Thank you for reading! Find stories, updates and expert opinion. [79], On November 9, 2009, Robertson said that Islam is "a violent political system bent on the overthrow of the governments of the world and world domination". Im so grateful to our wonderful Daddy God for touching you. We serve a living God. I see why you ask us to pray this prayer out loud. I had high blood pressure that the doctors couldnt even figure out why and what was causing it, the doctors wanted to put me in ICU to give me better care for myself and my unborn child. Robertson advocates a conservative Christian ideology and is known for his past activities in Republican party politics.He is associated with the Charismatic Movement within Protestant I ask you Jamie and all the other wonderful prayer partners here to pray and intercede to god on my behalf. Thank you Jamie for sharing this! Robertson was responsive, awake, and moving all of his limbs about eighty minutes after his stroke began. Thank you so much for posting this prayer. My home my family my kids will not be touched or harmed. He is faithful. Thank you SO MUCH for letting me know. I pray that GOD will turn this situation around and reveal Mark/Sandra, and turn thier eyes to the CREATOR. He drinks a lot and when he does he becomes verbally abusive towards me. I received news yesterday from my assistant supervisor that higher ups would be going through my work while I am gone on vacation because it appears that I am not decreasing my work load at a significant pace. He now does physical work and the job of 3 men, for low wages, because the company he works for wont hire anyone to assist him. He has fasted and prayed about it and it only gets worse. I knew at that moment the hand of God was upon me and my situation had been dealt with by the Almighty. Thank you. In Jesus name will my marriage be healed for Gods glory!! Therefore in their land they shall possess double; I will advise of the change in the circumstances within my family and I truly believe that finding your prayer to pray was sent by the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for sharing and guiding me in prayer. Will this help me and my husband with paying off our past due debts, I been out of work for 2 years we are tried of struggling, he is a disable veteran he works, but with my income lost its been hard on our marriage, I prayer that we can be debt free soon, Hi Diana. This man destroyed all of that for me!! I believe this prayer works. Praise the Lord!!!! I want to be like you a prophet. Above all may He make His face shine on you and give you peace. Thank you thank you and I appreciate you for this awesome prayer. This prayer I felt something .The Holy Spirit showed me your prayer . Life has never been this uphill battle to this degree. It has been 4.5 years now with no sign of relief on the horizon. But God through you has shown me what he will do on my behalf. Praise God. Thank you so very much! Miraculous!!! Thank the lord!! Just saying that prayer brought clarity. I am the elder sister of one sister and brother.We undergo series of troubles for past several years-black magic,debts,financial problems,court cases,threat to life,land grabbing,misfortunes etc. I encourage you to speak Gods Word over yourself, Lilieth. Best Please pray with me to bring back my wife and family, we seperated for 15months now and I have no contact with them, l love them so much, there is no-one else involved in. joseph of Cupetino please pray for me to help me pass my oet exam please pray for me .my exam is on 29th ,,,plz come with me and help me during the exam. Im so sorry BUT GOD can still fix thisand He can and will heal and restore your life no matter what. [85][86] Various figures in mainline and evangelical[87] Christianity have on occasion disavowed some of Robertson's remarks. Thank you, Thank you so much fir this prayer. My husband thinks , i left the house at my will but the truth is the in laws threw me out and shut the door. So, we pray for Him to vindicate us and WE walk in total forgiveness and leave the rest to God. I pray He would help you seek Him more than ever before, and sense His love and affection for you, as well as His sweet Holy Spirit with you! It just hurts knowing whats going on and not able to do anything. Only when you fully forgive the other person, and ask God to have mercy on that person, can God help and bring justice because until then, you are caught in the sin of unforgiveness yourself. Please help me pray for him in his terrible job. This is what is needed, this is decreeing the Word into the atmosphereYou truly blessed my soul. The order follows a jurys verdict in November that sided with Planned Parenthood. I also ask the Lord to bless me with a better job than what I had before. Thank you so much for this payer. Gods judgement and punishment for him will be swift. Lord I pray you heal all that are suffering from the unjust!!! Positive, Inspiring, Uplifting Spells That Work, This spell to ace an exam channels focus and concentration into a solar sigil that will be your good luck charm for the test. After listening to the manager rant and rave, even with customers around, he quit, (staying as calm as possible, though he was tempted to say something in anger, thank God, he held his tongue), stopped at HR and told the person in charge of HR why, then went home. To cut the story short, I have forgiven them, but I need a new job and that my gratuity is handed over to me. Philosophy (from Greek: , philosophia, 'love of wisdom') is the systematized study of general and fundamental questions, such as those about existence, reason, knowledge, values, mind, and language. Please continue to keep me and my situation in your prayer as I am desperately seeking Gods will over myself my children our home. This prayer is what I needed to help lift my spirits and reassure me that everything will be ok, with Gods help, in Jesus name. I came upon your prayer on the exact time when I needed it. In its 2021 ranking of "100 Largest Charities,Forbes ranked Operation Blessing/CBN at #44, with an efficiency rating of over 90%.[24]. When I first heard the news, I felt like God had answered my prayer the way I wanted, as opposed to answering it in a less direct, more obscure way, telling me not yet, or saying no, I have something better in mind. Ive spent the day reflecting on this news and for some reason, I now have such mixed feelings about this. Well because the devil is a liar .My God is an awesome God a faithful God and he will take back all that was taken from me and vindicate me in this situation. This prayer is wonderful and as I prayed it this morning I felt calmI am now waiting for my answer and to be able to give testimony and praise to God. Click here to Learn Everything about Candle Magick, Because we are working with the energy of the Sun, its best to cast this spell to pass a test during the day. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Are you going through something unjust right now, and you need a Scriptural prayer for justice? Ronelle, Thank you God for showing me this prayer I am going through a horrible time in my life that involves my kids and their father it seems like it gets worst and worst Im so tired of this pain please bless us and turn our situation around for the sake of my kids in Jesus name amen. We were let down by every system, agency and person who should have prevented any contact and who should have intervened immediately but hasnt. My son Mark Jr is mildly autistic he said while he was living with his dad he was able to hear his dad and new wife speaking of how they can keep me away from all of my children. Anyway, Scripture is full of Gods people praying for reversal of circumstances. [81][88], In March 2015, Robertson compared Buddhism to a disease on The 700 Club. [42], On November 7, 2007, Robertson announced that he was endorsing Rudy Giuliani to be the Republican nominee in the 2008 Presidential election. I have been paying 350,000k since I picked in to the apartment since 2019, but Emmanuel onye went to court and pass fake judgement on me at my back. Amen. That made me smile. I believe and receive my deliverance this year 2019. And I will do that the next time she comes over. Our program is designed for working professionals, and offers flexible options so you can fit your study to your life commitments. Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson (born March 22, 1930)[1] is an American media mogul, religious broadcaster, political commentator, former presidential candidate, and former Southern Baptist minister. In addition, the scriptures protect them from losing faith as they sit for exams. To all those who see this, he will never let you down! At His very core it is who He is. Im on my phone. Direct applications are due on 12 February 2023 Anliu g many others. Forever and ever amen. I just want to say i have been going thru the roughest time and situation in my entire life and ive fallen to my knees crying out to god for strength and help and even told him idk how to pray the right things at this time in this situation and with being so stressed, hurt, emotional and lost and right afterwards the holy spirit showed me this prayer, at exactly the right moment and time in my life. He claimed it was a gold shirt .investment to grow my funds to help me pay my mortgage to save my house!!! Thank you St Joseph for praying for my son and helping him get through nursing school! In addition, the scriptures protect them from losing faith as they sit for exams. I know You have a good plan for my life, and You have promised that all things will work together for my good because I love You and am called according to Your purpose. Hang in there. "Sinc [2], Spanning over five decades, Robertson is the founder of major organizations including The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Regent University, Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation, the International Family Entertainment Inc. (ABC Family Channel/Freeform), the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ), the Founders Inn and Conference Center, and the Christian Coalition.[1][3]. [29] On February 4, 2010, at his war crimes trial in the Hague, Taylor testified that Robertson was his main political ally in the U.S., while Robertson has denied ever meeting or speaking to Charles Taylor. What an absolutely perfect way to begin my day! Hr hascfear of his mom, and I know thecLird will move. Thank you for being obedient to God in your writing. I know I have the skills and knowledge but find it difficult to get my answers across. READ ALSO: 100 best prayer messages and blessings to encourage someone. I will continue to pray this and believe over my situation. This stagnant position has been living with us for past 3years. I pray He would get you justice quickly! His name is all you need! St. Joseph help my son Michael pass his nurse practitioner boards. I found this Prayer because I needed God. I knew my brother was too proud too pick up the phone and call even though he was in the wrong so in my desperation for family peace I cried this prayer late at night and truly the situation was resolved in the morning and they both spoke . Am praying for you too. 1) Back in October I prayed this over a chaotic situation, and the next day, peace came. Have a blessed day and thank you! Im keeping it for as long as I can. He will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever. The child that is terminally ill, his mother ran with him for 13 years, Ive seen him 6 times in his life. Thank you for this prayer. God bless you. Hugs! Thank you for taking the time to hear my prayers eternally grateful amen. Thank you again <3 God bless you. "If you want to reduce your test anxiety, one of the best things to do right before your test is spend 5 to 10 minutes writing down your worries about the test," says Ive been blessed with three kids of my own. I found your prayer in this last week that I will be here in this country, Jamie. Please, please, please. Hallelujah! I pray that God will grant me a good job as I have nothing left and am struggling to make ends meet. Should Catholics Celebrate Halloween? Thank you I needed this I have a lot of problems financial Debts but Iam blessed cause I have ,A Home ,Food on my table ,good health ,aWonderfull Family ,A Good Job and most of all My God. Amen! Robertson is also founder and president of the American Center for Law & Justice, a major public interest law firm headquartered in Washington, D.C. and associated with Regent University School of Law in Virginia Beach, Virginia, that defends Constitutional freedoms and conservative Christian ideals. If you would like to use the sample prayer for forgiving someone that I use, I wrote about that here: (the backstory), and the sample prayer is here: Such questions are often posed as problems to be studied or resolved. Thank you God, thank you Jamie. So i am trying to return to him soon. I cant wait to hear about them, Theresa! The judge will rule in my favor and protect my children!!!!! I have a 4 year old and my husband is a teacher.he runs a tuition center. Thank you St Joseph for getting him through it!! [1] He joined Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. God bless you and prosper you in all your ways! Hi my name is Carolyn roper I need prayer for my son he is going to criminal court in September because he caught his wife cheating on him with his best friend and he hit the guy now they are trying to but him in jail are prison for it and his wife lies so much they are trying to destroy my son please pray for me and my son that God will not let this happen I need all the prayers I can get I think u all in Jesus Name Amen my son name is Ronald roper the second. Lweendo. I needed it and it spoke to everything Ive been praying about and dealing with. Please help me pray as you did with the 2 families in crucial situation, no body is closer to us except the King of Judah, friends are nowhere to be seen, parents are even rediculing us, what shall we do!! O St. Joseph of Cupertino who by your prayer obtained from God to be asked at your examination, the only preposition you knew. Below are lists of the top 10 contributors to committees that have raised at least $1,000,000 and are primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or a candidate for state office in the November 2022 general election. Three million responded, and by the time Robertson announced he would be running in September 1987, he also had raised millions of dollars for his campaign fund. Please intercede for him in his workplace. While praying this prayer today, prayer to reverse unjust situations, I fell the Holy Spirit helping me from the injustices of the evil. My Good Lord Jesus answer your prayers, and the court be Gods Court of the highest. I know he will walk before me and make all the crooked places straight as well all the rough places smooth:) I know I will get victory. Its 6 am and I have not slept due to a small incident out of many that have continued due to situation I am in. Please pray with me that this matter will be heard and the outcome will be in my favour. In this decision, the court ruled in favor of a lawsuit from two trade groups seeking to overturn the CFPBs 2017 payday lending rule. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Thank you responding May God continue to bless you abundantly. All rights reserved. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; My God, You are my Vindicator and Judge. Thank you. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Thank you and God bless. It was really making me start to doubt if there was a God at all. Am grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this community. Amen. They are constantly brain wishing and manipulating her. My children disclosed the abuse to more than fifteen mandated reporters, telling their therapists and school counselors their biggest fear was being taken by him (hed done just that years earlier prompting our move) and cried right before and after their forced reunification sessions that failed and prayed for him to be out of their waking up each morning knowing theyre with him.causes such pain, and guilt for not being able to protect them that I cry through my prayers. Im praying for you. -Philippians 2:13, So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I felt the presence of the spirit, the powerful message being heard aside read it! I love her more than anything in my Life, and I know we are meant to be together forever. Stay strong. Jamie, hi I stumbled upon your prayer, what actually I dont know someones the right word because I needed to hear this and I can say was much more confident that I believe that God let me to see your prayer. His name is Ati. My husband has been cheating since that time but I cannot give him up because we had a daughter. Theres a final court hearing on June 16 please stand and pray with me that Ill get my stun back. Much love in Christ, and big hugs to you today. I am currently in a situation that only God can resolve it for me because He is able and there is nothing too hard for Him. Even if you dont know who it was? I am a child of the KING. Thank you so much for this prayer. Thank you for reading my blog! He will deliver me and honor me. Hello Jamie, Ive never found so much powerful encouragement and instruction. So many lives before have adversely impacted by these two men who act as if they are invincible. Thank you and God bless you! Praise God! When a house is divided it will not stand-please pray for a strong home foundation that is built upon the Lord first. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Victoria University acknowledges, recognises and respects the Ancestors, Elders and families of the Bunurong/Boonwurrung, Wadawurrung and Wurundjeri/Woiwurrung of the Kulin who are the traditional owners of University land in Victoria, and the Gadigal and Guring-gai of the Eora Nation who are the traditional owners of University land in Sydney. In the last 7 years, I have dealt with minor yet long standing injury situations, all from the incompetence and arrogance of doctors. The thing is my former boss was exited through this schemes of hatred and i believe they have plans to eliminate the whole lineage from the organisation. Jamie this prayer is powerful powerful prayer and it help me i went to court on Monday they have set the court date to May 1and lm hoping u will continue to pray with me for the next forty six days just want to confess that i did have these drugs in the car with me at the time and this have been three years ago ,but with all that being said i have live a really bad street life for thirty something r maybe even more but since then i really really i have gave my life to Christ in big way and have become a Sunday School Teacher and have changed my life for Christ.I love this prayer and really would like to hear from with some encouragement before this court date on May 1 2017 Thank You so much and Im looking forward to hear from u God Bless you. Because we had a child of the document Evangelicals and Catholics together Sept,! Course online and minister, Robertson attended the McCallie school in Chattanooga, Tennessee, he! 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