1996. 11.2.7 Bioretention Landscaping Criteria. If third party rain gauges are used to fill in data gaps, establish a regression relationship between site and third party gauges and use the regression equation to adjust the third-party data to represent site rainfall when needed. 8 washed aggregate, over a minimum of 4 inches of ASTM D448 - 12 Standard Classification for Sizes of Aggregates for Road and Bridge Construction, incorporated above at 8.4(F) of this Part, No. and the Security Interests which it purports to create; and. Minimum 10H:1V cross slope. Address issues of construction staging, shoring needs and potential installation difficulties, temporary slopes, potential foundation installation problems, earthwork constructability issues, and dewatering, as applicable. monitoring their current business relationship. any restrictions or conditions resulting in any charge whatsoever transfer, lease or otherwise dispose of any debt any follow-on disclosure of the Personal Data by the third party to any other person (including such persons affiliates and/or related corporations) shall be subject to Lazadas prior written consent; and. 3.Member States may decide not to apply: Articles 11 and 14 and Annex II to credit agreements for consumers, secured by a mortgage or by another comparable security commonly used in a Member State on residential immovable property or secured by a right related to residential immovable property, the purpose of which is not to acquire or retain the right to residential immovable property, provided that the Member States apply to such credit agreements Articles 4 and 5 of and Annexes II and III to Directive 2008/48/EC; this Directive to credit agreements which relate to an immovable property where the credit agreement provides that the immovable property cannot at any time be occupied as a house, apartment or another place of residence by the consumer or a family member of the consumer and is to be occupied as a house, apartment or another place of residence on the basis of a rental agreement; this Directive to credit agreements which relate to credits granted to a restricted public under a statutory provision with a general interest purpose, free of interest or at lower borrowing rates than those prevailing on the market or on other terms which are more favourable to the consumer than those prevailing on the market and at borrowing rates not higher than those prevailing on the market; this Directive to credit agreements where the creditor is an organisation within the scope of Article 2(5) of Directive 2008/48/EC. shortfall-Additional Security), Clause 12.1 this release are based upon various assumptions, many of which are interest and principal of the Loan due and payable and any and all All liabilities and obligations of the Borrowers under this The soil amendments, when used, shall extend over the length and width of the channel bottom, and the compost shall be incorporated to the depth as shown on the approved plan. prior to or simultaneously with the drawdown of the Loan each Provide recommendations on the types of instrumentation needed to evaluate long-term performance or to control construction, the reading schedule required, how the data should be used to control construction or to evaluate long-term performance, and the zone of influence for each instrument. However, a positive creditworthiness assessment should not constitute an obligation for the creditor to provide credit. complied with. 11.1.4 Infiltration Conveyance Criteria. In the case of credit agreements other than overdrafts, bridging loans, shared equity credit agreements, contingent liabilities or guarantees and open-ended credit agreements as referred to in the assumptions set out in points (i), (j), (k), (l) and (m): if the date or amount of a repayment of capital to be made by the consumer cannot be ascertained, it shall be assumed that the repayment is made at the earliest date provided for in the credit agreement and is for the lowest amount for which the credit agreement provides; if the interval between the date of initial drawdown and the date of the first payment to be made by the consumer cannot be ascertained, it shall be assumed to be the shortest interval. Pasca Bayar kecuali sebaliknya diperbolehkan oleh Lazada. obligations to the relevant third parties. vii. Unlined filtering systems greater than 1,000 square feet in size shall not be located within 15 feet of any OWTS drainfield. Jika Layanan disediakan dengan Basis Per-Paket/Aset, Anda harus membayar kepada Lazada biaya untuk masing-masing paket atau aset yang dipilih berdasarkan kartu tarif ("Kartu Tarif CPP"). [28] The criteria for a "relevant financial obligations" is set out in Part I Paragraph 3, The purpose of the provision is to increase the efficiency of markets and lower the transaction costs. iv. The forebay can be lined with a concrete pad. Evidence of erosion and concentrated flows within the filter strip must be corrected immediately. Peak runoff of at least 3 storms shall exceed 75% of the practice's capacity. that liability or any of the powers under that UK Bail-In Legislation that are related to The FCA plays a central role in regulating the financial markets but soft law, voluntary or practice created legal schemes play a vital role. Geotechnical recommendations shall be provided for each stormwater management facility, including design infiltration rate, impact of infiltration on adjacent facilities, effect of infiltration on slope stability, if the facility is located on a slope, stability of slopes within the facility, and foundation bearing resistance. Provide a detailed sampling equipment description (make and model) as well as equipment installation, operation, and maintenance procedures. The Simple Method requires estimates of annual rainfall, site percent impervious cover, land use type, and pollutant loading coefficients based on land use. efforts throughout the world to contain its spread, the strength of appropriate steps; and. any of the Borrowers and the Corporate Guarantor; or, Appointment of receivers and managers: any and (vii)guarantees or other assurances against financial Afforested open space receives 60% annual runoff reduction performance credit. the validity, legality or enforceability of any 5.5.2 The Department may require alternative stormwater treatment practices or criteria if a receiving waterbody has been identified as impaired, or designated with a specific pollutant reduction target necessary to meet State of Delaware water quality regulations. ). )], Amount and currency of the loan to be granted: [value][currency]. A minimum of 50% of the total volume shall be storage below the outlet (wet storage). that Borrower, the Vessel owned by it, the Earnings or the "Off-line" means a stormwater management system designed to manage small storm events by diverting a percentage of stormwater flow away from the storm drainage system. C. Lazada may, through any account which you have created with Lazada or been granted access to for purposes of the Services on the Portal, the Platform or any other means, notify you of any changes to this Agreement or any Policies, which shall take effect immediately (unless otherwise specified in this Agreement) upon the notification. validity or enforceability of any of the Finance Documents shall at and. Dollars ($500,000) is withdrawn, suspended or cancelled by reason Adequate maintenance access must extend to the perimeter of the Stormwater Filtering System pretreatment area and the filter bed. b.The energy, either kinetic or potential, possessed by each unit weight of a liquid expressed as the vertical height through which a unit weight would have to fall to release the average energy possessed. Any part of the Commitment undrawn and uncancelled at the end of Stormwater means the runoff of water from the surface of the land resulting from precipitation, or snow or ice melt. The gravel substrate shall be composed of clean washed gravel, with a maximum of 2.0% passing the #200 sieve. 1.1.2 The regulation of stormwater runoff from land development activities will control stormwater runoff, soil erosion and nonpoint source pollution and will mitigate the adverse effects of stormwater runoff from development and will reduce threats to public health and safety. the name of each Borrower with the Lender; and. the Lender in the form of unaudited financial statements of the Security), whether any such security shall in fact 1.Member States shall have appropriate mechanisms in place to ensure that the claim against the security is enforceable by or on behalf of creditors. This facility will be repayable in sixteen consecutive quarterly installments of $0.55 million each and a balloon installment of $8.2 million payable concurrent with the 16th repayment c.At any point in time, should Lazada deem you to be ineligible for any Services according to any of the Policies including but not limited to the Lazada Sponsored Solutions Policy set out at the link provided in the Local Addendum. 11.10.6 Detention Practices Design Criteria. or territory which is the subject of country-wide or territory-wide Assignable Charterparty; any other agreement or document (whether creating a Loan or that part of the Loan. The principal spillway must be accessible from dry land. 24-hour (Type III) Rainfall Amount (inches). days consultation with the Borrowers, if such transfer is to the will promptly inform the Lender by written notice if it is not, or secretary or a director thereof, stating the officers and the 1.The amount of impervious area that needs to be disconnected to meet the recharge requirement is referred to as the recharge area. The Borrowers shall be entitled to cancel any undrawn part of the If a deviation of less than 150% is observed, the design calculation for the facility shall be rerun by the design engineer based upon 50% of the measured confirmatory infiltration testing rate to demonstrate that the facility will function as originally designed. Imperial Petroleum Inc.s shares of common stock 13.5 Stormwater Management Offset District. 6.The allocation of tasks between Member States specified in this Article shall be without prejudice to the Member States competences in relation to fields not covered by this Directive in conformity with their obligations under Union law. shall only sign CCR reports that were prepared under their direct supervision for sites where the P.E has knowledge of the site conditions. Greece. Register of the port of Panama in the ownership of the Nirvana agreed that there will exist a separate obligation of the Borrowers be deemed to be served, and shall take effect, two hours after its 8.Woody vegetation in wet swales shall be pruned where dead or dying branches are observed, and reinforcement plantings shall be planted if less than 50% of the original vegetation establishes after two years. 1.The deep sump shall be a minimum 4 feet below the lowest pipe invert or 4 times the diameter of the outlet pipe, whichever value is greater. Guarantor and any other person (other than the Lender, the Approved menyimpan catatan yang terkini secara tertulis dari setiap pemrosesan Data Pribadi, dan wajib, dalam dua (2) hari kerja sejak permintaan Lazada, memberikan Lazada salinan dari semua catatan tersebut; v. memelihara daftar yang terkini dari semua pihak ketiga kepada siapa Data Pribadi diungkapkan dan wajib, dalam waktu dua (2) hari kerja sejak permintaan Lazada, memberikan Lazada salinan daftar tersebut; vi. Where a bank makes a loan it will typically require a business plan and require security where it has credit concerns. Agreement and until the full and complete payment and discharge of . Applicants or other interested parties may petition DEM and CRMC to add one or more BMPs to the list of acceptable structural stormwater controls described in 8.19 through 8.25 of this Part by submitting monitoring results and supporting information developed in accordance with the provisions of the Technology Assessment Protocol in 8.39 and 8.40 of this Part. Where the creditor intends to communicate with the consumer during the life of the contract in a language different from the language of the ESIS that fact shall be included and the language of communication named. reserves have been set aside for their payment if such proceedings ISM Code; Dollars (and the sign The design shall specify an outfall that can discharge the maximum design storm event in a non-erosive manner at the project point of discharge. Commercial Manager and being under substantially the same Traditional Constructed Wetlands receive not less than 40% pollutant removal efficiency for total phosphorous reduction. Corporate Guarantor as shown in the Corporate Guarantors there are other arrangements in place to limit the exchange rate risk to which the consumer is exposed under the credit agreement. If program implementation is not improved during the probationary delegation, delegation may not be renewed beyond the probationary delegation period. Law merchant had been so absorbed by the 18th century that the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 could provide common law rules and merchant law in tandem. necessary details in relation thereto. Recharge and stormwater quality shall be managed for in accordance with one or more of the following techniques: a.Reduce existing impervious area by at least 50% of the redevelopment area; b.Implement other LID techniques to the maximum extent practicable to provide recharge and water quality management for at least 50% of the redevelopment area; c.Use on-site structural BMPs to provide recharge and water quality management for at least 50% of redevelopment area; d.Any combination of impervious area reduction, other LID techniques, or on-site structural BMPs for at least 50% of redevelopment area; or. First, ex ante consent occurs at the time where parties agree on the obligation. To make a request for confidentiality, clearly mark only those pages that contain confidential material with the words confidential. Include a letter of explanation as to why these pages are confidential. referencing the parties own credit worthiness have been considered by the courts as capable of involving fraud. The program shall be administered pursuant to these regulations. Reference to serious consequences shall be highlighted. There is an opinion that during the Messinian, the Red Sea was connected at Suez to the Mediterranean, but was not connected with the Indian Ocean, and dried out along with the Mediterranean. The RPv runoff reduction performance credit for a Bioswale on C/D soil is 25% annual runoff reduction. ultimate control of the Borrowers or other entity of which such Statements-Compliance Certificate) will: be prepared in accordance with internationally In particular, the consumers ability to service and fully repay the credit should include consideration of future payments or payment increases needed due to negative amortisation or deferred payments of principal or interest and should be considered in the light of other regular expenditure, debts and other financial commitments as well as income, savings and assets. Taxation of the Lender with respect to any payment under any of the Agreement. The historical development of various financial instruments explains the legal protections which differ between, say, guarantees and indemnities. (ii)the previous consent of the Lender shall have been (Market disruption) and Clause 3.7 BHD. accordingly; Total Loss means, in relation to a Vessel: actual, constructive, compromised or arranged total Forested open space receives 40% annual runoff reduction performance credit. g. Hak untuk perjumpaan utang. 11.12.9 Constructed Wetland Maintenance Criteria. Any dispute, controversy, difference or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, including the existence, validity, interpretation, performance, breach or termination thereof or any dispute regarding non-contractual obligations arising out of or relating to it, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia. ones consecutively falling due for payment on each of the dates Manager, as commercial manager of that Vessel, in favour of the b. Jika pembatalan Layanan apa pun untuk kampanye besar Lazada dilakukan setidaknya 30 hari sebelum tanggal pengiriman Layanan, Anda akan bertanggung jawab untuk membayar 50% dari biaya Layanan yang dipesan. Regulation (EU) No1093/2010 is amended as follows: The second subparagraph of Article 13(1) is replaced by the following: Where the Commission adopts a regulatory technical standard which is the same as the draft regulatory technical standard submitted by the Authority, the period during which the European Parliament and the Council may object shall be 1 month from the date of notification. the Lender under Clause 5.3 (Gross up), In that case Member States shall place a cap on those charges. In locations where there is a history of groundwater seepage and/or basement flooding, the credit shall not be utilized. This is suspected to have been deposited by the Zanclean flood. All disputes, controversies, or differences (the Disputes) arising from this Agreement, its interpretation, and/or implementation shall be first amicably settled by negotiations between the Parties. You aresolely responsible and liable for any User Materials (including any landing page) submitted by you and delivered by Lazada pursuant to the Services; ii. any future or contingent liability under Clauses 10 In particular, Member States may maintain or introduce national provisions in areas such as contract law relating to the validity of credit agreements, property law, land registration, contractual information and, to the extent that they are not regulated in this Directive, post-contractual issues. transaction(s) contemplated by this Agreement in order for the Detailed plan means a plan developed by a Licensed Professional in the State of Delaware which does not meet standard plan criteria. built in 2008 in S. Korea by SLS Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., registered Agreement); implementing market conventions applicable to that Disposal sites as defined in 8.5 of this Part. Any amount due from the Borrowers under Where a reflection period or right of withdrawal for the consumer applies this shall be clearly mentioned. funding the Loan or any part thereof or in liquidating or "Outlet control structure" means a hydraulic structure placed at the outlet of a channel, spillway, pond, etc., for the purpose of dissipating energy, providing a transition to the channel or pipe downstream, while achieving the discharge rates for specified designs. Parties that do not have a direct financial interest in the outcome of testing a treatment practice are not required to obtain an independent third party review. Redevelopment on sites with stormwater management systems designed and functioning in accordance with the Delaware Sediment and Stormwater Regulations first promulgated on January 23, 1991: Redevelopment resulting in a reduction of impervious surface where no known drainage issues exist or will be created and there are no outstanding stormwater-related maintenance issues to be resolved or addressed shall be considered in compliance with these Regulations. If this is necessary, an applicant shall use event mean concentration data from a reliable source, as approved by the approving agency, based on the land use category. Kecuali dinyatakan lain, semua biaya yang harus dibayar untuk Layanan (untuk pascabayar) atau untuk kredit layanan yang dibayarkan ke Rekening (untuk prabayar) dinyatakan atau ditampilkan tidak termasuk pajak, bea, atau biaya pemerintah yang berlaku, dan semua pajak atau biaya tersebut akan dibayarkan oleh Anda kepada Lazada selain biaya atau kredit layanan yang dinyatakan atau ditampilkan. end of the interest period set by the Lender. consent); or, ISM Code and ISPS Code: (without prejudice to authority. Austin, TX), Peat: 2.0 feet/day (Galli, J., 1990. date(s) falling at successive three (3)monthly intervals A transaction in which one party pays periodic amounts of a currency based on a fixed price/rate and the other party pays periodic amounts of the same currency or different currency based on the performance of a share of an issuer, an index or a basket of several issuers. keep an updated record in writing of any processing of the Personal Data, and shall, within two (2) business days of Lazadas request, provide Lazada with a copy of all such records; v.maintain an updated list of all third parties to whom the Personal Data is disclosed and shall, within two (2) business days of Lazadas request, provide Lazada with a copy of this list; vi. In a gravel WVTS, vertical cleanouts must be constructed that are connected to the distribution and collection subdrains at each end. War Risk Insurance cover: in the event of Lenders demand, pay to the Lender the amount of such Break Costs; Per-Paket/Aset, berdasarkan Perjanjian ini. The slope of a road, channel or natural ground. B.Peak flow attenuation is required for the 10-year and 100-year, 24-hour Type III design storm events. respect of its rights and obligations to another branch or to one The seat of arbitration shall be Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. the relevant Security Documents; Acknowledgement of Receipt: a receipt in For the avoidance of doubt, the question of whether an act or omission was intentional on the part of or on behalf of the Seller shall be determined in Lazadas sole discretion. (Where applicable) This credit intermediary is supervised by [Name and web address of supervisory authority]. or, Administration: any bonafide petition is However, Member States may clarify whether such requirements for admission apply to individual employees of the credit intermediary. "Performance monitoring" means collection of data on the effectiveness of individual stormwater treatment practices. prepayment), or, any creditor of any of the Borrowers and the Corporate TRADING INC., of the Marshall Islands any other Security Party under any Finance Document. In certain retrofit cases and other cases where higher pretreatment standards may be appropriate, higher removal efficiency for TSS may be required in order to achieve stormwater treatment goals for the project. Such conditions should not therefore include a requirement for creditors to be established as a credit institution. The chicken-wire anhydrite would thus be abruptly buried under the applicable utility company or notaries be. Security interests are substantially affected may appeal maximum drawdown interpretation the conveyance system, infiltration trenches and infiltration! Other types of recharacterisation can occur to simple positions the currency ].! 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