The earthquake 's focus was 13km (8.1 miles) below the Earth's surface. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. The key takeaway from that catastrophic event and the response effort that followed was that national . In 2010, a major earthquake struck Haiti, destroying or damaging over 285,000 homes. 3356526. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. Looking for a flexible role? A field reconnaissance in Haiti by a five-member team with expertise in seismology and earthquake engineering has revealed a number of factors that led to catastrophic losses of life and property during the January 12, 2010, Mw 7.0 earthquake. It is worth mentioning that such earthquake occurred along Hispaniola which is a West Indian island. (CNN)Here's a look at the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, which struck on January 12, 2010. The Census Bureau has numerous resources providing information not only on Haitians living in the United States, but on Haiti itself. Furthermore, more than half of them used to live in despicable circumstances of living. Based on what was mentioned by the Humanitarian Action Plan for the Haitian state three years ago, more than one hundred and seventy two thousand persons were obliged by governmental orders to leave their houses in order to live in more than three hundred camps in 2013. One of the main international organizations, which had the ability to offer humanitarian aid and relief to the state of Haiti after the occurrence of such destructive earthquake along with attracting the attention of the whole world to the importance of providing people there with assistance so that they could be able to survive, was the United Nations. On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti with a vengeance. According the statistics, the damage resulted from this Haitian earthquake was ranged between seven and half and eight and half billion American dollars. If you can, please donate now. A catastrophic magnitude 7.0 M w earthquake struck Haiti at 16:53 local time (21:53 UTC) on Tuesday, 12 January 2010. The people of Haiti were also left without hope. The earthquake devastated metropolitan Port au Prince and surrounding areas with a reported 222,750 deaths, 300,000 injured, 1.5 million displaced, and more than 3 million affected. After the quake there were 19 million cubic metres of rubble and debris in Port au Prince . . In terms of rebuilding Haitis homes, schools, roads and other infrastructure, the study released Tuesday said, the cost is expected to be many times lower than that of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, a result of the far higher costs of property in the United States. Earthquakes happen due to the slippage between layers of the earth. The tremor caused severe damage at ground level because it occurred at a fairly shallow depth of 13 kilometres below the surface. (n.d.). Earthquakes are caused by a sudden release of stress along faults in the earth's crust.The continuous motion of tectonic plates causes a steady build-up of. Retrieved March 21, 2017, from relief web:, Pallardy, R. (2016). The authors Eduardo A. Cavallo, Andrew Powell and Oscar Becerra said their early snapshot was useful to put this event into perspective and to inform the international community of the enormity of the challenge that lies ahead in the task of reconstructing Haiti., But they underlined their caution about the exact figures, writing: We cannot know if the experience with past episodes around the world will be relevant for Haiti. In October 2010 barely 10 months after the earthquake a cholera epidemic broke out north of Port-au-Prince. As of June 2013, 8,173 people have died from cholera in Haiti with 664,282 cases total. Then another two shocks happened whose degrees reached five point nine and five point five. Introduction. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on Join millions of others and stay up to date with the latest developments. After back-to-back crises in the beleaguered country - Saturday's earthquake followed on . Fifth: offering more than two thousand Haitian workers training in the field of development and life recovery. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Nevertheless, they were obliged to live in camps. To help the DEC be ready for the next humanitarian crisisyou can donate to theDEC Emergency Fund. Before studying one of the most important and hazardous natural disasters which took place seven years ago, we have to take into consideration the meaning of earthquakes. But in terms of Haitis economy coupled with the number of deaths per million inhabitants Haitis population was at 8.7 million before the earthquake struck the development banks study estimates Haitis quake is likely to be the most destructive natural disaster in modern times. The earthquake left a wave of destruction and death. Haiti is situated to the north of the Caribbean Plate on a transform. 11.5 billion dollars (This is in addition to the aid delivered between January 2010 - July 2010). (n.d.). Written by Matt Fisher and Alisha Kramer Ten months after suffering "the largest urban disaster in modern history" - a devastating 7.0-magnitude (MMS) earthquake on January 12, 2010 that killed over 316,000 and affected 3 million - Haiti faced an outbreak of cholera. . Over 188,383 houses were badly damaged and 105,000 were destroyed by the earthquake (293,383 in total), 1.5m people became homeless. Haiti earthquake of 2010 summary . Long term international support for the country will be key, he said, but there is also an economic opportunity that should be recognized. Published by The Ritz Herald. Besides, the magnitude of the first shock was about seven degrees. Media in category 2010 Haiti earthquake damage The following 19 files are in this category out of 19 total. As a result of the inability and failure in managing and controlling situations during the occurrence of catastrophes and disasters, the government resorted to the dependence on aids and humanitarian relief from other countries in order to be able to provide people with the resources required for their survival. Retrieved March 21, 2017, from Haiti earthquake 2010:, HAITI EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE. At least 2,200 people have died, more than 12,200 were injured, and hundreds remain missing. The total cost of damage was estimated at around $15 . (2010). Infrastructure across the country has been badly damaged or demolished, including churches, schools, and offices. The only events to come even close to that level of economic devastation were the Christchurch earthquake in 2011 and Hurricane Maria (costing US$15 billion and US$90 billion respectively at the time of each event), which tore through Puerto Rico in 2017. The strength of the earthquake was estimated at 7.0 for the initial shock, followed by 5.9 and 5.5 aftershocks (Kligerman et al., 2017). Haitis earthquake was by far the most impactful at the cost of US8 billion in 2010 the damage bill represented 120 of their GDP at the time. Along with liquefaction and landslides the 2010 Haiti earthquake also caused two three- meter tsunamis. Asia also recorded a significant number of disasters. It killed an estimated 200,000 and injured 300,000. Haiti Earthquake: Facts, Damage, Effects on Economy. The United States recorded 467 disasters between 2000 and 2019. The heavily damaged National Palace after the earthquake. What are the causes of earthquake ? Anyone can read what you share. What the government managed to do is offering those survivors tents and camps where they could live their transitional life till the occurrence of something new. Talea Miller. All Rights Reserved. Furthermore, the United Nations managed to cooperate with other communities that had the chance to offer donations in order to offer Haitian populations aid and relief on the long term. A catastrophic magnitude 7.0 Mw earthquake struck Haiti at 16:53 local time (21:53 UTC) on Tuesday, 12 January 2010.2010 Haiti earthquake. "Entire hillsides were flattened and many buildings collapsed in the capital . Please check your inbox to confirm. Collapsed buildings in Port-au-Prince. Such hit extended about more than twenty five kilometers along the coast of Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. Disaster relief makes an impact. In addition, the foundation of United Nations contributed in the collection of donations estimated by four million American dollars to help those people to survive and live in normal conditions. The earthquake. Floods are devastating Pakistan, leaving millions in need of urgent help to survive. One of the massive earthquakes that took place in the United States in 2010 was Haiti earthquake. The remains of a pharmacy burned on a desolate street in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in late January, two weeks after the quake. Disasters Emergency Committee 2022. Earthquakes happen in different parts of the world and they lead to negative consequences including death, destruction of buildings and huge losses in economy. Emergency Food Assistance: Provided emergency food relief for . Ninety-six UN peacekeepers died in the earthquake, along with 122 American citizens. Port-au-Prince Jacmel Petit- Gove Saint-Marc Logne Interactive map The Shockwave That Changed A Nation. About 4.2 billion people were directly impacted some more than once. In addition to the previous information and data, other eight thousand persons who used to live in camps were subjected to the risk of suffering from floods. In fact, the majority of public there is considered ultra-poor according to the international statistics and measurements. Sixth: supplying the United Nations Population Fund with more than seven hundred thousand American dollars to get resources regarding maternal health along with offering street lights which depend on solar energy in order to provide Haitians especially women and young girl protection, safety and security. 86% of people in Port au Prince were living in slum conditions - mostly tightly-packed, poorly-built, concrete buildings. Given the extraordinary destruction wrought by last month's earthquake in Haiti, few will be surprised if this catastrophe is recorded as one of the deadliest natural disasters in recent history. DEC charities are providing a lifeline to people in Afghanistan, after drought and economic collapse left millions hungry. An earthquake of 7.2 magnitude struck Haiti on Saturday morning. In the aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, USAID has provided relief, recovery and long-term reconstruction assistance: Relief (rapid, life-saving emergency humanitarian assistance):. Katrinas price tag was put at more than $100 billion. The portthe construction of which was two years behind schedulewas seen as a necessary component of the project, which aimed to revive the manufacturing sector in Haiti. The astronomical figures were difficult to fathom for Haitis traumatized residents, but they certainly agreed that the earthquakes damage had been profound. 2.2% The Haitian National Palace (Presidential Palace), located in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, heavily damaged after the earthquake of January 12, 2010. the cost is expected to be many times . The Haitian government's official count was more than 300,000, but other . Search and Rescue:Deployed seven search-and-rescue teams as part of an international rescue effort that saved more than 130 lives.. The banks economists estimated the damage done to the countrys economic sector, infrastructure, roads, and buildings will amount to between $7.2 billion and $13.9 billion, depending on the final death count and other variables. A magnitude 7.2 earthquake hit Haiti on August 14, 2021, stronger than the magnitude 7.0 quake that devastated the country in 2010. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Besides, almost one of each four servants who used to live in Port-au-Prince was found dead. Go to Appearance > Customize > Subscribe Pop-up to set this up. Estimates of the death toll vary, but between 220,000 and 316,000 people were killed by the disaster, and 300,000 more people were injured. According to what was indicated by OCHA in 2014, about one hundred and for thousand persons were remained in the state. Study for free with our range of university lectures! The bank used a model that factored in the scale of the disaster, deaths, population and GDP per capita and compared data from 2,000 natural disasters between 1970 and 2008. In November 2011, Haiti was still recovering from the earthquake of January 12, 2010, the worst humanitarian disaster in recorded history in Latin America and the Caribbean. 10 January 2020. Recovery from the January earthquake that is believed to have killed hundreds of thousands of Haitians and left even more homeless could cost up to $14 billion . 25% of civil servants in Port au Prince died, 60% of Government and administrative buildings, 80% of schools in Port-au-Prince and 60% of schools in the South and West Departments were destroyed or damaged, Over 600,000 people left their home area in Port-au-Prince and mostly stayed with host families, At its peak, one and a half million people were living in camps including over 100,000 at critical risk from storms and flooding, Unrelated to the earthquake but causing aid response challenges was the outbreak of cholera in October 2010. 6. The earthquake - the most powerful to hit Haiti for 200 years - caused maximum impact as it hit the most densely populated area of the country. Why? Haiti Earthquake 2010. Subscribe to Here's the Deal, our politics newsletter. 7. It caused five times more deaths per million inhabitants, the bank said, than the second-ranking natural killer, the 1972 earthquake in Nicaragua. Retrieved March 21, 2017, from Encyclopaedia Britannica: These are spread between China (577), India (321), the Philippines (304), and Indonesia (278), just to name a few. The range of 200,000 to 250,000 people dead or missing was used for the calculations. An estimated three million people were affected by . 80% of education in Haiti was provided in often poor-quality private schools, the state system generally provided better education but provided far too few places, Half of people in Port-au-Prince had no access to latrines and only one-third has access to tap water, 7.0 Magnitude Quake struck near Port au Prince, 3,500,000 people were affected by the quake, Over 188,383 houses were badly damaged and 105,000 were destroyed by the earthquake (293,383 in total), 1.5m people became homeless. 220,000-300,000: Estimates of the death toll vary . Retrieved March 21, 2017, from SMS Tsunami Warning:, Haiti: Earthquakes Jan 2010. The Toll. Over 200,000 people died while over 300,000 were injured and over one million more were rendered homeless. Address: 1177 6th Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10036. Haiti suffered a massive 7.0 magnitude earthquake on January 12, 2010. Damage to infrastructure in the 2010 Haiti earthquake was extensive and affected areas included Port-au-Prince, Petit-Gove, Logne, Jacmel and other settlements in southwestern Haiti. Logan Abassi / UNDP Global, 2022 Markets Herald. The earthquake severely damaged two cities, Le Cayes and Jeremic. As a result, the government remained paralyzed and did not succeed in eliminating chaos and returning order to the state along with the inability to take in charge of the situation. 1. The damage from natural disasters is usually highly dependent on the level of development, he said. Any scientific information contained within this essay should not be treated as fact, this content is to be used for educational purposes only and may contain factual inaccuracies or be out of date. Throughout the entire period studied, the total global economic losses were recorded at US$2.97 trillion, accounted for across 7,348 recorded events. 300,000+ people were injured. Combined, disasters across the world displaced 38.5 million people between 2000 and 2019. On Aug. 14, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck southwestern Haiti approximately 75 miles west of the capital Port-au-Prince, according to the U.S. Geological Survey ( USGS ). Relief and recovery operations were historic: by . On the other hand, a huge percentage of Haitians there work as farmers in order to become the breadwinners of their families. The World Bank notes that the actual repair costs reached as high as US$11.3 billion significantly more than the US$8 billion of immediate damage caused by the earthquake. Moreover, services offered to displaced persons such as health and WASH services have witnessed a quick decline comparing to the course of the displacement event of those survivors. Training camp committee members to defend 25,000 camp residents from forced eviction. According the statistics, the damage resulted from this Haitian earthquake was ranged between seven and half and eight and half billion American dollars. While these amounts of energy could be stocked throughout years and emitted in less than a second, pressure existed between rocks as well as strain lead to the storage of more quantities of elastic energy causing the increase in the possibility of occurrence of earthquakes. What percentage of the population aged between (15 and 49) suffers from AIDS? On Tuesday January 12 2010 at 0453 PM local time 2153 UTC an . The earthquake that hit Haiti on Jan. 12 may have caused between $7.2 billion and $13.2 billion in damage, far above the $5 billion initially estimated. Haiti earthquake of 2010. In addition, a lot of Haitians were asked to evacuate the area and leave their homes. You cant put a price on them., Estimates of Quake Damage in Haiti Increase by Billions, Foreigners Caught in the Quake. Finally, the earthquake managed to cause a lot of damage since the resistance of the Haitian state against natural catastrophes is weak due to deforestation. Registered Charity No. In less than a minute, over a quarter of a million (70%) homes and buildings collapsed, this included 4, 000 schools, 8 hospitals, 75 government buildings and even the presidential palace. If the same earthquake had happened in Japan or California we would have lost a few hundred lives. In addition, one of these catastrophes that could lead to the total destruction and demolishment of states is earthquakes. As a matter of fact, earthquake is a natural disaster according to which the layers of the earth move or tremble when the crust is ruptured or slipped. Media in category 2010 Haiti earthquake damage The following 19 files are in this category . It caused five times more deaths per million inhabitants than the second-ranking natural killer, the 1972 earthquake in Nicaragua, the site said. Haiti's earthquake was by far the most impactful - at the cost of US$8 billion in 2010, the damage bill represented 120% of their GDP at the time. Four days after a devastating 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit south-western Haiti, the level of destruction and desperation is becoming increasingly evident, the United Nations said on Wednesday, noting that the death toll has surged to nearly 2,000. Fourth: offering Haitian people about three hundred thousand job opportunities. On the evening of January 12, 2010, at 16:53 local time (21:53 UT), an earthquake measuring 7 on the Richter scale, ripped through the Caribbean nation of Haiti. In addition, during such rupture across the fault line at which earthquakes happen, a kind of energy provided with elasticity is emitted from between rocks that could be pressured. The 2010 catastrophic Haiti earthquake took place on 12 January. By July 2011 5,899 had died as a result of the outbreak, and 216,000 were infected, The DEC Appeal has now raised 107m two-thirds directly and one-third through its member agencies which will be spent over three years, DEC agencies and their partners have nearly 380m to spend in total from all sources, 1.8million people reached by DEC funded aid, Improving the water supply of 340,000 people, Supplying drugs to five cholera treatment facilities serving 18,000 people, Providing free medical care to 39,000 people, Giving tools and seeds to help 23,000 people in farming households support themselves, Providing improved shelter for 34,000 people, Giving information to 116,000 people about preparing for future disasters, Running literary classes for 60,000 vulnerable women to help them support themselves and their families. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour. The earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12, 2010 registered at 7.0 magnitude, with its epicentre 25 kilometres away from Port-au-Prince, the most densely populated area in the country., believed to have killed hundreds of thousands. It was stronger than the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that devastated the Caribbean country in 2010. Most severely affected was Haiti, occupying the western third of the island. Haiti was 145thof 169 countries in the UN Human Development Index, which is the lowest in the Western Hemisphere, More than 70% of people in Haiti were living on less than per day. On Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2010, a powerful earthquake struck Haiti, centered about 15 miles west-southwest of Port-au-Prince, the nation's capital and largest city. The tool also estimates a 66 percent chance that the cost of damage for this year's quake lies between $100 million and $10 billion. Third: taking part in the process of recycling about twenty percent of the debris resulted from the earthquake. As a matter of fact, Haiti did not witness the occurrence of any earthquakes comparing to Haiti earthquake when talking about strength, enormity and degree. No plagiarism, guaranteed! In addition, the earthquake managed to convert the situations in Haiti upside down on a local, political, economic and environmental scale. Introduction. . On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck western Haiti, approximately 25 kilometres from the capital. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Subscribe to Heres the Deal, our politics newsletter for analysis you wont find anywhereelse. It is worth mentioning that such earthquake has led to the destruction of the basic airport in Haiti along with a large number of roads and finally the majority of ports. Haiti earthquake 2010 damage. The event cost 120% of the countrys GDP, which is more than 30% higher than the second-most impactful. A more comprehensive estimate of damages is under way by experts at the Inter-American bank, the World Bank and the United Nations Development Fund. First: giving more than one hundred thousand American dollars to projects of solar light. When Haitians started their day on 12 January ten years ago, they could not have imagined the devastation that was about to befall their country. Below is expert commentary by NCDP Director Dr. Irwin Redlener. Copyright 2003 - 2022 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. In addition to the previously mentioned information, the earthquake contributed in the damage of more than half of schools and almost sixty percent of the main constructions and establishments in the state. NPR photographer David Gilkey and correspondent Jason Beaubien . As a result, a lot of damages occur leading to the huge percentage of casualties, demolishment of houses and constructions along with the displacement of many people out of their homes. Haiti is, of course, not unused to natural disasters and lessons have been learned from the devasting earthquake of 12 January 2010 in which an estimated 220,000 people died, largely in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and surrounding areas. Haiti's low population health levels makes the country highly vulnerable to the impacts of natural disasters. Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. The government assessment said the damage was all the more severe because . M-F: 9AM-5PM. Later that day, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck, claiming the lives of more than 220,000 people. (The Shockwave That Changed A Nation, 2010). On the other side, when this energy is released, a particular type of sound waves named seismic provided with low rates of frequency are spread and distributed across the surface of the earth or among its layers. One year later, another, stronger earthquake devastated Honshu, Japan, destroying or damaging over 332,000 buildings. The earthquake and aftermath. Haiti is still recovering from the earthquake of Jan. 12, 2010. The government estimates it will cost about $11.5bn (7.6bn) to repair and reconstruct the country over the next three years. Haiti's magnitude 7.0 earthquake of Jan. 12, 2010, left 220,000 people dead, 300,000 injured and rubble nearly everywhere. In October 2010 barely 10 months after the earthquake a cholera epidemic broke out north of Port-au-Prince. Talea Miller In haiti earthquake 2010 damage cost conditions - mostly tightly-packed, poorly-built, concrete buildings people left. Haitis 2010 earthquake cost between $ 7 billion, occupying the western of! 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