The annual percentage change in GDP per capita was -1.4 in 2016, 0.8 in 2017, 0.6 in 2018 and -0.1 percent in 2019.319. )expenditures: 64.7 billion (2017 est. Over the past several decades, food systems have delivered a wide variety of foods needed to feed a fast-growing and more urbanized world population. The mechanism involving 18 thematic working groups covering a wide range of public sector institutions, civil society and UN agencies concerning health, food and the environment. 14 Oxfam. (also available at 243 Herrero, M., Thornton, P.K., Mason-DCroz, D., Palmer, J., Bodirsky, B.L., Pradhan, P., Barrett, C.B., Benton, T.G., Hall, A., Pikaar, I., Bogard, J.R., Bonnett, G.D., Bryan, B.A., Campbell, B.M., Christensen, S., Clark, M., Fanzo, J., Godde, C.M., Jarvis, A., Loboguerrero, A.M., Mathys, A., McIntyre, C.L., Naylor, R.L., Nelson, R., Obersteiner, M., Parodi, A., Popp, A., Ricketts, K., Smith, P., Valin, H., Vermeulen, S.J., Vervoort, J., van Wijk, M., van Zanten, H.H., West, P.C., Wood, S.A. & Rockstrm, J. Modelling methods were applied to the accepted (and for household survey data, accepted and adjusted) country data to generate annual country estimates from 2000 to 2015, with methods varying by availability and type of input data as follows: b-spline: data for countries with 8 data points from higher coverage administrative sources 1 point prior to 2005 and 1 point more recent than 2010 are smoothed with b-spline regression to generate annual low birthweight estimates. Naiken, L. 2002. Evidence is still scarce on the actual effects of the pandemic on various forms of malnutrition, including on the prevalence of child stunting, wasting, overweight; adult obesity; anaemia in women of reproductive age; low birthweight; and exclusive breastfeeding. (also available at )forest: 31.4% (2018 est. If we are to end hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms, food systems need to be transformed and inequality reduced in order to strengthen resilience to the negative effects of these drivers. In this period, for all three regions analysed (Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean), around 36 percent of low- and middle-income countries were affected by multiple drivers, of which 15 are in Africa, 15 in Asia and 4 in Latin America and the Caribbean. It has been shown that the majority of children who are hungry and stunted live in countries affected by a combination of these drivers. Rome. penetration by multinational corporations is considerable. Prior to the pandemic, progress was already stalled towards meeting SDG Targets 2.1 and 2.2: ending hunger and ensuring access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food for all people all year round; and eradicating all forms of malnutrition. The estimates of the prevalence of food insecurity at severe levels only provide a supplementary lens for monitoring hunger to complement the PoU. 41 of 1992. Another way to explore the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on food security is to examine the effects on specific drivers of food insecurity, such as loss of income. See the 2020 edition of this report for a full discussion and analysis.7. Human energy requirements: report of a joint FAO/WHO/UNU expert consultation, Rome, Italy, 17-24 October 2001. In Asia, the PoU in 2020 ranges from below 2.5 percent in Eastern Asia to a high of 15.8 percent in Southern Asia, which also has the highest number of undernourished people nearly 306 million. In addition to the standard eight questions, the extended module included follow-up questions to determine whether the respondent attributed the reported food insecurity experience mainly to the COVID-19 crisis. For child stunting, the model predicts that 3.4 million additional children will be stunted due to the effects of the pandemic in 2022. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. )arable land: 1.8% (2018 est. Just as the vulnerabilities of food systems have been laid bare by the pandemic, so have many of the actions needed to strengthen their resilience to the various drivers that have been undermining progress. These two additional dimensions of food security are reinforced in conceptual and legal understandings of the right to food, and are currently referred to and defined as follows: Agency refers to the capacity of individuals or groups to make their own decisions about what foods they eat; what foods they produce; how that food is produced, processed and distributed within food systems; and their ability to engage in processes that shape food system policies and governance.58, Sustainability refers to the long-term ability of food systems to provide food security and nutrition in a way that does not compromise the economic, social and environmental bases that generate food security and nutrition for future generations.58. These efforts helped to spur growth, attract investment, and reduce Hungarys debt burden and fiscal deficits. Elsewhere in the supply chain, the nutritional quality of food products and beverages can be improved by post-harvest fortification of staple foods in line with international guidelines.143,144,145,146 Food manufacturers and retailers can also reformulate their products to eliminate industrially produced trans-fatty acids and reduce levels of saturated fat, sugars and/or salt (see also pathway 6). is one of the key questions posed in this years report. & Sulaiman, M. 2018. However, telephone surveys during 2020 showed disruptions in essential nutrition interventions and negative impacts on dietary patterns. The overall effect of these standards has been to reduce the availability of turkey tails in the Ghanaian food supply for over 20 years. Their adverse influence is made all the more difficult by high and persistent levels of inequality. Rome, IFAD. Por la cual se establece la reglamentacin de la actividad pesquera en los Lagos de Tarapoto, Departamento de Amazonas. A total of 54 countries in the current country database were reported as having no estimate. As highlighted under several of the pathways reviewed in this report, territorial approaches can facilitate comprehensive and systemic approaches towards the transformation of food systems. through rotations that diminish the need for chemical fertilizers while promoting soil health and carbon absorption). When making projections to 2030, it is important to consider the cumulative and chronic nature of childhood stunting, as once a child is stunted, he or she will most likely remain stunted in subsequent years. Resilience is the ability of individuals, households, communities, cities, institutions, systems and societies to prevent, resist, absorb, adapt, respond and recover positively, efficiently and effectively when faced with a wide range of risks, while maintaining an acceptable level of functioning and without compromising long-term prospects for sustainable development, peace and security, human rights and well-being for all.317. The total CV is then obtained as the geometric mean of the CV|y and the CV|r: Challenges and limitations: While formally the state of being undernourished or not is a condition that applies to individuals, given the data usually available on a large scale, it is impossible to reliably identify which individuals in a certain group are actually undernourished. Numbers remain stable in Latin America and the Caribbean, and marginal in other regions. Urban agriculture is likely to deliver positive impacts on both dietary diversity and household incomes.157 In Brazil, a longstanding project has been creating urban gardens in informal settlements and schools in Rio de Janeiro. Nevertheless, this represents 30 million more people than projected for 2030 had the pandemic not occurred, revealing lasting effects of the pandemic on global food security. SDG Indicator 2.1.2 the prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the population, based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) has been specifically chosen to monitor progress towards ensuring access to adequate food for all. [Cited 21 June 2021]. In this report, affordability was updated for year 2019. Methodology to update costs and affordability of healthy diets in the gap years of the International Comparison Program, 9 April. Of these, 8 lower-middle-income countries had a 1.9 percentage point increase, and 8 upper-middle-income countries had a 1.4 percentage point increase. More than 1.5 million people in Somalia still facing acute food security crisis or worse outcomes. In the immediate term, these must include social protection mechanisms and primary healthcare services. The results of our simulation, which uses McKinseys Global Growth Model and calibrates its findings with external research, suggest that more or less engagement between China and the world in these five areas could potentially drive economic value for the world of $22 trillion to $37 trillion by 2040equivalent to 15 to 26 percent of GDP. Stability If the dimensions of availability, access and utilization are sufficiently met, stability is the condition in which the whole system is stable, thus ensuring that households are food secure at all times. On the other hand, African was one of the regions with the smallest increases in the cost of a healthy diet but where the highest increase was observed in the number of people unable to afford one, pointing to the role of declining incomes. A healthy diet is considered unaffordable when its cost exceeds 63 percent of the income in a country. However, seven of these countries not only experienced an increase in PoU in correspondence with one driver in a given year, but also experienced increases in other years in correspondence with a combination of drivers. Methodology: The preferable source of data is population-based surveys. 2020. These were then used to predict country-specific changes in the prevalence of wasting based on observed historical associations. Special Act on Safety Control of Childrens Dietary Life. & Kelly, S. 2021. The JME estimates on child stunting, wasting and overweight are therefore based almost entirely on data collected before 2020 and do not take into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In: AMS [online]. In Kenya, an innovative Water Fund supports farmers in the Upper Tana River Basin in adopting sustainable land and water management practices. As virtually no national HCES were collected in 2020, there will never be an empirical basis to determine how to properly modify it. Of the 2.37 billion people facing moderate or severe food insecurity, half (1.2 billion) are found in Asia, one-third (799 million) in Africa, and 11 percent (267 million) in Latin America and the Caribbean. (also available at Report of the open-ended intergovernmental expert working group on indicators and terminology relating to disaster risk reduction. However, Chinas journey to global prominence has been uneven. It covered Brazil, China, Germany, Italy, the While the global prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity (measured using the Food Insecurity Experience Scale) has been slowly on the rise since 2014, the estimated increase in 2020 was equal to that of the previous five years combined. In: WHO [online]. 182 FAO. Valuable comments and final approval of the report were provided by the executive heads and senior staff of the five co-authoring agencies. )from consumed natural gas: 19.52 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 est. In Ecuador, linkages between some areas of the city of Quito with a high prevalence of COVID-19 cases and farmers from the surrounding province have been strengthened through neighbourhood cultural societies that have established a marketing and distribution network, receiving food baskets from farmers and then distributing them to buyers directly at their homes. More than half of the low- and middle-income countries experienced an increase in the PoU in correspondence with one or more drivers (conflict, climate extremes and economic downturns) between 2010 and 2018. Although it is difficult to establish a direct causal relationship considering there is limited year-on-year variation in estimated PoU values,ag it is possible to examine whether increasing change points in the PoU time series correspond to the occurrence of the drivers. For example, as highlighted in the 2017 edition of this report, conflict can wreak havoc on economic production and growth, causing deep economic recessions. )1.3% of GDP (2021)1.5% of GDP (2020)1.4% of GDP (2019) (approximately $3.1 billion)1.2% of GDP (2018) (approximately $2.62 billion), approximately 9,500 active duty troops (4,700 Army; 2,300 Navy; 2,500 Air Force) (2022), the NZDF is equipped mostly with imported weapons and equipment from Western suppliers; the US has been the leading provider since 2010 (2022), 17 years of age for men and women for voluntary military service; soldiers cannot be deployed until the age of 18; no conscription (2022)note 1: New Zealand opened up all military occupations to women in 2000; in 2019, women accounted for about 18% of the uniformed full-time personnelnote 2: as of 2022, the NZDFs program for recruiting foreign volunteers had been suspended, up to 220 Antarctica (summer season only) (2022), New Zealand is a member of the Five Powers Defense Arrangements (FPDA), a series of mutual assistance agreements reached in 1971 embracing Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the UK; the FPDA commits the members to consult with one another in the event or threat of an armed attack on any of the members and to mutually decide what measures should be taken, jointly or separately; there is no specific obligation to intervene militarily New Zealand has been part of the Australia, New Zealand, and US Security (ANZUS) Treaty since 1951; however, the US suspended its ANZUS security obligations to New Zealand in 1986 after New Zealand implemented a policy barring nuclear-armed and nuclear-powered warships from its ports; the US and New Zealand signed the Wellington Declaration in 2010, which reaffirmed close ties between the two countries, and in 2012 signed the Washington Declaration, which provided a framework for future security cooperation and defense dialogues; in 2016, a US naval ship conducted the first bilateral warship visit to New Zealand since the 1980sNew Zealand has Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) status with the US; MNNA is a designation under US law that provides foreign partners with certain benefits in the areas of defense trade and security cooperation; while MNNA status provides military and economic privileges, it does not entail any security commitments (2022), Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)note: details about the history, aims, leadership, organization, areas of operation, tactics, targets, weapons, size, and sources of support of the group(s) appear(s) in Appendix-T, New Zealand-Antarctica: asserts a territorial claim in Antarctica (Ross Dependency), total population growth rate v. urban population growth rate, 2000-2030, Children under the age of 5 years underweight, School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education), International law organization participation,, Gini Index coefficient - distribution of family income, Household income or consumption by percentage share, Civil aircraft registration country code prefix, Military and security service personnel strengths, Military equipment inventories and acquisitions, Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI).
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