed.Only in exceptional circumstances will the Editor consider the addition, deletion or rearrangement of authors after the manuscript has been accepted. Approved the final version of your article journal of global antimicrobial resistancecoconut oil for keratin treated hair you can use this also! The selected transformant in lb broth containing 100g ml1 ampicillin were used for cloning and vector propagation and E. cells M. Refolding techniques for recovering biologically active recombinant proteins from inclusion bodies in prokaryotes to! Mostly from non-human sources like chicken feather, wool, etc.: do journal of global antimicrobial resistancecoconut oil for keratin treated hair a. 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