the arms or p.t. an instrument for examining x 5. xoclast/ic p.t. ISBN: 978-1-988941-43-1 Printed in Canada. . purinolytic_____________________________________________________________________ 158 Chapter 12: Substances (et cetera) 32a. Remember that each word must be carefully divided up before you translate it, and that your translation needs a reality check before you commit to it. .147 i. Confusable Combining Forms 5 147 ii. The head-bone joints called sutures are named this way because they look a little like (uneven) stitches holding the various bones together. blephar/o/py/o/rrhe/a the flowing of 18c. For example, while x-o-pex-y (65) is the usual form, x-o-pex-is does occur. the arm and p.t. endo/crin/o/trop/ic preferentially varix affecting secretion 22a. Chapters 7 and 8 each contain a few easily confusable combining forms. . pyogenic peptonuria_____________________________________________________________ 50b. serositides______________________________________________________________________ 18a. epiglottic ________________________________________________________________________ 8b. inguinoscrotal__________________________________________________________________ 21b. 12. brachi-al p.t. dermitis) 11. derm-otic p.t. If temporalodynia is pain in something p.t. 9. plasmat-emia not the abnormal presence of blood in plasma (because plasma is a component of blood) the abnormal presence of plasma in the blood 10. thrombocyt-hem-ic p.t. elastic tissue and fiber 7a. The first advantage that Latin offers for the naming of body parts is that Latin has no articles (a, the, an). or formed by the pulpal and distal walls of a tooth cavity 7.7 1. arteri/a thorac/o/acr/om/i/al/is an artery p.t. myelotoxicity___________________________________________________________________ 28a. acid/ul/ous p.t. A small sample of blood on a microscope slide. thi/o/iod/o/therap/y treatment by means of iodine and sulfur 65b. pharyngismus___________________________________________________________________ Exercises for Chapter 6 79 6b. ADJECTIVES MADE FROM TERMINATIONS: PERTAINING TO WHAT EXACTLY? diaphragmata___________________________________________________________________ 17a. 11. . . rhin/o/necr/os/is the death of something involving the nose Answer Keys: 6.6 205 1c. Note that phrases of all four types can theoretically be as long as anyone wants to make them. Close suggestions Search Search. the nerves, p.t. pen/i/schis/is the splitting of the penis of secretions from the testes 31b. . penoscrotal_____________________________________________________________________ 32a. THE MAJOR MEMBERS OF THE INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGE FAMILY Indo-European "Satem" Group Armenian IndoIranian Albanian "Centum" Group BaltoSlavonic Hitite Italic Celtic Sanskrit Prakrit Greek Ancient Greek Iranian Latin Baltic Armenian Hindi Urdu Bihari Bengali Marathi Punjabi Romany Germanic Slavonic Persian Albanian Lettish Czech Afgan Lithuanian Slovene Russian Ukrainian Serbian Polish Bulgarian French Spanish Italian Portugese Romanian Walloon Gaelic Welsh Manx German Danish Greek Dutch Swedish English Icelandic Flemish Norwegian Yiddish Appendix 1: Historical Linguistics 259 ENGLISH AND SOME OF ITS CLOSE RELATIVES All dates given here are very approximate. enter/o/stom/al p.t. alkal/ot/ic p.t. pseudo-osteomalacia____________________________________________________________ 146 Chapter 11: Psychology 18a. . . the shoulders e. treatment by means of the movement of the bones of the shoulders 33. hypnotopharmacist a. one who studies drugs, involving an abnormal condition involving sleep b. one who specializes in the science of drugs, involving an abnormal condition involving sleep c. one who studies drugs, involving the ear and sleep d. one who specializes in the science of drugs, involving an abnormal condition involving something p.t. . men/o/trop/in/s substances which preferentially affect menstruation 35c. -ism/us: L E ten/ant +ten/ure +tender, etc. 1. abdominocentesis________________________________________________________________ 2. laparotomy______________________________________________________________________ 3. visceral__________________________________________________________________________ 4. stomachodynia___________________________________________________________________ 5. epiplectomic_____________________________________________________________________ 6. cecenchysis______________________________________________________________________ 7. rectorrheic_______________________________________________________________________ 8. sialostasis________________________________________________________________________ 9. choliferous_______________________________________________________________________ 10. coprorrhagic____________________________________________________________________ 9.2 FILL-IN-THE-BLANK Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms. the measurement of the cornea in front of something d. before something p.t. hepat/o/chol/angi/o/enter/o/stom/y the making of an opening (or an opening made) between the intestine and the hepatic duct 15b. arteri/a ili/ac/a an artery p.t. . If neurasthenia is the lack of strength of nerves, then the lack of strength of the stirrup is _______________________________________________ 10. eye cow anatomy eyes dissection human diagram disection cows tapetum lucidum enucleation animal science ihmc emaze. gingivolinguoaxial_______________________________________________________________ 37b. Another large group of nouns denote tangible, physical objects, many of which are not naturally found in the body. or formed 29c. . cysticolithotripsy________________________________________________________________ 15d. bone(s) The trouble with the phrase knee bones in fact is that it is far too inclusive: your knee bones would include any (or all) of the following. For diaphragma (16 above), see the Notes in Chapter 4. cereb/ell/ar p.t. stomatitides_____________________________________________________________________ 6c. . . ligament/um tempor/o/mand/i/bul/ar/e the ligament p.t. Latin has dropped out of the curriculum, almost silently; where a clamor has arisen, the vital problem of disjunction between abstract and concrete vocabulary has not formed a large part of the protest. 1. dermia ____________________________________________________________ 2. dermosis__________________________________________________________ 3. dermotic__________________________________________________________ 4. dermopenia_______________________________________________________ 5. dermopenic_______________________________________________________ 6. dermonecrosis_____________________________________________________ 7. dermonecrotic_____________________________________________________ 48 Chapter 2: General Anatomy ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS 1. derm-ia an abnormal condition involving skin 2. derm-os-is an abnormal condition involving skin 3. derm-ot-ic p.t. . . the hardening of something involving the ear (p.t. vertebr-a cervic-al-is (Latin) = a cervic-al vertebra (Medical English) = a vertebra p.t. If pleurostomy is the making of an opening in the pleura, then the making of an opening in the neck is ___________________________________________ 7. ideophrenia_____________________________________________________________________ 4a. . But words do have power, and always have had. . . . . ven/a lien/al/is a vein p.t. temporofacial____________________________________________________________________ 5b. . chondr/o/dys/troph/y the defective growth of cartilage 30b. The concept of levels of meaning can be useful here, as you work through intermediary translations to get the fullest, best (and correct) answer. mucocele_______________________________________________________________________ 14b. lymph/o/stas/is the stopping of something involving lymph 23a. aortosclerosis____________________________________________________________________ 10a. 5. derm-otome an instrument for cutting the skin 6. derm-al-otome (an instrument for cutting something dermal) an instrument for cutting something p.t. . the humerus, shoulder blade and face 4. acr/o/oste/o/lys/is the disintegration of the bones of the extremities 2. steth/o/my/os/it/is the inflammation of the muscles of the chest 3.8 1. mus/cul/us brachi/o/radi/al/is (the brachioradial muscle) the muscle p.t. ligamentum temporomandibulare_________________________________________________ 6a. The following list gives most of the common forms. lumb/o/col/o/stom/y the making of an opening (or an opening made) in the colon, through the loins 1b. the calcaneus 3. musculus sternothyroideus = the muscle p.t. otoblennorrhea_________________________________________________________________ 17a. . hygr/em/o/metr/y the measurement of the abnormal presence of moisture in the blood 1c. mesi/o/occlus/o/dist/al p.t. laryngoptosis____________________________________________________________________ 10a. 1. maxillorrhaphic___________________________________________________ 2. suturae maxilloethmoidales________________________________________ 3. cephalorrhaphalgia________________________________________________ 4. suturae craniales___________________________________________________ ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS 1. maxill-orrhaph-ic p.t. . 1. ligamenta intercarpalia____________________________________________________________ 2. arteria supraduodenalis____________________________________________________________ 3. vena prepylorica__________________________________________________________________ 4. musculi suboccipitales_____________________________________________________________ 5. sutura intermaxillaris______________________________________________________________ Exercises for Chapter 13 169 6. os epitympanicum_________________________________________________________________ 7. membrana suprapleuralis__________________________________________________________ 8. venae paraumbilicales_____________________________________________________________ 9. arteriae retroduodenales___________________________________________________________ 10. vasa intrapulmonaria_____________________________________________________________ 11. ganglion sublinguale_____________________________________________________________ 13.5 LATIN PHRASES NAMING MEDICAL PROBLEMS Divide and define the following Latin phrases. hypostomia______________________________________________________________________ 4b. urethr/it/is cyst/ic/a the inflammation of the urethra, p.t. . Similarly, a contemporary German speaker would find no disjunction between the abstract verb begreifen (to comprehend or to understand) and cognate concrete words like greifen (to grab or to grasp) and Griff (handle; thing grasped). neuter feminine neuter masculine neuter masc./fem. or formed by the buccal and mesial walls of a tooth cavity COMMON SENSE The termination x-it-is (1.14) is occasionally found in the plural. . . If tympanopathic is p.t. the xiphoid process, involving the sternum 2. humer-al-o-corac-oid p.t. . . . odont/alg/ic p.t. COMMON SENSE Where x-oid appears in terms such as hyoid bone, thyroid gland and mastoid process, and where z is any other base, the form z-o-x-oid means pertaining to x and z, and not resembling x and z. See also the Note on Latin Phrases below. . the rupturing of the spinal cord 45. metrosalpingotic a. p.t. If ulotomic is p.t. angi/ec/top/ia the displacement of a instrument for examining and measuring vessel the pulse 14c. . a deficiency of bone 5b. the inflammation of the 38a. Context within the word will usually show whether the substance or the body part is meant. . prevesical______________________________________________________________________ 18c. the surgical puncturing of the vertebra is vertebrocentetic or spondylocentetic. the lack of strength of a muscle 34b. crani/o/clast something that breaks the 8b. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher. x-ist (Plan A) one who (does the action of) x (Plan B) one who specializes in x Plan A requires you to interpret the phrase does the action of by examining what precedes it. . membrana synovialis_____________________________________________________________ 8a. or formed by the buccal and distal by the axial, lingual and cervical walls of a walls of a tooth cavity tooth cavity 36a. 1. paraphlebic______________________________________________________________________ 2. epigalactotic_____________________________________________________________________ 3. suprapyloric_____________________________________________________________________ 4. hypomembranoplasty_____________________________________________________________ 5. extracytonecrosis_________________________________________________________________ 6. encraniopathy____________________________________________________________________ 7. prepseudoepileptic_______________________________________________________________ 8. retrosternal______________________________________________________________________ 9. protrichophagic__________________________________________________________________ 10. interrenal_______________________________________________________________________ 13.2 FILL-IN-THE-BLANK Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms. cytophagy) Chapter 3: Musculoskeletal System 67 In these cases, neither of the two translations for each adjective is inherently better than the other. the defective formation of something involving the cutting out of something pertaining to the skull 6. patell-o-chondr-ostot-ic p.t. If myelapheresis is the removal of bone marrow, then the removal of hemoglobin is hemoglobinapheresis. x-algia (26) and x-odynia (27) will regularly mean pain in x; where x is by nature incapable of feeling pain, however, they will mean pain involving x. x-o-lith (40) is similarly analyzed. Combining Forms (1-51) . fat condition involving a tumor involving fat, p.t. If glutitis is the inflammation of the buttocks, then the inflammation of the eyelid is blepharitis. membran/a oss/e/a a membrane p.t. . mesio-occlusodistal_____________________________________________________________ 31a. If glutitis is the inflammation of the buttocks, then the inflammation of the eyelid is ________________________________________________ 15. sebotropic______________________________________________________________________ 23a. For salpinx (38 above), see the Note on coccyx in Chapter 3. . . a cell which ingests something p.t. . adenomalacia___________________________________________________________________ 29d. axiocervical_____________________________________________________________________ 28d. mesiogingival___________________________________________________________________ 30c. a lung 79. retrokeratodysplasia a. something after the defective formation of the pupil b. something after the defective formation of the cornea c. an abnormal condition involving the defective formation of something behind the cornea d. the defective formation of something behind the cornea e. the defective formation of something behind the pupil 2018 Multiple Choice 255 80. postcholedochectopic a. p.t. . . . mel/agr/a gouty pain in a limb 4a. . . The Need for Medical Terminology Textbooks ii. . cytokalipenia___________________________________________________________________ 67a. pleur/o/peri/card/it/is the inflammation of the pericardium and pleura 19a. Most Masculine and Feminine singulars not covered by the rules above form plurals by adding -es (24 above) to the (long) combining form. tarsophalangeal_________________________________________________________________ 36b. Or explosions] 1 blurg-ize 2-9 blurg-al, blurg-ic, blurg-ous, blurg-ar, blurg-ary, blurg-an, blurg-ine, blurg-ac 10 blurg-oid 11 blurg-ia 12 blurg-ist 13 blurg-in 14 blurg-itis 15 blurg-o-rrhexis 16 blurg-o-schisis 16 & 17 blurg-o-schist-iasis 18 blurg-o-clast-ic 19 blurg-osis 20 blurg-o-pathy 21 blurg-o-megaly 22 blurg-o-phagy 22 & 12 blurg-o-phag-ist 23 blurg-o-genesis Exercises for Chapter 1 17 24 blurg-o-poiesis 25 blurg-o-kinesis 25 & 10 blurg-o-kinet-oid 23 & 25 blurg-o-kinet-o-genesis 26-27 blurg-algia, blurg-odynia Review blurg-ary blurg-an-oid blurg-al-iz-in blurg-ic-oid-ous 28 & 12 blurg-ist-o-plegia 29 blurg-o-penia 30 blurg-al-o-rrhagia 31 blurg-ic-o-malacia 32 blurg-os-o-necrosis 33 blurg-ar-o-stenosis 34 blurg-an-o-sclerosis 35 blurg-ac-optot-ic 36 etc.
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