Marcus is studying developments in Chinese dialects over time, and how those dialects have evolved as migration has increased over the last two centuries. This view is based on the __________ on the family as a social institution. Psychologists describe this as "internalized oppression," while sociologist Pierre Bourdieu labels it: 15. 14. ___________ is a process of social selection in which class advantage and social status are linked to the possession of academic qualifications. What made cultural relativism radical at that time? According to sociologist __________, the purpose of government is to socialize people to be good citizens, to regulate the economy so that it operates effectively, and to provide necessary services for citizens. Ficamos muito satisfeitos., A Perfect Design tem um excelente atendimento, os custos e benefcios de seus materiais so perfeitos, j que o preo acessvel. 32. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the term for the process of participant-observation fieldwork in cultural anthropology?, Cultural relativism argues that we should seek to, What does the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis propose? In this context, schools with many lower-class students differ from schools with middle-class students in that the former have curricula that emphasize __________. ___________ are organizations that have legal powers, such as the ability to enter into contracts and buy and sell property, separate from their individual owners. The textbook authors use the example that Latina/o teens are more likely than Anglo teens to "make fun of people who try to do well in school" to illustrate which concept? According to the historian Mae Ngai, laws and policies that made ethnic or racial identity a determining factor in the opportunity to immigrate during the 1920s resulted in: 40. 9. Which of the following is most likely to work as a form of "cultural capital"? Identify an accurate statement about cohabitation. In the United States, the fact that most divorced parents share time and financial responsibilities somewhat equally for their children reflects the practice of? Migration contributes and perpetuates the global flow of culture. Identify the reasons she gives for the collapse of the financial services industry. In a(n) __________ political system, the state seeks to regulate all aspects of people's public and private lives. Laws implemented after the U.S. Civil War to legally enforce segregation, particularly in the South, after the end of slavery. Ella Baker referred to the nitty-gritty, tiresome, and unglamorous labor of chipping away at the white power structure day by day and door to door as what? 3. 37. 33. How would the ability of bipedal males to carry food to a home base have been adaptive for early hominins. 10. 9. 31. Boarding schools that attempted to strip Native Americans of their culture and tradition by requiring them to speak English can be considered an example of what type of infliction brought by colonialism? How do you think people would react? __________ is the knowledge, language, values, customs, and material objects that are passed from person to person and from one generation to the next in a human group or society. Applied anthropology refers to when anthropologists work outside of academia to address current world problems. What were the findings of audit studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development about racial discrimination in housing? Identify the statement that best describes anthropology. sororal polygyny. These examples illustrate which concept in linguistic anthropology? A national homebuilder developing a new home community needs to hire framers, plumbers, painters, electricians, and other construction workers. ________ is a family composed of one or two parents and their dependent children, all of whom live apart from other relatives. According to the doctors at the AAFH, the average labor last approximately __________ hours, but fistula patients often experience prolonged labor of up to 10 days. Anthropologists continued this tradition with formalized approaches to data collection and analysis. 28. In the 1980s and 1990s, global institutions promoted structural adjustment loans as key to stabilizing local economies. Why are these women stigmatized? In the field of anthropology, what statement best describes the relative positions of male and female professors? Anthropologists have uncovered evidence of vast trade networks throughout the entire continent of North America that long predate the arrival of Europeans. The region of the world with the earliest evidence for the transition to food production occurs in. - undertaking fieldwork in multiple locations. The first wave of Japanese immigrants settled in California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii in the late __________ century. Religions that worship a single supreme God are called __________, while those that worship multiple gods are called __________. What is one thing that Bobby should know to reassess his assumption? How did the United States acquire the land that today is New Mexico, California, Utah, Nevada, parts of Arizona, and disputed areas of Texas? 17. When an individual acts on personal prejudiced beliefs and discriminates against someone based on imagined differences between them, this is referred to as what kind of racism? 18. A(n) __________ refers to a family composed of one or two parents and their dependent children, all of whom live apart from other relatives. This important feature is. What do you think is the most significant latent function schools perform? 2. Italian political philosopher Antonio Gramsci described two aspects of power: material power and hegemony. - culture and belief systems drive contemporary human behavior. People who subscribe to this belief may use their culture as a basis to evaluate and judge the cultural ideas and practices of others. Approximately how many years ago did modern Homo sapiens appear in Africa? WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In one of the first social psychological experiments ever conducted, researcher Norman Triplett examined the records of teams of cyclists. Identify whether or not these reasons are why it is impossible to distinguish clear genetic boundaries between one human population and another. What percentage of the U.S. voting-age population participates in government beyond simply voting? Imagine you are getting ready to conduct an ethnography on the family and marriage history of royalty in the United Kingdom. 29. Sociologist __________ used the term power elite to refer to the most powerful in society, including those at the top of business, the executive branch of the federal government, and the military. It also has deeper meaning, subject to interpretation. From 1600 to 1900, approximately what percentage of America's indigenous peoples died as a direct result of European colonization? Identify the major ways in which white privilege was subsequently invented and reinforced in Virginia in the 1700s. 1. Which of the following is a true statement about cohabitation? Which term refers to laws implemented after the U.S. Civil War to legally enforce segregation, particularly in the South after the end of slavery? 1. According to historians such as George Sanchez and __________, Mexican-American teenagers in the 1940's were distancing themselves from their traditional, conservative culture and embracing all things jazz oriented. While the Second Amendment to the Constitution is often considered the origin of this ideal, it actually was instituted by elites as one of many special "white rights" to ensure cooperation against rebellions. History records that John D. Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil Company, was so rich he would walk down the street and pass out dimes to children. Which term refers to laws implemented after the U.S. Civil War to legally enforce segregation, particularly in the South after the end of slavery? In the late 1960s and 1970s, corporate strategies turned away from Fordism and toward the flexible accumulation model. Identify the tasks most closely associated with the work of primatologists, and those most closely associated with paleoanthropologists. American women are far more likely than American men to distinguish between colors like teal and turquoise, or magenta and purple. What does the concept "homosocial reproduction" mean? What do the authors argue is "natural" (that is, not culturally determined) about the family? ___________ is the systematic study of human society and social interaction. Conflict theorists criticize the practice of tracking because: One of the challenges facing U.S. public schools is competition from charter schools. A common stereotype in the United States suggests that women never seem to stop talking. ___________ is the belief that plants, animals, or other elements of the natural world are endowed with spirits or life forces having an effect on events in society. Which of the following is a true statement about matriarchy? In this scenario, education served the manifest function of __________. In the United States, what do we call this discrepancy between the experiences of the dominant and the minority groups? ________ is a family structure in which authority is held by the eldest male (usually the father). For pastoral groups such as the Dinka and the Nuer, the cow acts as which kind of symbol acronym that refers to the collective economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China, Provide an example from Ken Guest's textbook, Essentials, of a hegemonic norm in the United States. - Whites were counted as whole people in censuses. The story of Shellcracker Haven and how the local white residents were gradually disenfranchised from their lives and work because of their class status is a strong reflection of the tendency to do what? 32. Identify alternative strategies that anthropologists are using to alleviate global poverty. Place each step in the migration process you would undertake in chronological order. The pluralist model is rooted in a __________ which assumes that people share a consensus on central concerns and that the government serves important purposes no other institution can fulfill. 27., Rua Alberto Stenzowski, 62 The U.S. government program that ran from 1942 through 1964 to recruit Mexican nationals and has been referred to as "legalized slavery" was called what? What is the only group in the history of the United States that has experienced ghettoization, as defined by Massey and Denton? ___________ is a household partnerships in which an unmarried couple lives together in a committed, sexually intimate relationship and is granted some of the same rights and benefits as those accorded to married heterosexual couples. Shamus Khan argues that highly privileged students at the nation's most elite private schools benefit most from: 32. 10. __________ is a social institution composed of a unified system of beliefs, symbols, and ritualsbased on some sacred or supernatural realmthat guides human behavior, gives meaning to life, and unites believers into a community. Identify which of the following effects of globalization would be presented as evidence by either critics or proponents of globalization. In what tradition do such programs follow? Identify the situations shaped by racial ideologies. African Americans were 67% of the population, but comprised 93% of all arrests. the exchange of resources, goods, and services among people of relatively equal status, which strengthens human bonds, the use of symbolic markers of value, such as money, to mediate exchanges. Identify the following as examples of individual or institutional racism. Assuming that President Barack Obama would advocate exclusively for the interests of people of color simply because he is a person of color is an example of what? 42. Novo Mundo (page 15), The study of the history of human evolution through the fossil record. A(n) __________ refers to an industry dominated by just a few companies. Curitiba-PR. What does the presence of the McDo rice burger on the McDonald's menu in the Philippines suggest? In traditional Chinese society, which kinds of terms did siblings use to refer to one another? Her family and most people in her village are involved in cultivation and subsist on agriculture. 7. Imagine that you are one of these rural Chinese migrant workers. A person's ___________________ is his or her physical appearance, including skeletal structure, height, hair texture, eye color, and skin tone. 28. ___________ is power legitimized by law or written rules and regulations. This collaboration is an example of what ethnographic technique? Identify which artifacts would be available to archaeologists studying a human settlement from 10,000 years ago. What perspective is the anthropologist using? Anne engages in a __________. Sociologist __________ asserted that moral values are the foundation of a cohesive social order and that schools have the responsibility to teach a commitment to the common morality. 10. What is the name for the system of classification, with no biological basis, that uses certain physical characteristics to divide the human population into supposedly discrete groups? 35. Modern scientists tell us that we share _________ percent of the same genes with other humans and there is much greater genetic variation within traditionally defined racial groups than among them. Identify the conditions that local governments had to comply with in order to receive structural adjustment loans. (page 12), The use of four interrelated disciplines to study humanity: biological anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and cultural anthropology. __________ is an analysis of political systems that views power in political systems as being concentrated in the hands of a small group of elites, and the masses are relatively powerless. 4. We can understand the observable differences in body ratiosheight versus widththat anthropologists have documented as a matter of ________, or the way genes are expressed in an organism's physical form. A(n) __________ is a family structure in which authority is held by the eldest female (usually the mother). Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. People are least likely to accept authority as legitimate when __________. In it, he suggested that appropriate race relations were comparable to the relationship between: 7. (page 11), A primary research strategy in cultural anthropology typically involving living and interacting with a community of people over an extended period to better understand their lives. 20. People from the Middle East have been considered "white" in the United States for some time, but since September 11, anyone with brown skin who seems foreign is now considered "different" and possibly an enemy. A person who claims to have direct communication with the supernatural realm and who can communicate supernatural messages to others is called a, Practices intended to bring supernatural forces under one's personal control are referred to as, In Buddhism, the form of a human's reincarnation depends on, the quality of the karma that a person has developed over their life. Changes in communications technology that have allowed military spouses to switch from mailing letters to their partners in Afghanistan to chatting with them on Skype are an example of what dynamic of globalization? WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Racial categories are ________________ when symbolic groupings, the products of specific historical contexts, are mistakenly considered natural and immutable. Identify a true statement about patrilineal descent. ___________ is the power legitimized on the basis of a leader's exceptional personal qualities or the demonstration of extraordinary insight and accomplishment that inspire loyalty and obedience from followers. What are two reasons that black urban neighborhoods were more decayed than white neighborhoods? Federally mandated affirmative action rules apply only to companies that conduct a fair amount of business with the federal government, which is about what percentage of American firms? The majority of whites are registered members of which political party? What was the unemployment rate for blacks? In the case Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, Abigail Fisher, a white woman, challenged the admissions process at the University of Texas at Austin after being denied admission to the school, claiming the denial was the result of affirmative action. (page 16), The investigation of the human past by means of excavating and analyzing artifacts. A study focusing on the extraction of water from land in Fiji by a North American company that sells the water and gains its profits in the U.S. is best situated primarily within the, What do the chapter authors argue is the distinguishing feature of globalizat, A study focusing on the spread of religious doctrine by missionaries would be interested primarily in the, Globalization within a consumerist economy enables individuals, When a country accepts a loan from the IMF or World Bank, the loan also comes with a number of mandatory conditions that the country must meet. What was the name of the multiracial organization founded on the campuses of the University of California-Berkeley and San Francisco State College, which challenged these campuses' Eurocentric curricula? The world's eight richest men now control as much wealth as the bottom __________ of the entire world's population. (page 45), A conceptual framework positing that each element of society serves a particular function to keep the entire system in equilibrium. Which of the following is NOT one of the primary four fields of anthropology? What is the significance of the fact that the Women's Political Council had first conceived of the Montgomery Bus Boycott and had been planning it for months? 6. Early evidence of the use of agriculture comes from the Fertile Crescent, but also from Pakistan's Indus River Valley, China's Yellow River Valley, Mexico, the American southwest, and the Andes region of South America. What is the necessary starting point for all anthropologists conducting fieldwork? European nations attended and divided the African continent into fifty colonies, Identify the key threats to the future of humanity. The central ingredient in the U.S. governmental bureaucracy is the __________. 8. Well into the mid-twentieth century, white planters gave blacks a small piece of land on which to grow crops and live (often in squalid shacks). After Latin American countries declared independence from Spain, what relationship functioned as the primary political mechanism? Which of the five fallacies or misconceptions about racism best describes this example? - the creation of the category "Middle Eastern" as a race in the United States. Identify which of the following practices have been enforced legally in the United States. Thanks to higher wages, a large number of __________ left their community jobs in favor of work at the internment camps, fueling rumors and resentments towards the Japanese-American prisoners. In economic outcomes state of being diffused or invaded so that they are studying but! 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