Eobard was released from his cell and informed of Team Flash's alternate method of sending him back to the future, to have both him and the Flash run at high enough speeds to create a wormhole through which Eobard can return to his own time. As the team celebrated, however, particles began to behave abnormally, such as liquids floating in the air, followed by a loud bang from the particle accelerator. Thawne was stunned and mocked how Barry hated him with a passion, yet Savitar from an erased future was a way "bigger jerk" then he ever was. Though he assured Cisco it wasn't anyone's fault, Thawne expressed annoyance towards them for not informing him of Ronnie's survival, but assures Caitlin that they'll find Ronnie. The popular theory to which I allude is that Dr. Wells -- the genius S.T.A.R. After Leonard returned, Barry decided to pursue Leonard, though Thawne warned Barry that Reverse-Flash is a greater threat. [70], While a Nazi invasion took place on Earth-Prime in 2017 and is said to have been time-traveling Nazi clones instead of from another reality as was the case with the Earth-X invasion on Earth-1, it's unclear if Thawne was involved in this event. Just after Barry left his cell, John Diggle visited him to ask about a mysterious object, Thawne attempted to use this object to his advantage to find a way to escape. Thawne later took a blood sample from Farooq's corpse, while signaling The Mist to stay quiet, saying that he was interested in finding out how the Flash's powers were drained. After Caitlin left, Thawne told Cisco of his belief that the youth would go on to do great things, subtly hinting at Cisco's future that he once witnessed. Thawne, unflinchingly, replied that time would tell. [16], On December 11, 2013,[46] Thawne held an event at which he planned to switch on S.T.A.R. Labs, reduced Nate to being a conspiracy theorist that no one believed while living with his mother, and turned Sara and Amaya into Damien's personal assassins. Both have appeared numerous times after their alleged death in the first-season finale. Barry angrily told Eobard in having a confrontation, and Thawne assured his former protg that they would fight again, very soon. I know that rage. Labs. Thawne sent Ronnie and Cisco down to manually shut the particle accelerator down before anything bad happened. [26] Eobard's various actions left Barry tormented and believed maybe he was right in never truly being happy as he did know the Flash's future self, however, Joe thought this was just Eobard trying to have the last word. In the rewritten reality, Eobard successfully stopped global warming, the melting of ice caps and the extinction of the polar bears, and became the most powerful man in this reality, greatly enjoying all of this while leading Central City at S.T.A.R. Eobard offers Damien a partnership to aid him in his plans in exchange for rewriting Damien's own destiny. He began traveling back in time to find when the Flash was active and after several searches proved fruitless, he eventually traveled back to the year of the Flash's origins, starting their war across time.[4]. Speaking of going back and forth, Iris and Barry confessed their feelings for each . And obviously that's a need that I think will never get filled, that's a hole, a bottomless pit for Eobard that will never get filled. Pleased to have located the exact time era the Flash was active, Eobard planned his return home to properly plan his next attack and broke into one of Mercury Labs' offsite facilities, and prepared equipment designed to act as a time machine to send him back to his own time. After succeeding in foiling the Trickster's plot, Barry brought Henry to S.T.A.R. When Pied Piper attacked the Keystone Cleveland Dam, the Flash is quickly stopped with sound waves though Thawne transmitted waves through the cars at the damn, stopping Pied Piper. Eobard then traveled back to 2014 and located Captain Cold before having joined the Legends and turned from criminal ways, revealing Leonard's future death being all they needed to have Captain Cold agreed to help them in getting the Spear of Destiny. [48], After Nora's secret acquittance with Thawne is revealed to Team Flash, Barry visited Thawne, viciously demanding to know why Thawne tried to 'steal' Nora. For weeks my best friend and I have been theorizing over Barry Allen and Harrison Wells. Shortly after, Firestorm came by and the two quickly contacted Barry who fights Firestorm until Caitlin interrupted. However he quickly got up and taunted the hero, angered but soon also unfazed by his nemesis's sabotage to his trip back home, Eobard said he would find another way to travel to the future and boasted his superiority to the Flash before issuing a challenge to catch him. To secure leverage, Reverse-Flash ambushed Eddie and Iris, just as Eddie was proposing and knocked out Eddie before moving in on Iris. As Barry left, Eobard angrily yelled at Barry, accusing his nemesis of now being the villain. Labs watching old Buster Keaton movies. Just as Barry managed to get into the Negative Speed Force, the Negative Forces revealed to Barry that they're transforming Thawne to "tip the scales", which occurred successfully as he landed in Central City's downtown, clad in a new suit, empowered with the Negative Still Force, Negative Sage Force and Negative Strength Force in addition of the Negative Speed Force. As he was reborn, Reverse-Flash taunted Barry about how Nora's death led to the Flash's inspiration while Iris's death led to his own rebirth, much to his nemesis's anger and hate and instantly electrified him in retaliation for Iris's apparent death until XS and Bart West-Allen/Impulse pleaded with Barry to stop. Eobard displayed a willingness to work with various terrorists/criminals, such as Damien Darhk, Malcolm Merlyn and Leonard Snart. Having failed to kill Barry 15 years ago, the time-traveler wants to make the him go faster so he can get home. When Damien realized that Sara had snatched Damien's relic, Damien demanded Eobard to be taken back, but the speedster reminded Damien the Legends had left the time period and were beyond reach. When the Trickster uploaded a broadcast informing the public of a bomb in the city and left it's rough location, the Flash failed to find it but Thawne realized it was a trick but the Flash refused to listen to him much to everyone else's confusion. [5], As Wells, Thawne met various CEOs, such as Simon Stagg and Robert Queen. [54], The only person he ever helps is himself.Nora West-Allen, After his imprisonment in Iron Heights, Eobard has seemingly reflected on his evil life and felt remorse over his deeds, claiming to be working towards a less villainous legacy. March 17 2015, 6:00 PM PDT. [58], Since Barry left Nora in 2049, Nora met up with Thawne and asked him how he managed to go back in the past without any speedster feeling any disturbance in the Speed Force to which he replied that he created the Negative Speed Force but with various negative effects. [72] He killed Harrison and used superspeed to bury his identity-theft victim, retaining some of his speed. [12][34], Thawne observed Barry's personal life as an unseen influence, initially looking upon his future enemy with nothing but hate but soon growing fond of the youth (as he hated but the Flash's future version). Eobard smirked and said that they would meet again before he sped off. Thawne got placed inside the chamber as Shinick took his chest plate away, revealing Cicada's dagger inside.[59]. He received a phone call then gets attacked. Essentially, that someone in the current cast of characters - Wells, Thawne, or Captain Singh - will one day become the Reverse-Flash, and travel back in time to kill Barry's mother and send him on his current path. Secondly, Cisco is a computer expert and has a lot of knowledge about technology that Barry could use to help him out. Infuriated, Eobard derided the two for losing the medallion and violently accosted Malcolm when his associates pointed out that Eobard's responsible for losing it too. To aid the British, Eobard also supplied the British with 21st century assault rifles which Rip presented to a platoon of British soldiers entrusted under his own command. As Barry returned after facing a ghost-like creature (which Cisco dubbed a "Dementor" from the Harry Potter books) that had attacked the C.C.P.D. [47] The wave of energy from his resulting explosion also resulted in countless meta-humans and led to at least 16 people dying. There are many reasons why Cisco may have acted as Barrys savior in the third season of the Flash. Thawne then explained that the Flash can still save Nora by getting Nora to the Negative Speed Force, which is the only place in the multiverse that is immune to timeline changes. After Ronnie had vented the system to assure S.T.A.R. Realizing that Barry was the only way to return to his time, Eobard killed a man in order to assume the identity of Harrison Wells as the director of S.T.A.R. Thawne says it could've been a speed mirage or an illusion. He destroyed all the evidence, fixed the office, and moved Mason's body. However, Barry discovered that the man could turn himself into gas, and inhaled some of the toxic gasses, before racing back to S.T.A.R. Unable to outrun The Mist, they suggested Barry make The Mist tired, and would have to revert to physical, human form eventually; Barry succeeded and The Mist is taken back to S.T.A.R. There is this need, this deep need, this is gonna sound corny, I guess, but to be loved, and not just to be loved by your mother or father, although I think that's probably what's at the root of it, but to be loved by society at large, in the way that the Flash is loved, in the way that a superhero only can be loved, as this perfect, superhuman object. Since then, the two speedsters battled each other for many years, but neither of them was strong or fast enough to defeat the other. Barry quickly confirmed his theories about the new speedster's powers and Thawne replied that the new speedster from earlier is using the BLOC, but Thawne replied back that he has never heard of the individual "and neither has history" and his alternate self wants to make sure of that. This week, Cisco decided to investigate what went wrong that night, specifically to see if Wells had anything to with it, and recruited Caitlin to distract their boss why he was snooping.. After helping Meena, Eobard built a machine called the "Biometric Lightning Oscillation Chamber" (BLOC) in order for one individual to be able to be a speedster albeit for altruistic motives because he wanted to be more than just a superhero and fix the world's greatest problems. Dr. Wells ( Tom Cavanaugh) murdered Cisco ( Carlos Valdes) for discovering his Reverse-Flash secret in Tuesday's episode of The Flash . When Thawne told Caitlin that they should go to S.T.A.R. [9], Nora later returns to inform Thawne that Sherloque suspected Nora to be working with someone. As Green Arrow was interrogating him, Reverse-Flash started to fade from existence. When the Flash went after Peek-a-Boo, he reminded the Flash that Peek-a-Boo can't teleport if the woman couldn't see, leading to the Flash busting out all the lights in the tunnel.[50]. When the bee came for him, Thawne almost broke his own cover to evade it but Barry arrived in time to stop it. [106] Although highly irritated that Team Flash neglected to be informed of Eobard's faade beforehand, H.R. He had a great affinity for the Flash's role in society, and then when he found out that he was not destined to be the Flash but to be the Reverse-Flash, the Flash's greatest enemy, I think something kind of broke in him, psychically. All Rights Reserved. Ciscos body was found with a gunshot wound to the Head. On Tuesdays season finale-level episode of The Flash, the doc revealed himself as Reverse-Flash to Cisco before killing the young man! [81], I've controlled your life for so long, Barry. [1], In Eobard's will, he thought that Barry would never truly be happy, implying that his disdain for Barry may have never went away completely, yet he also acknowledged that the two of them were never truly enemies, and as a favor, he confessed to Nora's murder which freed Henry from prison and allowed Barry to inherit S.T.A.R Labs officially. Labs, Eobard adopted Grodd, a pet gorilla that he kept at S.T.A.R. After learning Shawna's powers, Thawne told Barry they should focus on learning Shawna's limits. [68] He obtained or created a suit which he utilized during his criminal activities. He dragged Harrison out of the car, and identified himself to Harrison as well as the terrified scientist's supposed role in 2020. He ran directly into Godspeed, saving the Flash and projecting Godspeed few blocks away. Without those powers, Eobard can't go back and kill Nora before she had Barry. This was because of the young engineer's metahuman powers given by his Eobards future self. Reason why Simon Stagg got knifed by Harrison Wells? During this time, he encountered the 1942 version of the JSA as well as the time-traveling Legends. However, the Spear of Destiny was divided into several pieces and guarded by the Justice Society of America's members from 1956 scattered throughout time. When the Waverider had to enter the atmosphere, Ray went to Eobard to find out the correct angle to enter without burning up. When the team later learned that Bette's condition couldn't be reversed, Thawne met with Plastique, and manipulated Plastique into killing Eiling. Thawne then moved to Central City to carry out his plan and build S.T.A.R. [6], While Meena was discouraged and discussing with Eobard about insecurities, the two were assaulted by the Negative Still Force, Negative Sage Force and the Negative Strength Force. When Barry goes into 2031 with help from Deon Owens, Eobard gives a speech at a special get-together that included revealing he's engaged to Iris with Team Flash's friends looking just Barry arrives. [44] Eventually, Hartley realized that the particle accelerator was faulty and could explode, threatening Thawne's plans. While Barry was at S.T.A.R. Wells had a large sense of respect from the scientific community, and was the very genius behind S.T.A.R. Eobard was later revived by the Time Wraiths and stripped of his powers. However, Barry simply scoffed at Eobard's words and reminded him that Barry changed time because of what Eobard did, but he stated that Barry will eventually beg him to kill Nora "again.". I havent forgotten about the fact that from what audiences have seen red lighting is what follows Harrison Wells. of Merlyn Global Group once more, and even restored Malcolm's original right hand. Reverse-Flash teamed up with the Flash against Godspeed, and all three speedsters fighting with lightning swords which eventually came to a point where the two speedsters were able to whittle down Godspeed's focus - Godspeed knocked down the Flash with a surprise sonic boom, and in the short time August was distracted, Thawne used his lightning sword to impale August. When the Legends' plan went awry, Eobard was killed by Sara Lance's robot clone and was ultimately replaced as the protector of the fixed point by Nate Heywood's robot clone. Thawne cautioned restraint, although Barry instead ran at full pelt, accidentally running into barrels of water. When Sara came to speak with him about Martin's daughter as an aberration, Eobard questioned the claims, having no knowledge of this and leaving Sara suspicious. When Oliver-as-Flash and Barry-as-Green-Arrow are both exposed to fear gas, they see each other as Eobard and Merlyn respectively. But when he tried to run back to his timeline, Thawne realized he lost his connection to the speed force. Did Dr Wells Kill Nora Allen? batman: city of bane: the complete collection; american crystal sugar company subsidiaries. He also somehow learned that Savitar was ironically a version of his nemesis from an alternate future who had an amusing "pizza face. Eobard gives the angle instantly and told Ray to trust him as he wanted to live just like the Legends. Nora was more scared of being hated by Barry if the truth came out, so Thawne suggested to distract Sherloque by helping the detective fall in love. As Team Flash, Mia, and Despero decided his fate, Team Flash decided to save Thawne despite all the evil he did, while Despero decided to kill him and used Mia to do so, only for Green Arrow to fight Despero's control. In his younger years, Eobard was originally a scientist and visionary obsessed with achieving the impossible: to become better and reach higher feats in the advancement of science. How will you get along without me?Eobard to Barry Allen, In the event of his death, Eobard arranged for Barry to inherit S.T.A.R. [4], After his first showdown, Eobard would subsequently go on to travel through time again and again to the early 21st century to fight the Flash. In his own words, he was about to present himself to the world and start his heroics, but the Flash intervened to save a random crowd from an unknown disaster, attracting the attention and praise that Thawne was meant to earn, stealing his greatest opportunity and shattering his most memorable moment and therefore putting his longtime diehard fan to shame in the process. to tap into the Negative Speed Force, but the three replied back that the Negative Speed Force tapped into Thawne, and revealed to him that his other version died because "no hate, no Negative Speed Force avatar". Because you couldn't be me! As he worked, he was once again approached by Overgirl, and he asked to make sure that the Fhrer remembers the mission of conquering Earth-1, instead of only focusing on Overgirl's survival. He first sent Rip to Chicago in the year 3000 to retrieve another piece, killing Dr. Mid-Nite in the process. Now that his plan is finally able to come into motion, he convinced Nora that he was not a threat by listing off the ways his cell was speedster-proof with a backup in case of failure. First, he was paradoxically erased from existence by Eddie's suicide while trying to kill Barry in ", Ironically, Eobard's time remnant was killed the same way he killed Cisco Ramon and, Eobard died for a third time after he was stabbed by Sara Lance's. [103] As Grodd continued to grow in intelligence and size, Harry used the second suit to impersonate Reverse-Flash in order to save Caitlin from Grodd. [39], After the Flash failed to catch up to a thief who could change into any person of any age, Thawne was worried that this meta-human could copy Barry's likeness and speed and told his protg to stay away from the criminal, which is eventually confirmed to be Hannibal Bates. After Barry gained the upper hand and attempted to save Multiplex from falling to death but Multiplex actually wished to die before forcibly letting go of Barry's hand and killing himself, the team watched a news report of it on the TV afterwards. Cecile Horton told Cisco that Eobard was full of hate, having detected those feelings via empathic power.[66]. [23] After resetting the timeline 52 times to stop Dwyer from killing Team Flash's members, Nora visited Thawne to ask if he was certain that they weren't making things worse. But before he can kill Joe, the Flash intercepts and drags him outside. The following day, Thawne had a drink with Joe, where Joe subtly suggested that Thawne was involved as he arrived in Central City shortly after Nora's murder. However, they were distracted by the appearance of The Arrow of Starling City who both Thawne and Joe distrusted, due to the vigilante's previous body count and the terrorist attacks committed by Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer and Deathstroke since Arrow was active. However, Thawne knew that Barry's beginning to suspect who he really was. After killing Nora Allen, he was trapped in the past for fifteen years, from 2000 to 2015. Damien then reconsidered Eobard's offer and begging to come along to his next destination, insisting Damien needed to change his own destiny. [12][33] He also set himself up in a mansion but he never kept any future belongings in his house itself for security reasons,[34] and also built what was later known as the speed lab. But when Tina expressed doubts, Eobard vibrated his hand and calmly told Tina to learn to build it or be killed. After more guards entered with a special chamber, designed to keep Thawne in touch during the execution. I was never going to be the Flash. Eobard surprised the Flash by revealing having fallen in love with Meena, sincerely begging and pleading for the Flash to save Meena from the Negative Speed Force, showing the Flash that he isn't Reverse-Flash. However, Letscher "looked at a few episodes, watched [the character's] behavior - how he behaved in public versus how he behaved in private when he was talking to Gideon", For unknown reasons, Eobard still appeared in, One reason why Eobard was portrayed by Tom Cavanagh instead of Matt Letscher in season 5 of, Matt Letscher was cast as the real Eobard Thawne because. The more people you saved, the more you were loved the more I had to take from you.Eobard Thawne to Barry Allen. Hes sorry he found out. He quickly apologized for being responsible for Nora's erasure from existence but said that he had to make sure he gets his freedom. After Gideon confirmed that his powers fluctuated somewhat due to his latest time jump, Reverse-Flash realized that he was now stranded in the 21st century with no way back to his time, and he screamed in frustration. As Barry now understands the situation, he left Thawne's cell, only for the latter to smirk back.[80]. [77][78], Unfortunately, Thawne managed escape from the doppelgngers of Wells and takes over Nash's body. Barry didn't believe him but eventually opened up to his plan. Heres what weve read in the past month, including titles from Rick Riordan, Kendare Blake, and more. As Barry searched the police department for any clues, Thawne searched S.T.A.R. The series follows Barry Allen, portrayed by Grant Gustin, a crime scene investigator who gains super-human speed, which he uses to fight criminals, including others who have also gained superhuman abilities. [95] Unlike the previous version of himself whose one goal was to get back to his time, Eobard seemed content in this reality that resembled the 21st century. Unfortunately, a singularity had formed and that's why Barry is in the past, to get faster in order to stop it but needed Thawne's help. [68], Deathstorm taunted Iris by lamenting that Reverse-Flash returns again and again despite Eddie's sacrifice.[120]. Eobard expressed guilt, shame, and remorse when Nora furiously confronted him over heartlessly murdering her namesake and tormenting Barry, even if he still believed that his actions helped save her. Damien succeeded in constructing the bomb by kidnapping Mileva Maric instead of Einstein, and forcing Maric to build the bomb. Reveling at his old workplace by taking a drive in his wheelchair once again, Thawne mentioned how he hated this life for fifteen years and wished to escape. He dealt with several time-travelers who attempted to prevent Ferdinand's death, each time killing them before they could do so in ways that looked like accidents. After the Legends refused to hand over the Spear of Destiny, Reverse-Flash's time remnants attack the Legends, and Eobard stole the Spear of Destiny from Sara's younger version when attempting to rewrite reality. Flash Adds Batwoman's Javicia Leslie to Final Season Cast -- But as Who. However, Eobard said that they were more alike than Ray would admit as they were both scientists that chased after the impossible (Ray with the A.T.O.M. When he gets chastised by Team Flash, he assured them they would have enough time for both to achieve their goals, 1 minute and 52 seconds, and once accomplished they would be able to close the portal. Exosuit and Eobard with the Speed Force) and that Ray didn't have to be ashamed of reaching for higher feats. I used to feel that rage every time I looked upon you. [34] Thawne also hired Arthur Light, a man who developed a lethal high powered shockwave rifle. If it wasn't for his speed healing, he would already be dead, and with only 1% of his speed remaining, Barry was running out of time. The Eobard in that. [41], Sometime prior to 2011, Thawne hired Caitlin, Ronnie Raymond, and Hartley Rathaway as employees of S.T.A.R. Labs' roof, Firestorm intervened and blasted Reverse-Flash off before Al Sah-him finished him off with another arrow of nanites, emitting a high frequency pulse that disabled his speed and kept him from recovering temporarily.[18]. Thawne learned that Firestorm's form was in rejection, causing an exothermic reaction and a possible nuclear explosion. Reverse-Flash's actions continued to affect Barry, feeling guilty for Eddie's and Ronnie's deaths, but also blaming Eobard for causing the events. [94] However, the rewritten reality had all of the various heroes (including the Flash) killed off, and the Black Flash remained intact, although imprisoned by Eobard. Eobard later found Dark Archer searching for the manuscript and brought back to 1916 and met with Captain Cold and Damien. "He wants to get home. The two then continued their fight up and down an unknown avenue before Flash and him vanished without a trace in an explosion of light. Labs to retrieve his Reverse-Flash suit from the Time Vault before leaving once again. Reverse-Flash simply smiled, before rushing towards the team, about to kill them all.
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