However, like any public platform, it needs to be used responsibly. Some of them are pretty straight-forward, like being rude to customers, but others may be less obvious, like posting too often. It becomes a kind of trend we can see on social media platforms; people share their personal conversations with the public on social media platforms. The holidays are a prime time for collecting those Instagram double-taps. Getting "likes" releases dopamine, the "feel-good chemical" that the brain naturally produces in response to a person doing something pleasant such as eating or having sex. As we all know that almost all people are addicted to the use of different social media platforms, and share all their information on social media platforms. Viral tests look for a current infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, by testing specimens from your nose or mouth. Remember that social media is public, even if you restrict the privacy settings. You happen to like a pic and you upload it. I never would have thought he'd do something like this to me. Now. She is a passionate storyteller who gets excited about learning the language of the brands she works with. Business social media accounts should be carefully managed with a clear social media policy to ensure only the right language goes out about you and what you do. And it is possible criminals might like to know more about you. If you can't communicate effectively, employers won't want you to communicate for them. If you wouldnt feel comfortable discussing a topic at a work event, we dont advise you engage in conversations about it online. The gift you didn't like. Before posting anything on social media, edit it viciously. If youre having a private conversation with your best mate, dont post it on social media. Interacting with someone on social media or the internet keeps your language clean. No, it's not OK to threaten others, no matter their position. Advice, Job Search Resolutions for the New Year. It's pretty one-sided, and by doing so, you will hurt somebody's feelings and sentiments. Should You Use LinkedIn in Your Job Search? There's a lot, criminals can do using just your address 2. However, what we are about to learn is that we should. it can be shared anywhere, it goes viral, and it can create problems for people. Embarassing pictures of your friends If you are ever in doubt of this, think back to all of the private social media posts that were made public when someone commits a crime. Even if you are joking, think twice before sharing it on social media platforms, that is how it could be a matter for the people. Don't tag random people. 1.Don't ever post stuff about your company or boss. Where are you, at home or somewhere, your daily plans, your locations, your status, careers, reputation, and many more, Criminals know about you, and can make plans against you. Here are 3 things you should never post on social media; Off-colour jokes. Social Network trolling crimes are gradually increasing nowadays when you reveal or update your current location including maps. Dont share your travel plans on social media, might criminals want to know about your travel plans and can track you and harm you or rob you, or can rob your home when you are not at your home. So with that being said, let's jump into the list of things you should never post on social media. This is especially important in a job search. By sharing pictures of credit cards, criminals can find your accounts and payments detail, which can steal your money. Not to mention that your friends would likely want you to keep it to yourself. Political Tirades. So naturally, they like to post about it online. 9. Everyone loves a trip to Bali, but posting that youll be leaving in two weeks and youll be gone for seven days isnt the best idea. This includes bloody noses, teeth that just fell out, of anything else with blood on it. There are two main types of viral tests: nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) and antigen tests. Personal information and news should be shared with our families and the nearest people only. Ever. CURRENT LOCATION: Giving out your location information can be risky . It can bad impact on the business and its clients. So, dont insult any religion on social media by sharing insulative religious posts on social media. Treat Social Media Platforms Like One-Size Fits All Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram (to name a few) might have some things in common, but it's when you respect their diversity that you win. When you put genuine effort into helping customers with their problems, you both appease customers and gain input for your brand's improvement. 4. So, dont share any information on social media before confirming, that it is real or fake. What you find super funny might be offensive and sensitive to other people. Profanity The language you use on social media is usually the same type of language you'll use when casually interacting with coworkers. Wishing someone ill, whether it is a friend, family member, colleague, politician, celebrity, whatever. That is why I mention 15+ things above never to share on social media, and prevent yourself from the problems cause by social media. So, before posting a selfie, consider if you are OK with being seen like that in the office. Their owners can case against you, and made problems for you. We suggest you take a look at the list below before posting anything on the Social media. Wondering if you should post something on social media? Spell check helps but how many typos do you let slip through when you post on social media? She wants her readers to feel like they're having a conversation with the girls, whether that be laughing, crying, or a good old moan about adulting. Type your keyword and hit enter button for result, About Us Our Commitment Join Loyalty Program Become an ambassador Become an Affiliate Wholesale Store Locator, Terms and Conditions Privacy and Cookie Policy Refund Policy, Parfait Lingerie 2007-2021 - All Rights Reserved, 3 Things You Should Never Ever Post to Social Media - - Blog, 10 Bra Fitting and Lingerie Store Secrets Professional Bra Fitters Want You To Know, Why All Women Should Get A Professional Bra Fitting, 10 Telltale Signs You Are Wearing The Wrong Bra Size, 12 Reasons Why You Should Invest In Beautiful Lingerie. No one is arguing that the birth of a child isn't a beautiful miracle. Remember that everything you type into a computer, smart phone, tablet, or other electronic device (as a post, text, email, comment, instant message, SnapChat, private message, and so on) is assumed public. One central platform where certain debates mostly take place is Facebook. by aschmidt. If they say no, then you need to take the request seriously. Certain things arent only unadvisable to post on social media but can cause a lot of harm. They could be going through a difficult time and confiding in you. If youre overworked, talk to your manager or look for a position better suited to you. Don't talk about specific clients, even if you avoid using their names. Ex-partners, estranged family members, and even strangers will be able to locate you with one post. This is information that stalkers, ex-besties, and even identity thieves can use to impersonate you. 1. 8 things you should never post on social Media for your own safety THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA 1. Those contents have no place and value in your life, but matter a lot to others. We dont even think about what we share on social media, and what kind of problems it can create for us. If any of this info is available for people to see on your social accounts, take it down. The infamous Facebook film, The Social Network, reminded us, The internets not written in pencil, its written in ink. You are a reflection of what you post online, and the reputation of your brand is in your hands. Try explaining THAT to a potential employer during background checks. Social Media is Real Media. Dont Share Illegal Content on Social Media, 8. If there is any kind of question in your mind, you can ask in the comment section below. Deleting stuff doesn't even work, because remember kids, screenshots don't lie. Dont ever share illegal content on social media platforms. However, kids, youngsters, adults, and old people, can use social media independently, and adult contents on social media create a lot of problems for people. It seems strange, but unfortunately, posting that youre single can cause a spam of inappropriate propositions from other people. To save yourself from embarrassing situations, here's a list of things you should NEVER post on social media. How Has Social Media Changed the World Positively and Negatively, Top 10 Reasons How is Social Media Useful and Helpful for Students, Reasons How is Social Media Changing Our Life and Our Family Relationships, How Is Social Media Changing Our Life and Our Family Relationships, 15+ Things You Should Never Post on Social Media Facebook, 6. Dont ever share your expensive purchases on social media platforms and the internet. If you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're", it's time to learn. Passive-aggressive status messages are a common sight in social networks. Irrelevant Viral Content 4. While some celebrations are exciting for your online pals to share in, other events are better kept within your family or those close to your heart. As I say before all kinds of people use social media platforms for different purposes. Even if its an empty threat, rants and arguments on your social media show what kind of person you are. Along the same vein, dont geo-tag pictures, or include childrens names or locations in pictures. Dont ever share your credit card pictures or any other kind of payment details on social media platforms. It should be shared in private with those who are related to it, not with the public, it can create problems for the people. 3. Don't reveal your company's processes, client relationships, or other sensitive data. Posting anything and everything on the social media can, in turn, raise controversies or can put you or your brand into trouble. Virtually all smartphones can track you through what is known as geotagging, adding location data from satellites. 10. Yes, public. In fact, social media could create more conflict or hurt feelings. When you post that youre visiting family rather than snuggled up on your sofa, it will give people the heads-up that your house is unoccupied, making it ideal for a potential break-in. Offensive Content. When we post our location, with or without meaning to, we are giving anyone that has access to our posts the go-ahead to join us. You won't even get that far if you share this kind of post publicly. And fake information can create problems for you, and also for others. It is a crime, and it produces a lot of problems for people on social media, or any other internet. 3 things you should never do on social . Emma is a wellness & lifestyle blogger and copywriter, specializing in self-growth and female empowerment. And now As promised, my list of 10 things business owners should never post on social media. No Politics If we learned nothing else from 2016, we learned that a LOT of our country is polarized. Complaining about your job, boss, coworkers, etc may make you feel better short term. Though you might want to share what happened when they fell off their bike on social media, no one wants to see blood. Even if you're joking, think twice before sharing something that could be seen as bigotry. It can also lead to strangers or even people within your social circle learning things about your children that you might want to keep under wraps. 4. 2 Your Home Address. Once your information is released to social media and the internet is out of control. Claiming other people's content as your own Personal information should be shared separately not on the business profile. Research shows that almost 70% of adults use social media platforms. You dont know who it will affect, and work, friends, and family wont look at you favorably. People have posted photos of their credit cards on social media. Taylor is a Senior Digital Marketing Strategist at KWSM. For a business owner, social media can be a great place to market your business, products and social media. While thats not a problem for some companies, others will take it very seriously. It may be exciting to get your first credit card, moan about your debt or celebrate an 8-figure salary, but dont post any details online! If you use social media independently and share everything on social media, it will create many problems. With current GPS location services on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, checking in at a spot gives your audience access to your exact current location. Negative Posts About Customers or Clients 2. In that flow, we may also decide unknowingly that we should be posting that way as well. With that in mind, here is a list of things you should never post on social media: 1. Your money Unless your goal in life is to raise the chances of you getting robbed, posting pictures of your money or bank account just isn't smart. You will not only break their trust by adding it to social media, but you could also hurt someone elses feelings in the process. But they are unaware of how it creates problems for them. As a Social Media Manager in Ottawa Valley, I know that while it's important to show up on social media in an authentic way, often overthinking what you should and should not post can lead to not posting anything at allso I want to try and make it easy for you. Post too often It sounds strange - you'd think that there is no such thing as posting "too often" as a brand on social media. Break-ins are most common when people go away on holiday, so put those vay-cay pics up when youre back. Never email your 1st connection directly without permission: "Back in the day," you were . Negativity and heated disputes display a lack of self-control and a quick temper. And your opinions that hurt someone hurt, dont ever share on social media or any kind of platforms on the internet. 3. Personally Identifying Information Sites like Facebook are full of valuable data for people who use social engineering to steal your identity on social media. If you want people to know you are available, its best to keep it to dating platforms where people are looking for the same kind of relationship, and the rest of your information is confidential. Of that 40%, 65% did not block strangers from viewing their information with their privacy settings. 7 / 7. You'll see for yourself. Mainly because it opens you up to a world of vulnerability. These things are very important to know, and how it creates problems for us. If you are trying to convey yourself, or your company, professionally online, discussing controversial topics will only have a negative affect on your brand image. Many people that work aren't happy with their jobs. Even if you keep your accounts private, it doesnt mean someone wont find your posts and party pics. Weve all had a bad boss or a stressful and challenging job, but posting on social media about it is never a good idea. Keep that stuff in the boardroom and off of social media. Have a terrible boss or a really annoying co-worker? Social media can quickly make or break a company's reputation. Join us for Video Studio Day, where you can shoot professional videos at KWSM for a fraction of the cost of an on-site shoot. If you don't like someone else, social media is not the place to be hurling threats of any kind. Were all guilty of a little oversharing on social media whether its what we had for dinner or the jerk who cut us off on the way home from work. Even if you have a private profile, someone could still show your Facebook post to a third-party. "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Whereas some people are savvy about keeping illegal content on the DL, they may think posting offensive content is okay. Political or Religious Posts 5. What you can do is to talk to your partner and resolve the problem on your own or you can just simply keep it to yourself. Criminals are interested to know more about your payment details, which can steal money from you. Like #8, poor spelling makes you look unintelligent. Photos of your partner or both of you together if they are not post-worthy! Children are susceptible and will easily trust adults they think know best. It also makes it easy for people who dont know you to find where you are. A decent standard guideline is to consider what you're posting as though it's an individual message going out to your most critical customer or a coach. Quite a few people fall back on the First Amendment, claiming freedom of speech for things they say on social media. Theres a lot you can learn from what others in your industry are saying and how they are interacting with their audience and customers. So, dont any of your personal information and news on social media with the public. .and cause you limitless amounts of stress and harm. 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