Pressure and flow will naturally be greater when on the Recirculate setting, as opposed to the filter setting. If this happens, you should add water immediately, as without adequate water there wont be any circulation. I tried back washing again and this time just a small volume of water with little pressure was coming out of the back wash outlet even on high speed. Other then cutting into the intake line to look for a clog, what else could it be. I noticed 2 issues after opening my pool a few days ago. Very high filter pressure can be dangerous! Pool filters are so important that numerous places have laws that dictate how fast pool water can be circulated. Loud pool pumps are normally caused by cavitation (starved for water) or by bad internal motor bearings. Mike, check that the pump impeller is not clogged, or the pipe from skimmer. I cleaned the fingers with filter cleaner,followed by an acid cleaning.that didnt help. Any improvement? , I have a new Hawyward Sand filter. Circulation is also important in dispersing chemicals and disinfectants throughout the pool. Check the pressure gauge. Try a cartridge filter cleaner, or soak in TSP to remove oils, then soak in a 10:1 water:muriatic acid solution, to remove scale. Or you can use TSP as a degreaser and use a mild acid solution for a descaler. I have an 8,500 gallon pool, run with a new 1.5 HP Century pump (3450 rpm single speed) and a DE Hayward Perflex EC40 filter. This is to try to unclog the pipe. Ran in filter mode over night. I have a Haywood S220T sand filter the keeps blowing the o-ring out . If anyone has any suggestions Im all ears. I cant find anything leaking or open that would cause that. Keep your chlorine high and pH low, and run the pump as long as you can each day, at least 12 hours per day. I have seen filter sytems running from 3 psi to 30 psi, they are all different. Hi I have a new Hayward swimpro voyager cartridge pump. Tested skimmer on waste and flowed, back to filter, not returning to pool. I have no clogs. Any suggestions? It is not the water level and I replaced the pump and motor, so it is not the impeller. I have a new 10 Intex sand filter for a 15 ubove ground pool. Baffling. But he hosed it down & cleaned it & now the pool is running top notch. Tega, this could be very dangerous of course. Some filters contain fine sand particles, and these are employed to catch small debris. If that does not improve your filter cycle length, then replace the filter sand. I have a Hayword Cartridge Filter that is putting way too much dirt and debris back into my pool all the time. Of course if you see sand in the pool then there probably is a broken or damaged Lateral -- the manufacturer also says that if you see sand it could be from it being ground down due to age or a. Matt loves everything DIY. You can use ball valves or slice valves, both inexpensive, with two hose adapters and two hose clamps per valve, to connect flexible hoses. Pool is still cloudy because the pump has not been consistently running well. i left my pressure gauge on all winter went to start up and its not reading any pressure any thoughts. I checked skimmer baskets and pump basket and cleaned all but still no go. If not, maybe the spider gasket inside the valve is busted. If thats OK, was the sand used labeled Pool Filter Sand on the bag? We have opened and cleaned and re-DEd so many times we cant count. we can not get the filter tank drain to close. 2. We have a blog post called 50 causes of cloudy water, and there are a lot, but 80% or more of cloudy water problems are from either low chlorine or poor filter performance. We recommend March, June, and September to keep your pool clean during the busy Vegas swim season. You should also see high pressure on the filter if this was the case. Hi, I have a Bluetorrent cartridge filter PCR 120. Hi Patti, if the pressure is lower than normal, check the impeller for clogging. Safety gloves (acid resistant) Instructions Backwash the filter for 5 minutes and turn the pump off. When you close the main drain valve, does the skimmer suction increase? Is there too much sand in the tank? So why is your pool filter not backwashing? Hi Kevin, not sure if the cleaner is new, or it ran fine last year, but not this year? A bit longer is okay, too. I have a DE Hayward Filter. Cleaned my filter yesterday and added new DE when pressure reading was around 29 psi which represented an 11 psi increase since last cleaning about 10 days ago. It was brand new last year so he was surprised it got that dirty. One brand (HTH) has been called out a few times, but there are others, likely packaged by the same sand yard. Samantha, if there is no flow back to the pool, the filter pressure should be very high, if there was no exit for the water. Ronald, Hi, it possibly could be the laterals in the bottom of the tank. Once the element is dry, use compressed air to remove small dirt particles. Plugs lubed and replaced in equipment. My question is this , when I put my pump to filter water comes out of the returners strong but after 30 minutes or so it dies sometimes I dont even see nothing coming out and when I put the system on recirculate works strong all the time none stop, I had clean the filter plenty of times already backwash etc idk what else to do and why in the filter system stops working properly after a while being on. Is it normally a higher pressure? Water level about 1/2. I have an Intex sand filter pump that is only about 3 months old. Check that the cleaner hose has no air leaks in the hose. The new grids did greatly impact the amount of suction and starting pressure with a new application of DE but again only lasted about an hour before we had to turn it back off due to increased pressure. The filter is clean,not new. It could be many things, but lets start with your water balance and sanitation levels. karen, the air in the pump is normal. Matt loves to work with wood and stone, and landscaping is by far his most favorite pastime. The filter could be clogged with minerals/scale also, but the main problem is likely the pump. Hi Amanda, the Rinse cycle is used after backwashing, to clean out the tank of residual dust, so you wont get a poof of dust into the pool, after backwashing. We have a 250lb hayward sand filter. Is the pump too big for the filter, or is it the same size and type that was used before? If you have a constant stream of air bubbles in the pool, or if you can see bubbles through the clear pump lid, look for and patch any suction leaks (before the pump) with sealant. Third, the impeller on the pump could possibly be jammed with debris, as there is no strainer basket on these pumps. If the pressure gauge on your sand filter is reading higher than normal, it could be an indication that the system isnt working properly. Fresh water is much more manageable than aged water. However, unlike phosphates nitrates cannot be removed once in your pool. This occurs 3-4 times a day. You can easily spot large pieces of debris in the water. Im a fairly new pool owner and I had a robotic vacuum before it broke so this maybe a dumb question but the pressure in my sand filter builds to about 28 psi. Hi Vicki, that part is known as the air relief strainer, and its designed to allow air in the filter to escape, without letting DE powder/dirt escape. Use approximately 1 cup of TSP every 5 gallons of water in a bucket . Is there even sand in the tank (or cartridge), bro? Order the replacement spider gasket (or for Hayward the diverter, or entire Key Assembly) for your valve model, and replace. After about 3 hours the water fall stops, and I have to backwash the DE Hayward filter to restart the water fall. Went to Lowes and bought new PVC and fittings. is the sand to compact should i backwash it again Also clean the rim of the bottom tank where the o-ring sits. The clear bulb for water quality is only half full. With proper pool chemistry a UV pool sanitation system can help maintain your pool and make it more enjoyable and healthier to swim in. I have a hayward sand filter. I have checked all the pipes and cleaned them along with cleaning the basket. When on recirculate it runs perfectly when I turn the sand filter on I have to run the pump at MAX speed to get any flow at all. A clog on the intake line is very unlikely. If debris is heavy, it usually sinks to the bottom of the pool where the drain catches it. If your sanitation, circulation, and water balance are spot on, its time to look closely at the pool filter. Wonderful I just bought that pump at $249. Sometimes, however, backwashing isnt enough, and in this instance, its best to take out the sand or diatomaceous earth filter media. But bag labels can be wrong, they could have gotten a bad load of sand, and bagged it up incorrectly. Look for this answer in our Pool Pump Troubleshooting Guide. Hi! Is the pipe from the pump connected to the port labeled PUMP? Sand filters are known to pass very small debris, but if you are seeing grass clippings and such come thru that could indicate a problem. Does anyone out there have an easy way to clear the interior of the filter ? It has been two days. Hi! Hello Davy, Pressure gauge shoots above amber and then pops up lid of the filter. Keep in mind that high pressure in your filter tank can cause the laterals to crack, allowing sand to escape into the pool. Pressure on tank when running filter is perfect. Everything seems to work fine except we found sand in the pool this morning and were having sand in our backwash. This can reduce the efficiency of the filter and cause it not to work properly. Your lid, if not completely crushed, but just cracked, may be fixed with superglue? We generally recommend backwashing your filter (or cleaning your cartridges) when the pressure rises 8-10 PSI above the clean start-up pressure. Vinegar can be used full strength, to help dissolve scale, as it is a mild acid. You can use a garden hose to rinse. Hi Davey, I have a Hayward filter it backwashes great but wont rinse and on filter theres not much return water uggh any ideas? Repair company said everything is working fine when they looked at it but it seems odd. have replaced everything before the intake (hose,clamps, valve, teflon tape and lube where appropriate, have cleaned the filter and added the required de with endthanks Chris. We cant get the filter lid off to clean the cartridge. Or it could be one of the suction side valves, leaking air. I have a variable rate pump which is rated for 25000 gallons and my pool is less than 15000 gallons. Gloria, these small sand filters need new filter sand almost every season, so that would be my first guess, replace the sand. Im running a Harris 1.5 hp pump with a fns 60 filter. Sand was put in last year. Yes, the pump would push the dirt directly thru the sand, it cannot be filtering hardly at all, and will likely soon turn hazy, if not already. I installed it 2 wks ago and Ive cleaned it completely 4 times already my pool was clear but now its turning green!! The 1500 GPH model would also be a good choice, but you also need to have adapters connect the larger hoses to the smaller wall port on your pool or adapters to use the smaller hoses you currently have, with the larger 1500 system. Hi Todd, air will come only from before the impeller, usually the pipe that screws into the pump, or a loose pump lid, or damaged or unlubed pump lid gasket, or a loose drain plug. If you used too much sand, and its tempting to add a little extra, that can blow back into the pool. Thabk you so much again! If your pressure is much higher than that, there may be foreign materials in the filter (paper products, plastics, mulch, oils) that are really clogging it up. need to turn the pump way higher than usual to run water features. Kevin, this most likely is an air leak, is the pump lid gasket in place? Can you give me any ideas as to what I can do? But all tanks require a different amount of sand, so you should check the info, and try to adhere to the amount listed. Since there are a lot of pool owners out there, it should be no surprise that many individuals have questions about pool filters and circulation problems. We have an AquaPro Sand Filter for our above ground pool. taken apart and cartridges sprayed off. I have a polypropylene solar heater on the roof that requires a 30 ft horizontal push and 15 ft vertical push after the pump. Hi David, that is odd, are we sure the plumbing is correct on the valve, the correct hose/pipes connected to PUMP/RETURN ports on the valve? That small part gets clogged it shuts down my whole system. Hi Matt, I might call that a surging pump, and it can be fixed. You should never try to fix a filter that's running. Dig your hands in there too, and see how it feels, looking for calcification or slimy gunk. But even experienced pool owners can sometimes make a connection error that can result in the pool filter not backwashing. To remedy this problem, first, turn off the filter pump. After removing the air relief valve, remove the top manifold or the enclosure plate on the pool filter cartridge. Im totally at a loss. If you see ribbed Flex pipe, Id bet that is the issue, but consult the other blog post first, on the Sylvan pool with collapse line. You may have a clogged pump impeller, filled with small debris or pebbles, which slows down flow, but can continue to pump. Thank you. Hi Lynn, Im not sure why you want to open the tank, to check the water level, not sure why that is necessary, but you can open the air bleeder on top of the tank, then close it when it sprays water. Please help Im new to all of this. Hi there. It could be something like a flap of vinyl or plastic piece obstruction the suction line, or if water level was low, it might draw air in from a vortex to the surface (usually happens more with surface skimmers). Thank you. If the o-ring is no longer round, but triangular in cross section, or if it is cracked or has dry rot, replace it. Hi Jack, I would guess that there is an obstruction in the filter, likely bad filter sand, or bad DE powder (seems to be a thing, in 2020), Especially if you have high pressure and low flow, and it works on recirculate sounds like filter media, yeah. Hi, no easy way, I think I would just let it blow into the pool, and then vacuum it back into the filter several times. I have a Hayward C2030 filter for a inground pool. If you have access to a strong person, maybe they can try. Normally if you notice a noise on the equipment pad, the pool pump is to blame. Hi James, are there any valves on the return side that need to be open? When the filter is in filter mode, little water comes out the output and the pressure is a little high but when the filter is in recirculate the pressure is normal and the normal amount of water comes out. Does it drip water? If this is the case, your filter won't function as it should and your pool will become murky or cloudy. I also have some testing strips to test the chemical levels are correct. It may also gum up the DE filter grid. You can also try to use our Sand FIlter Cleaner, or irrigate the sand bed with a high pressure garden hose, allowing the tank to overflow. Go to the hardware store and pick up a Drain King, attach it to a garden hose. 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