Adding more tasks, such as linting the code, running integration test, etc., could be also added easily, but we will create only these ones for keeping the examples as simple as possible. As a quick recap, in the previous post we finished with a monorepo containing two Node.js packages and one E2E testing project. The testing pipeline will be able to run incremental testing or to test all depending on the event that triggered it: So, now that we have the requirements and the design of the workflow, we can create the first pipeline. else code of conduct because it is harassing, offensive or spammy. Create a pnpm-workspace.yaml file in the root folder containing: You can read Pnpm workspace docs for further info about how to include/exclude subfolders. First of all you have to install Pnpm globally in order to use it as Npm client and to run the package.json scripts that we will create in next steps. So, let's add a fake build script to the packages/sum-two/package.json file: You can check that the new script works properly by running: If the command above does not work, try cleaning the nx cache running pnpm nx reset. It is calculating the affected projects and it is creating two matrixes of jobs for the affected projects, one for the unit testing and another one for E2E testing. This is the 1st part of the blog series "Build a scalable front-end with Rush monorepo and React" Part 1: Monorepo setup, import projects with preserving git history, add Prettier; Part 2: Create build tools package with Webpack and react-scripts; Part 3: Add shared ESLint configuration and use it with lint-staged; Part 4: Setup a deployment workflow with Github Actions and Netlify. Let's dig into it! if [[ "${{github.event.pull_request.base.ref}}" != "" ]]; then Modify the targetDependencies property in the nx.json file as in: Now, we are ready to install the dependencies of the new project, reset the nx cache (this is recommended when adding a new project) and run the E2E tests: We can also run the Nx graph command to see how our dependencies graph has changed after adding this new project: You may have noticed that Nx does not recognize the sum-e2e project as of e2e type. In addition to general benefits of knowing these tools and gaining real world experience in a monorepo. For allowing Nx to recognize it, we should add a project.json file to the project defining its type as "application", but this produces Nx not detecting the dependencies automatically in our simple example if we don't add more configuration such as TypeScript aliases. Support Monorepo. Like Yarn, pnpm creates a node_modules in the root of the repo. . The workflow will consist of four basic tasks: Build, unit testing, E2E testing, and deployment. Now we can use the jest executable in the packages/sum-one/package.json file, so let's create one basic test in that package. PNPM is a Fast, disk space efficient package manager. I hope to explain them in coming posts: Note: The examples of this post are available at this Github repository. This is the job that we are going to use to require the status check in order to let all of the other jobs finishing before allowing to merge the pull request. For example, we can run the unit tests of sum-one: Note that we use pnpm nx to run any nx command through our workspace nx installed dependency instead of having it installed globally. For this, we are going to create another workflow file: .github/workflows/deploy.yml. But there are cases when you need a tool, that can help you scale your mono repository from a few projects to hundreds and thousandsand still be easy to use. Start by creating a new directory, and running npm init. Originally published at monorepolerna,yarnpnpm,pnpmyarnpnpmmonorepo pnpm-workspace.yaml / packages : # packages/ package - 'packages/**' # test package - '! You can examine packages by using the pnpm view command, same as npm. At this point, we have a workflow that is able to detect which tasks should we execute depending on the affected projects. Now every time we open a PR or push to main or release branches the workflow will be executed. Note that the dependencies of all packages in the repository are installed when pnpm i is executed in the root folder. an iOS client and a web-application) These projects are most likely unrelated, loosely connected or can be connected by other means (e.g via dependency management tools) The repository is large in many ways: - Number of commits - Number of branches and/or . With pnpm, the dependency will be stored in a content-addressable store, so: However, it will be broken for consumers that pull it from a registry, since the dependency list is now incomplete so they have no way to download the new dependency. The two dashes ( --) after the main command allow upcoming arguments to be passed to command being executed rather than to Lerna. We will name it sum-one. Are you sure you want to hide this comment? react-hooks 181 Questions Negative or Positive Number to 32 Bit Binary Data in JS. **/test/**' packageshttp,utils,web,server Short story: you can use Nx easily together with your current Lerna/Yarn/PNPM/NPM monorepo setup. I've also provided a repository on GitHub with some sample code from the examples. The example is valid if you are going to publish to the NPM registry, otherwise, you should also set up your own registry url in the Pnpm configuration before publishing. ENV NODE_ENV production RUN pnpm build RUN rm -rf node_modules src \ && pnpm -r exec -- rm -rf node_modules # Use base image for correct context, get built files from build stage # Install only production dependencies FROM base AS deploy WORKDIR /usr/app ENV NODE_ENV production COPY --chown=node:node --from=build /usr/app . Different syntax ```jsx packages: "packages/**" 12:48 - How it works in practice. To let pnpm know that it is managing sub-packages, we add a pnpm- workspace.yaml file to our root project: For example: When we want to test all projects, passing as modified the, Get the output, clean the traces from it, and convert it from something like. You can run commands (e.g., build, test, lint) for all the projects you control with a single command-line instruction, or if you prefer, you can even filter a specific project with the flag --scope. TypeScript 73.5%; tip Here is what you can do to flag javierbrea: javierbrea consistently posts content that violates DEV Community 's You can read about how to configure it in the Nx docs. Then select Branches -> Add rule. echo "::set-output name=test-e2e::$(node scripts/print-affected-array.js test:e2e origin/${{needs.branch-info.outputs.base-branch-name}})" Using it, we can compare our repository branch with the desired base branch in order to know which projects have been modified, and then calculate the affected ones, and run any script from all of them. Web developer since 2002, working as a front-end specialist since 2009, and as a front-end architect since 2014. . angular 306 Questions Note that, depending whether the workflow is triggered by a pull request or not, we will get the information using different Github actions variables. Lerna is a high-level monorepo tool that provides abstractions to simultaneously manage a single or multiple apps/packages. But, if Nx is able by itself to calculate the affected projects and run the desired tasks only on them, why do we want to know which are? So when you have a tool like this that gets it out of the way and makes it that easy with just a little config. npm Open up the file and add the following lines to it. In this post, you will see how npm Workspaces work, how to get started, and a comparison with other Workspace implementations. firebase 177 Questions Workspace pnpm has built-in support for monorepositories (AKA multi-package repositories, multi-project repositories, or monolithic repositories). Unfortunately, using NextJS inside a monorepo takes a little bit of setup. Likewise, there is a symlink to is-positive in the node_modules directory of foo. As the front end project is increasing, more and more projects start using monorepo. It can help speed up development for larger projects, makes it easier to share code, and act as a single source of truth. Heres a technique that I, myself, have used in production in a large environment. So, I have omitted that extra configuration in order to keep the examples of this post as simple as possible. Add A Repository Once we have created our monorepo and initialised it with rush, we can create our first project. The first thing that we are going to do in the pipeline is to get the affected projects. Now if you check the directory of bar, youll see a node_modules there as well, with a single symlink called is-negative. There are many methods for installing it, you can check them all in the Pnpm installation docs. Let's add one script to the root package.json file in order to provide an easy alias for doing it: Note that this script has to be executed in a Git repository to be able to compare changes. Well, we need to know the affected projects because we are going to create one different job in the workflow for each different task to be executed in an affected project. Upon completing this course, youll feel that you have the ability/control to do everything you already do in npm daily in pnpm with confidence and ease. Expected behavior: pnpm view eslint-config-berkekaragoz@0.1.8: Actual behavior: pnpm view eslint-config-berkekaragoz@0.1.7: I joined pnpm's Discord server: Nx recommends as best practices to have an app folder and a libs folder for reusable libraries, but in my opinion that structure is more recommendable if you are going to include also front-end projects or other type of not versioned and distributable applications. php 251 Questions To make pnpm install dependencies in this repo, youll need to create a pnpm-workspace.yaml in the root of the repo (it can be empty) and a .npmrc file with the following content: To install all dependencies of all workspace packages with pnpm, you should run pnpm multi install (or just pnpm m i). As seen in the previous post, we are going to use Pnpm mainly to be able to link packages locally using its workspace feature. Unflagging javierbrea will restore default visibility to their posts. Why a Pnpm and Nx monorepo? Updated on May 13 Built on Forem the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse. But there is still something important to do: We should automatically publish the modified packages whenever a release is created. Abonnez-vous Dans ce tutoriel je vous propose de dcouvrir les workspace pnpm et leur utilisation dans le cadre d'une structure monorepo. Related docs: Share Improve this answer Follow answered Oct 7 at 21:15 Zoltan Kochan 3,497 21 33 in npm, you can do this with something like this: 2 1 npm install react --workspace=a 2 I searched the docs and I can't find a way to do this in pnpm. Turborepo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases. . All commands run through root; Use in host, hook up my monorepo to render run commands; Filter and recursive "install:all": "pnpm recursive install", We defined a set of requirements for the workflow. It is called filtering in pnpm docs (see it here). mkdir monorepo-nextjs cd monorepo-nextjs npm init else Thanks for keeping DEV Community safe.
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