Do some homework! Mineral Oil Can't Be Metabolized There are different grades of petroleum and mineral oil, with those used in cosmetic products being the "purest" and the most refined. 2. I have been saying that for years. It is difficult to think of another product that has such a huge role to play for creating other products, such as vaseline, medicines and clothing. However, if effects like changes in the color or texture of the skin, or infections are experienced, it should be brought to a doctors notice. Oil is absolutely lethal to fish, so the various oil spills that occur frequently cause irreparable harm to the oceans. Go fish! Due to many of these friendly properties, petroleum jelly is widely recognized as the best solution for many personal care applications like moisturizers, baby oils, lotions, and hair care products. Dr. Weil says that products containing petroleum jelly are not safe to be applied inside of the nostrils as this could cause lung inflammation.1 According to Dr. Lawrence E. Gibson from Mayo Clinic, inhaling fat-based substances such as petroleum jelly or mineral oil for prolonged periods can cause lung problems. These can help to kill off free radicals from your skin and help prevent visible signs of aging.13, Studies into the long-term use of shea butter in skincare found that there are no harmful side effects and it is a good natural ingredient in topical preparations.14, Shea butter can also be used to relieve nasal stuffiness and it is just as effective as petroleum-based products. So use jojoba oil to moisturize your skin naturally and enjoy healthy, blemish-free skin. Avocado oil has amazing benefits for your skin and more. Coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, and olive oil are all reliable products that lock in moisture and nourish the skin without any of the associated dangers of petrolatum. If the jelly is contaminated, the skin absorbs those contaminants as well, leading to skin problems and posing a risk of other health disorders. Fragrances in cosmetic products are made of aromatic hydrocarbons. 5. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. What are the harmful effects of using fossil fuels? This is quite rare but can happen. Cocoa butter is not only delicious but it also contains moisturizing fatty acids that have numerous skin benefits. Advertisement Risk of bacterial vaginosis Doctors have found that using petroleum jelly can put a woman at a greater risk of developing bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis. Some research also suggests that petroleum jelly contains harmful substances that can build up in the body. Not every product works for all people, but calling it stupid tells me that maybe you dont know much about skin.. Great info. Read my other related articles: We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! It may be listed on beauty and skincare products as petrolatum, mineral oil, paraffin oil, or liquid paraffin. Harmful Effects of Air Pollution: <br />Lead released from motor vehicle exhaust may affect human populations by direct inhalations , in which case people living nearest to highways are at greatest risk.<br />Lead can be ingested also after it is deposited on the foodstuffs. So, it seems that there is much controversy if rubbing petroleum jelly on the skin will actually cause tumors and currently the link is not established yet. Act As A Strong Economic Background In Some Countries. Petrolatum, also known as petroleum jelly, is a semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons. Even still, we should be worried. These days, it is extremely easy to exploit oil deposits in different geological conditions. The benefit of almond oil to your skin is due to the oleic acid and other fatty acids in it.23, Avocado oil has also been proven to be effective to treat various inflammatory skin conditions. Speak the truth about the unhealthiness of & severe pollution caused by; the petroleum(monopoly)industry and get attacked by the very few, who profit greatly from it. A modified nose-inhalation exposure method was used as previously described. It keeps the oily part of the lipstick from going rancid. A scientific study on avocado oil in 2013 found that avocado oil helps to boost collagen in the skin. Although EWG rates Vaseline as having no cancer risk,5 they recommend that consumers must choose products carefully, with an eye toward avoiding potentially hazardous ingredients.6, A report published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology on the cancer-causing effect of mineral oil and petroleum based products found a connection between mineral oil and cancer but not with petroleum jelly. What finally worked? USP grade petroleum jelly (i.e. Plastic Plastic Plastic everywhere and in everything. Technologies that are used for extracting oil beneath the planets surface are well developed. I guess youve developed allergic reaction to petroleum-derived products. This means that it doesnt allow moisture to enter your skin. it may cause behavioral changes, learning disabilities and permanent . It exists in the upper strata of the Earth's crust, and is mainly a complex mixture of hydrocarbons. The three plots show a negative trend meaning that the . Avocado oil contains high levels of oleic acid and studies have shown that this has many skin benefits. People been using it for decades and now there are huge lawsuits because obviously it is NOT safe. The incomplete combustion resulting from burning petroleum products produces harmful gases such as methanol and carbon monoxide which become detrimental when mixed with air and water. I use Argan oil. Armor All Extreme Tire Shine Due to the mineral oils present in petroleum jelly, applying it on the nose area, may cause nasal itchiness or trouble breathing. Of these, 120,434 exposures involved children under six, who can swallow or spill cleaners stored or left open inside . It has high density. The origins of petrolatum lie in the Pennsylvanian city of Titusville, where it started as a thick gel from oil wells that were eventually distilled and cleaned by American chemist Robert Chesebrough. Get independent news alerts on natural cures, food lab tests, cannabis medicine, science, robotics, drones, privacy and more. Gasoline is a toxic and highly flammable liquid. Copyright Beautisecrets &, Inc. When it is improperly managed or disposed of, petroleum products have a devastating effect on living . The researchers found that petroleum jelly contains hydrocarbons and that the refining process can vary by manufacturer. 3. Extracting and burning petroleum generates greenhouse gases that contribute to environmental pollution and, consequently, global warming. Take note that oil exists as a mixture of hydrocarbons with traces of sulfur and other compounds, which are elements of harmful gases, such as carbon monoxide, and plastic. They concluded that cosmetics might be a relevant source of the contamination.3, This is a cause for concern because the Journal of Womens Health stated that mineral oil hydrocarbons are the greatest contaminant of the human body.. The chances of any serious side effects of petroleum jelly are very rare. Pneumonia due to aspiration of hydrocarbons into the lungs is often the most serious consequence of ingesting these materials. Therefore, plastic contributes significantly to the depletion of this valuable resource, making the prices of petroleum products to rise every passing day. Petroleum and petroleum byproducts are in various items such as shampoos, conditioners, and cosmetics like anti-aging creams, body lotions, nail polishes, etc. Its transport can cause oil spills. Apart from being an ingredient in Vaseline, many beauty products contain petroleum jelly to help keep moisture in the skin. And they are prone to accidents when this happens oil spillage is obvious because most of this equipment's used depend on petroleum products to move. according to a study, a standard coal power plant produces an average amount of 10,000 tons of sulfur dioxide enough to cause acid rains; it also generates 500 tons of small airborne particles which can cause respiratory diseases like chronic bronchitis, aggravated asthma and other lung diseases while in some cases it can even cause premature Why You Should Stop Using Petroleum Jelly On Your Skin (Its a Byproduct of the Petroleum Manufacturing Process), Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer. The journal Obstetrics & Gynecology reported that women who used petroleum jelly around their vaginal area were twice as likely to develop bacterial vaginosis.8 According to Dr. Sten Vermund from the Institute for Global Health, petroleum jelly is slightly alkaline and may promote the growth of bad bacteria in the vagina. It is nothing but a mixture of hydrocarbons. Hundreds of years after its initial discovery, petrolatum has a wide range of applications in the personal care and cosmetics industry. When rosehip oil was applied directly to the affected area, swelling and redness were reduced.25. In fact, studies reveal that almost half of oil reserves (which is about 2 trillion barrels) have been utilized, where only one trillion barrels left. However, why take the risk when much better natural emollients are available? The concern is that petroleum jelly products can negatively affect the endocrine system.4. On the contrary, crude oil is a form of petroleum that happens naturally. The increase in estrogen levels was connected with using petroleum jelly and products containing petroleum jelly for skin care. Opt forelectric, natural gas-powered, or hybrid gas-electric cars marketed to general consumers. In rare cases, long-term use of petroleum jelly in the nose can lead to a condition called exogenous lipoid pneumonia, which stems from the inhalation of fat molecules over time. You can stop using petroleum jelly on your skin because avocado oil is far superior to mineral oils. An example is sodium benzoate which is a natural preservative that does not have side effects on many people. The following acute (short-term) health effects may occur immediately or shortly after exposure to Petroleum Distillates: f Contact can irritate and burn the skin and eyes. Yes, because being on the market automatically makes it a suitable product. The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Cocoa butter can also be used as a natural anti-wrinkle cream.26, Beeswax is used to reduce skin swelling, itchiness, treat fungal infections on the skin, and treat the symptoms of hemorrhoids.27, One study compared a mixture containing beeswax, honey, and olive oil against Vaseline in treating dermatitis. 4. Extraction of Petroleum is Safe. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It was approved that toxicity of inhaled vapors including benzene is due to its biotransformation to reactive oxygen species. Research from La Leva di Archimede suggests it may take just 5 years of exposure in just a few parts per billion to terminal cancers and immune system diseases. Out of an estimated 7.21 billion barrels of total U.S. petroleum consumption in 2016, 47 percent was motor gasoline (which includes ethanol), 20 percent was distillate fuel (heating oil and diesel fuel), and eight percent was jet fuel. An estrogen dominance in the body affects a womans reproductive system, causes fibrocystic breast changes, mood swings and premenstrual syndrome. Many people use petroleum jelly as a lubricant, but that can have adverse effects on latex, and also on the functioning of the condom. Natural emollients like coconut oil, Shea butter, jojoba oil, and almond oil are completely natural products that havent gone through a refining process. In fact, some of those natural oils are so healthy that you can cook with them! As an example, the BP Oil Spill had caused billions of dollars in losses. Products containing petroleum jelly can contaminate the body, interfere with estrogen levels, and may contain carcinogenic substances. Plastic food storage packages have toxic . In most cases of ingestion, no clinical signs are seen, but small animals can show oral irritation, salivation, and champing of jaws, followed by coughing, choking, and vomiting. This is important in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and in repairing skin wounds. I say bullshit to your study, if there ever was one. The Journal of Womens Health published a report saying that hydrocarbons from cosmetics in mineral oil (which is also a petroleum product) can contaminate the body. People should not use coconut oil on their face!! Individual refineries do not necessarily cause exposures to all these chemicals: Acetaldehyde may increase the risk of cancer. Its also worth noting that Vaseline has a warning that its for external use only. If not applied on a clean skin, there is a risk of infections. To find out more on how to use shea butter for great looking skin, please read my article on the 12 benefits of shea butter for hair, skin, and health. Having a waterproof layer on your skin may seem like a good thing, but the problem is that petroleum jelly doesnt allow your skin to breathe. I am not at all against oil companies or capitalism. Spills have caused massive ocean pollution, causing the death of thousands of animals and fishes each year. Who would have known!!! The journal Nutrients reported that cocoa butter contains polyphenols which improve the skins elasticity, tone, and collagen. Doubt has been cast on the safety of petroleum jelly for your skin and there are concerns about its effect on the body. This site is part of the Natural News Network 2012 All Rights Reserved. "the purest grade" of petroleum, which "obeys the standards set by the United States Pharmacopeia involving consistency and purity tests," according to Dermveda) is not the same as the unrefined petrolatum material, which is said to be carcinogenic. People with pre-existing skin conditions like rosacea and acne are therefore advised against using petrolatum and products containing petrolatum due to the risk of these conditions becoming aggravated. The chemist behind the discovery of petroleum jelly noticed how oilmen would smear residue from the oil drill on wounds to help them heal. They also serve as guide for us especially those who are using it often for a variety of purposes. The list below includes some cosmetic and health product petrochemicals in ingredient labels: To avoid petroleum, one can use alternatives for petroleum-based products. But, look up the history of Vasoline and then look at how its made. Thank you for the truth about the safety and performance the use of petroleum jelly for decades. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Truth Publishing assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. Production of petroleum, especially refining, produces harmful and toxic materials, including plastic. 2. then a more efficient alternative was introduced. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Due to the fact that petroleum production requires reduced technical and physical effort, it is sold cheaper compared to other sources of energy. 6. This is because petrolatum breaks down latex, and the friction generated during intercourse, increases the chances of developing a tear in the condom, thereby making the condom ineffective. This gives rise to violence and growth in terrorism, as oil money is somehow used in funding terrorist organizations. Using oil is beneficial in terms of satisfying our need to quickly move from one place to another. Also, repeated contact with skin can cause dryness and cracking. Global Warming: Petroleum fuelled transportation is considered as one of the chief reasons of global warming. Vaseline will always be on the market. The ingestion of large amounts of petrolatum can lead to serious gastrointestinal issues, namely: Abdominal pains Coughing Diarrhea Shortness of breath Throat irritation Body systems affected by petrolatum Using petrolatum and products made with it can seriously harm the skin. Truth Publishing assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that many cosmetic products that are petroleum-based contain a cancerogenic substance called 1,4-Dioxane. Compounds in petroleum jelly may also cause higher estrogen levels in the body. Obviously your opinion is tainted and biased by your desire to get rich on your so-called new natural skin products. Some of these reasons may convince you to stop using petroleum jelly on your skin altogether. Oh please-really?? Many scientifically-based studies have shown that oils like coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, almond oil, jojoba oil, and avocado oil are far superior to petroleum jelly. As mentioned, petroleum is highly toxic. Transportation of Petroleum is Easy. Cooking with Aluminum Foil Why Its Not a Safe Option The study found that the beeswax mixture was superior to Vaseline and the beeswax remedy treated dermatitis and psoriasis more effectively.27. Exposure to petroleum is toxic for most life on our planet. Same goes for plastics also. 3. . I hate to break this to you but Vasoline may have been USED in the petroleum industry but it is NOT a petroleum byproduct. 25 years ago I was told by my babys pediatrician to slather him in mineral oil and petroluem based products. Maybe that is why so many people are battling some form of cancer or another these days. The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Petroleum products have the greatest risk for human health when they are in drinking water. Petroleum: Petroleum, also called oil, is the most often used and discussed form of fossil fuel around the globe today. As for the environmental impacts, this is more on its production and combustion. Jojoba oil is perfect for your skin because it protects your skin and locks in moisture at the same time. Gasoline contains small amounts of benzene, a known human carcinogen. The horse and buggy was the standard used by families for generations. Some of the proven health benefits of avocado oil are helping to reduce cholesterol, improve heart health, and relieve arthritis pains. 4. Petroleum coke is 90% elemental carbon and 3% to 6% elemental sulfur; the rest is elemental hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Rosehip oil can help you nourish your skin and keep it well hydrated. Exposure to petrol, diesel, and kerosene vapors. Scientific studies reveal that these chemicals are linked to severe and wide-spread health problems, including infertility, immune system damage, impaired childhood development, hormone disruption, cancer and many other harmful effects. Its cost tends to fluctuate, and this is somehow attributed to many different factors. This means that degradation of our ecosystems will be made faster if we choose petroleum as our main source of energy. 10.It is a powerful source of energy. 1. Hi Alex, the studies mentioned in this article are not fake, and you can see the references at the end of the article. Although it can soften skin, there are many reasons never to put petroleum jelly on your skin. Sorry but I will not put Petroleum on the largest organ of my body which is my skin. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. These include many known or suspected cancer-causing substances, such as benzene, arsenic and formaldehyde. Sea Plants Despite the many advantages brought by petroleum, it still cannot be denied that it also leads to unfavorable consequences. Storage And Transportation Does Not Lead to Energy Loss. Petrolatum is believed to boost the risk of estrogen dominance, where the body has elevated levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone. Exposure during pregnancy may affect the development of the child. Because many petroleum hydrocarbons are highly mobile, if they are in soil they can be readily transported to water resources. They may also restrict the movement of nutrients and the removal of waste matter from the cells by blocking skin pores. Perfumes and products containing fragrance can be made from hundreds of chemicals to produce a distinct scent, and a lot of these aromas come from petroleum. Noticed how oilmen would smear residue from the rocks or beneath the Earth # This to you but Vasoline may have been used in the personal care skin! Irritation or an allergic reaction on using petroleum jelly are very hazardous the. Are thought to be extracted beneath the Earth & # x27 ; s the constituent Each year reach areas ), integumentary, or the CNS the PAHs authors. 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