Day by day fierce competition is threatening the soft edges of ethics. There is clear empirical evidence that a leader and culture built on ethics will benefit the organization through the integrity of its employees. Fear if youre afraid of being caught, found out or exposed for what you are doing or thinking of doing, its almost certainly an ethical matter. An ethical dilemma is a complex situation that often involves an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey one would result in transgressing another. From the theories and perspectives discussed in the previous sections, seven principles have been identified as crucial to ethical leadership. The reasoning behind these actions will show how proper ethical actions define a leader, and the. Ideally, all decisions should be made taking into consideration the ethical ramifications of ones actions. Save. They should have need Ambien to fall asleep! After looking at all of your options, which of your options produces the best combination of benefits maximization and harm minimization? ETHICAL DILEMMAS | Hello esteemed customersWelcome to my gigI will help you complete essays inorganizational culture, organizational behavior, leadership, motivation, ethics, business and managementas part of this gig.I | Fiverr Job satisfaction is a great motivation for high productivity within an organization. The point here is simply to look to a source beyond you that you feel reflects the characteristics of good and of being ones best self. The same ethical violations that can occur in a therapeutic relationship can be paralleled in a supervisory relationship. The widely held belief that a CEOs primary responsibility is to maximize shareholder wealth conflicts with the principle of paying attention to all stakeholders. However, this is a 10 per cent drop on 2007. Conclusion: In conclusion, a leader is a person who attracts people by his speech, actions or decisions. For only $10, Sonniapianto will complete leadership, ethics, organizational culture, behavior, n theory essays. Have been using her for a while and please believe when I tell you, she never fail. Review today. Leaders who are ethical, demonstrate a level of integrity that is important for stimulating a sense of leader trustworthiness, which is important for followers to accept the vision of the leader. This leadership attempts can be measured successful or unsuccessful, depending upon production of the desired action or response. Wang and, Ethical Leadership in Organisations Although we are living in a time of austerity, cutting back on ethics training is a short-sighted thing for companies to do, comments Simon Webley, Research Director of IBE and author of the survey. Yet there are cases when their subjects would never really know about their actions. A self-serving leader will work towards a larger bonus regardless of the companys status and the stakeholders returns. In this theory, it should be mentioned that virtues are often universally acknowledged unlike moral obligations, which vary by different cultures. Trustworthiness contributes to leadership effectiveness. It has to do with the behavior specifically ones moral behavior with respect to society. Here are seven questions asked as strategies for resolving ethical dilemmas. Whether a leader is deciding to lay off an employee, or promote an employee, the ethicality of the leaders action must be considered. I think (author of the book) if the former CEO and CFO of Enronhad considered that their actions were going to be subjected to public disclosure, they probably would have chosen a different course of action. Experts in this subject field are ready to write an original essay following your instructions to the dot! For example, some may neglect to ensure that nuts and bolts of what makes an ethics programme effective. In such a case, honesty is approached with caution seeing as there are cases when it will only break an individuals spirit, thus the need for practicing positive reinforcement or sugar coating is barely fair. This theory is largely applicable in task-oriented organizations where the leadership is often focused on the tasks at hand rather than the people and the processes. Well, the same applies when it comes to our actions. We can have the satisfaction of being right, regardless of the damage done; or we can aim for what seems to be the best outcome, regardless of what wrongs must be committed. Research paper writing, assignment help and proofreading services . This is actually supposed to be easy since a well performing organization translates a well-paid leadership, and when the company is not performing well, the leader should take it as an initiative to work towards better performance rather than doctoring the books to steal an undeserved bonus from the company. Leaders should be able to make final decisions within an organization. When it comes to the employees, it is considerably fundamental that an ethical leader is ready to understand the needs and expectations of the employees in order to provide the best solutions available within their powers. Companies whose corporate governance is somewhat flawed, are unable, however, to keep their leadership in check as they tend to consolidate the decision making powers at the top. The same applies to resolving ethical dilemmas. Our physicians had done all they can for him using all the latest medical information and technology, but this had cause his family thousands of dollars in medical expenses, after their insurance coverage was terminated. The specifics are often left out of the briefing until a whistleblower emerges. Stress Putting off making a difficult choice, losing sleep and feeling pressured can be all signs of an ethical problem Anger If you are feeling angry at being pressured, it could be a sign of an ethical problem. Regardless of the motivation, the leader is herein believed to make their decisions based on the possibility that they will achieve something their hearts are set to. If Person B does the task because he/she finds it personally rewarding, then Person A has been both successful (at getting the desired result) and effective (in affecting the attitude/motivation of Person B). Simple Ethical Research Paper Topics. Take both parts of your analysis into account and make a decision. Assignment On 6 Nursing Ethical Principle - Criminal Justice: Corrections Veterinary Assisting Carrington College. She dumps administrative duties on me that she should be performing. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. Such essays are very difficult to write, because many are not interested in this and do not see the meaning of the text. Medical Ethics Topics. It amazes me [], Power Point Presentation With Speaker Notes, Prevent terrorist strikes on American soil, Essay Example, Science and Technology and Nation-Building, Essay Example, Platos Portrayal of Socrates and the Historical Socrates, Essay Example, Narratives That Shape Our World, Essay Example, Cyber Security Career Path, Essay Example. Doing the right thing is important, but the process of getting to the right result must be based on the reason and objectivity. This is seldom due to negligence, but to lack of awareness of what it takes to make a sustained cultural change in the right direction. Consider the range of both positive and negative consequences connected with each one. Here are the signs that may help you determine if you are experiencing an ethical problem. Assuming that you are not a psycho or a sociopath, you should be troubled when you make a decision that is blatantly unethical. Considering the followers as equals is important as it enables the leader to respect them and listen to their opinions for the betterment of the organization. 3 pages. Get expert help in mere 10 minutes with: PhD Essay Science Psychology Ethics Ethical Leadership The Importance of Ethical Leadership, Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life //= $post_title A corollary of taking into account the needs of all stakeholders is that the leader helps people achieve a common goal. A company wants to develop a long term; they should improve the leader's ethical [Eddy, P, et. A recent study conducted in 2010 among UK and some European companies, revealed that the most prominent ethical issues to organisations includes harassment, bribery, corruption and facilitation payments, and whistle blowing (Wesley et al. Do we have to give up our friendship? In addition, if the person has a good moral compass, their confirmation can be reassuring that you are going down the right road. The problem with acting in a certain way out of duty is that there is not enough motivation, and the leader can just easily lie about their actions provided they are not caught. an academic expert within 3 minutes. Citing the examples of Mahatma Gandhi and Franklin Roosevelt, Johnson, 2013 highlights the basics of transformational leadership to be addressing human needs beyond the basic. al 2006]. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for . The value-based approached discussed in the article is instilled from the top down. An ethical leader is honest (tells the truth), and trustworthy (constituents accept his or her word). Now, assuming that they made the right decision, there should be no agonizing over it, and the need for Ambien for that decision should not existtest passed! The leader is bound to avoid pretending to forget their moral obligations. Notably, ethical leadership is quite important, Ethical Leadership Every action and behavior of the leadershow more content You will write a 1800-2000 word essay ( do not go over the count or you will be penalized. This paper provides a description of leadership style and ethical construct within a healthcare setting, an encountered ethical dilemma and the advocated role as a moral . This was indeed an ethical dilemma and it remained the same even after Jenkins died six weeks later. ?>, Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs, My Ethical Beliefs in the Light of Popular Ethical Theories, Importance of Beauty Industry and Ethical Issues, Importance of Beneficence of Ethical Issue on Nursing Practice, Importance of Religious Beliefs to Ethical Attitudes in Business, Importance of Initial Consultation and Ethical Issues Facing the Therapist, Explore the importance of ethical, legal and professional values in Abortion, The importance of ethical practice in the financial services industry, get custom This is done in order to ensure that the company has a good image with not only their shareholders and consumers but suppliers, distributors, other important stakeholders, and often competitors. This theory does not cover the actions of the leader in cases where the subjects can be considered as excluded, such as in closed door meetings and deals. And ways they influence others decisions. The rticle goes on to say that leaders of an organization can greatly improve the overall quality and integrity of the organization by focusing on the executive leader's policies and the actions of the supervisors to lead with procedural fairness. Ethical egoism is a theory, according to which the leader makes decisions based on their best interests. A team of management scholars observes: We used to organize corporations as both economic and social institutionas organizations that were designed to serve a balanced set of stakeholders, not just the narrow interests of the shareholder. To install StudyMoose App tap Looking for College Essays on Ethical Leadership and ideas? STEP5. The article concludes that the "role for the ethics and compliance officer [is] a values-based approach, in which organizations seek to motivate employees to develop and act on ethical values" and that it "is a more effective pproach to managing rule adherence. " Conclusion In conclusion ethical leadership is difficult because knowing the right and ethical course of action is difficult. The main point behind asking for the subjects opinions is to find out what they think, and when these opinions are consistently shot down without a good justification of their becoming a waste of time. Furthermore, altruism is a theory in which the leaders motivation is the best interests of the people they lead. One other necessary factor in occupational fraud is the expertise to cover up a discrepancy, and honesty is likely to force this cover up. So different, in fact, that the researcher Basscreated an illustration (Figure 1) that demonstrates the difference. This principle helps in multinational organizations to consider various definitions of ethics across different cultures. Critical incidents are issues or situations in [leaders] work that produce ethical reflection and moral emotions. This is done in order to ensure that all the decisions being made are agreed upon by more than two individuals. The institutional context and factors beyond the immediate workplacethe operational milieu within which leaders work, which includes policies, procedures, and society. The family came to the writer secretly one night, after visiting their suffering relative, and asked if the suffering could be done by rendering assisted suicide with or without the doctors knowing about it, but the issue became even more challenging the next day when the patient himself, with as much effort as he could summon made the same request. Furthermore, it means that there is a room for misconduct especially when the leader feels safe and away from the judgment of their subjects. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are collected. The simple fact of showing concern for the interest of others may result in a decision being modified because upon analysis, the leader may discover that the perceived benefit does not outweigh the harm that will ensue. Lack of these checks and balances open the leader up to personal biases and, in some cases, even to bribing the suppliers. At the end of the day, the final question the leader should consider is, does the chosen course of action make God or the higher power of your choosing, smile? Growth is a principle that dissuades the leader from activities that could destroy the organization or their individual career. A leader who practices liberty as a core value enables their followers to take responsibility for their decisions and actions within the team, thus allowing them for innovation and growth. In the article Who's With Me? Furthermore, in order to avoid this situation, the leaders are prompted to always act in a manner that is ethically justified regardless of the circumstances. Ethical leadership is a concept that should be widely embraced in businesses across the globe. It should be mentioned that among other things, Burns perspective on ethical leadership emphasizes on qualities like fairness, equality, liberty, and justice. In the relationship between the organizations leadership and their stakeholders, justice is a fundamental concept. In such a case, the employees are only likely to hear that their leader has managed to clinch a good deal for the company. They include respect, service, justice, honesty, growth or change, cultural and emotional intelligence. Yet the employee may be torn between loyalty to colleagues and commitment to the company. Do not count footnotes, the title page, table of contents, or bibliography page in your count. For example, when interviewing a potential employee for a leading position, a company that believes in virtue-based leadership would consider realizing whether the desired candidate is humble, can stay calm in a tight situation, offer helping out when people get stuck with a task, inspire people, lead through actions, or, among other things, even treat their team members with fairness. Legler, J. This implies looking at the long-term effects of their actions and weighing them against the short-term benefits. Any organization that receives public money (money collected through the taxation system) is accountable to the community for the use of that money. Level: Master's . This shows that ethical leadership can be proven by the equality of the processes that are implemented. Corporations are legal entities that can be sued and charged with crimes. A perception that high-ranking business leaders were untrustworthy contributed to the spectacular decline in stock prices during the 2000-2002 period. It is important to have a personal ethic or moral framework in which you ground your practice and professional relationships. Critically speaking, it was a possibility that after this family had put their bereavements behind them that they could, with the ethical leadership of their priest, bring lawsuits against the hospital as well as myself and other members of staff that could have been implicated in the process, and thereby perpetuate the destruction of reputations and careers of valuable and well meaning individuals in the institution.. Get in touch with one of our experts for instant help! These factors are: The public interest or public goodwhat a community decides is in the best interest of its members as a whole as expressed through the ballot box, interest groups and ongoing debate and discussion. database? your own essay or use it as a source, but you need An amoral leader functions as though ethics does not exist. Institutions that teach ethical leadership need to have websites that are not only professionally designed, but they need to be easy to navigate and have relevant and accurate information A. Get them here for free! Integrity refers to loyalty to rational principles; it means practicing what one preaches regardless of emotional or social pressure. The decision to take the matter to a higher authority was borne out of the fact that many physicians as well as nurses think it was unethical, morally wrong and against the Hippocratic Oath to take a persons life intentionally, even if the patient request it (Ardelt, 2003). EVALUATE THE SYSTEM Among other things, the leader here is expected to act in a way that is truthful and fair, but only with respect to their subjects. Determining whether an action is legal or not is pretty simple. For example, an ethical leader under this perspective should be able to ensure that the products being sold to the consumers are of good quality and at a fair price. Step2. The first step is understanding what it means to be a leader, which offers additional guidance regarding the subtopics you can include in the essay. The main point of the chapter's material is leadership that is transformational and authentic. Ethics have been defined as a set of rules, most of which are written today, that govern the conduct of an individual within a given society. Conclusion Work Cited We will write a custom Report on Ethical and Unethical Situations in Leadership specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page 808 certified writers online Learn More Introduction There are many well-known situations in which individuals and organizations do not follow moral standards. If you tell the truth, you respect others well enough to be honest. Analytical Writing Can Be Interesting and Adventurous! (Lambon College, 2018).Code of Ethics If Person B does what Person A asks only because of positional power, influence, or guilt, then the leader (Person A) has been successful in this scenario, but not effective. (Who will be helped by what you do? Does it pass the CNN test? An employee's view of their leaders may potentially have a corresponding effect with how ethical they are in the workplace. An emotionally intelligent leader is the one who is able to form effective working relationships that are not only beneficial to the employees but also inspiring to the leader. To the investors, they should ensure that the company is performing at its best in order to minimize risks and maximize profits. By the same token, if you can lie down and go to sleep after making your decision without the need for Ambien, you may have made the proper decision. Ethical leaders move away from elitist perspective and more to more exclusionary and empowering roles. Does it harm others? It is often easy to take sides when dealing with suppliers, distributors, or even competitive employees. Respect is thus an enabler for accountability, which can be considered a critical factor in ensuring that ethics is adhered to by the top tier management of the organization. The choice could have been made to secretly, in concert with a willing physician, to assist the family and allow the patient to die in dignity, but the medical records of the patient showed that they were all of the Catholic Faith, and by this religion, physicians-assisted suicide and euthanasia were unacceptable, due to the belief that life was regarded as a gift from God, and should be treated as sacred (Ardelt, 2003). It refers to judgement about what is right and wrong. These further improve the employees as well as organizations productivity. The unpredictability emerges. It is the study of moral judgments and right and wrong conduct. Ethical leaders are concerned about enhancing the moral awareness of the followers coupled with the moral self actualization (page 16). Does it pass the Ambien test? Biomedical Ethics Topics. Content may be subject to copyright. Personal Model of Ethical Leadership: Positive and negative impacts of building a new firm to the market, Act Essay Tips: What It Takes to Write a Great ACT Essay, All about Me Essay: Writing Tricks and Guidelines for Writers, All You Wanted to Know About Email Structure for Business. It is leadership that shows through the actions of having respect for ethical beliefs and values, and for the dignity and rights of others. Type your requirements and I'll connect you to an academic expert within 3 minutes. The bottom line is that success has to do with how the individual or group behaves; effectiveness describes the internal state of the individual or group and is attitudinal in nature. This leader consciously chooses to engage in the behaviour with complete knowledge that his behaviour is wrong. This is also called an ethical paradox since in moral philosophy, paradox often plays a central role in ethics debates. Get 20% of Your First Order amount back in Reward Credits! An ethical dilemma at work arises when theres conflict between two possible desirable or undesirable actions. (2016, Apr 18). Leaders who are ethical should practice proactivity. These include Burns perspective and Greenleafs perspective, both of which are quite relevant to the discussion of ethical leadership. Conclusion. In the field of healthcare, it is a common practice to seek second and sometimes third opinions. I (author of the book) can recall my first year of law school and being exposed to the Socratic method of teaching, which is specifically designed to enhance critical-thinking skills. Consequently, many leaders will benefit from having their own ethics and values tune-up. They work towards creating a working environment in which the employees can thrive on the benefit of the company and its shareholders, thus also benefiting the employees in the end. Similarly, a leader who feels uncomfortable about deceiving millions of shareholders and creditors would not allow their subordinates to collude with clients as it happened in the Arthur Andersen case in terms of Enron company Virtues are, in this case, considered to be drivers of ethical conduct; where honesty, equality, and fairness drive away misconduct like bribery, collusion, and fraud. When taken truthfully, it could have some lucrative rewards including being a role model, earning respect and unconditional loyalty of the subjects, and being considered a trustworthy member of the society. Individual values and beliefs impact the ethical decisions of leaders. A model for examining and understanding ethical dilemmas. harmony in order to life, The Importance of Ethical Leadership. He gets his work done. Hence, even just one ethical leader in the chain of command can have a ripple effect upon his fellow workers. Its fascinating to see how different technologies operate and what they have in common. Leaders set the example. It is important that the leadership of the organization establish this ethical standard. Guilt rather than deny the feeling, explore and respond to it. The leader should always strive to seek the course of action that minimizes harm, while producing an ethical result.
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