(a) shall not be loaded in excess of its rated working load; (b) shall be used and moved only in accordance with the manufacturers written instructions; (c) shall not be loaded or used in such a manner as to affect its stability or endanger a worker; (d) shall not be moved unless all workers on it are protected from ejection by being attached to an adequate anchorage point on the elevating work platform by a method of fall protection; and. 213/91, s.166(3). 221.1-221.19) Revoked: O.Reg. 156.5 (1) Before a drilling operation described in section 156.3 begins, the employer responsible for it shall, (a) develop a drilling procedure for the drill rig in accordance with subsection (2) and have it approved by an engineer; and. 213/91, s.204(2); O. Reg. O.Reg. It also lacks some of the "fancy" features found on higher-end models, like backpack straps, compression straps, internal pockets, or extensive daisy chains. (b) soil that is stiff to firm or compact to loose in consistency and has one or more of the following characteristics: (i) It exhibits signs of surface cracking. 213/91, s.147(2). O.Reg. All electrical circuits of 100 volts or more shall be in an insulated cable that consists of at least two conductors and a grounding conductor. (2) A pressure gauge, other than a portable pressure gauge, shall have fittings for attaching test gauges to it and shall be tested daily for accuracy. 145/00, s.31. O.Reg. 213/91, s.279(4); O. Reg. 213/91, s.214(2). O.Reg. 145/00, s.4. extension trestle ladder means a self-supporting portable ladder that is adjustable in length, consisting of a trestle ladder base, a vertically adjustable extension section and an adequate means of locking the ladder base and extension section together; (escabeau coulissant chevalet), platform ladder means a self-supporting portable ladder that is not adjustable in length, where the highest standing level is a platform; (escabeau plateforme), single ladder means a non-self-supporting portable ladder that is not adjustable in length and having only one section; (chelle simple), step-ladder means a self-supporting portable ladder that is not adjustable in length, having flat steps and a hinged back, and whose back section is either a single ladder or other supporting device, but does not include a step stool or platform ladder; (escabeau). O.Reg. (c) who is using a fall arrest system attached to the project. 213/91, s.209(1). 213/91, s.374(1). 213/91, s.266(9). 213/91, s.252(1); O. Reg. (b) within a horizontal distance from each wall equal to the depth of the excavation measured away from the excavation. 213/91, s. 197. 213/91, s.180(1). O.Reg. (5) The structural engineer who reviews the design drawings shall sign the drawings upon approving them. (i) at least 152 millimetres by 152 millimetres, for a shaft that is not more than 2.7 metres deep, (ii) at least 203 millimetres by 203 millimetres, for a shaft that is more than 2.7 metres but not more than 4.3 metres deep, and. If you've traveled to far-flung destinations around the world, you've probably seen your luggage strapped down to some form of transportation. O.Reg. (3) The design drawings and specifications for a prefabricated, hydraulic or an engineered support system. O.Reg. 213/91, s.257. Loose bulk loads carted in an off-highway situation shall be adequately covered by a tarpaulin or net as appropriate where there is a significant risk of material falling from a vehicle. 242/16, s. 11. 213/91, s.365(3). 318. 213/91, s.386(4). (6) A suspended work platform system shall not be put into service at the new location unless. O.Reg. O.Reg. 213/91, s.278(2). (1) Every hoisting hook shall be equipped with a safety catch. O.Reg. 213/91, s.327(4). O.Reg. 224. (3) An auxiliary source of energy shall be inspected and tested by being operated at regular intervals of not more than seven days to ensure that it works. O.Reg. (10) A hose outlet on a temporary standpipe. (d) ten times the maximum load to which it is likely to be subjected if the crane or similar hoisting device is used for supporting persons. O.Reg. O.Reg. A support used in a travel restraint system shall be capable of supporting a static force of at least 2 kilonewtons without exceeding the allowable unit stress for each material used. 375/22, s. 5. (2) Each smoke line shall extend to a point less than 15 metres from a work face. 8. 142. 242/16, s. 11. 287. 213/91, s.46(2). (a) establish and implement written measures and procedures for complying with this section to ensure that workers are adequately protected from electrical shock and burn; and. O.Reg. The tires were widened from 7.5016 to 9 inches (from 19cm to 23cm) wide. 378. 120. 631/94, s.4; O.Reg. 213/91, s.211(4). 213/91, s.266(8). O.Reg. (2) An employer shall keep containers and cups for beverages in a sanitary condition and shall store them in a closed container. He has snorkeled in Thailand and the Maldives, trekked in Nepal, skied in Alaska, and climbed and skied 14ers in Washington, California, and Colorado. 142/17, s. 24. Our lineup includes a wide range of possible bag fabrics, from heavy-duty expedition packs made of 1000D materials plus additional reinforced areas, to silky smooth 30D nylon bags that compress down to the size of a tennis ball. O. Reg. O.Reg. (3) A lock tender shall ensure that any worker who enters the air lock in preparation for working in compressed air has been examined by a physician in accordance with subsection (2). O. Reg. 85/04, s.15; O. Reg. (1) No person shall use acetylene while working in compressed air. (3) Receptacles for electrode stubs shall be provided and used. 375/22, s. 5. 158. 2. 85/04, s.15; O. Reg. (7) In the case of an inspection under subclause 6 (a) (i), the engineer or designated competent worker shall provide a written report of the inspection indicating whether the installed suspended work platform system complies with the drawing. 213/91, s.30. 85/04, s.15; O. Reg. 213/91, s.365(2); O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1). 242/16, s. 11. (4) The constructor shall ensure that the structural engineer responsible for the structural integrity of a building or structure reviews and approves in writing the design drawings and specifications for a derrick, stiff-leg derrick or similar hoisting device before it is installed. (2) Subsection (10) applies, in addition to subsections (3) to (9), if the equipment, installation or conductor is nominally rated at, (a) greater than 400 amperes and greater than 200 volts; or. If the span of the work platform between adjacent points of suspension is greater than 20 metres but not more than 25 metres, the minimum live load shall be 900 kilograms. O.Reg. O. Reg. 213/91, s.379. 293. (1) This section applies unless the conditions set out in clauses 189 (a) and (b) are satisfied. O.Reg. During the years of testing for this review, we've had duffels carried by llamas, mules, horses, snowmobiles, motorcycles, campers, small prop planes, and helicopters. O.Reg. During the construction of a shaft, an effective means of communicating between the lowest point of the shaft and the surface shall be provided. O.Reg. 375/22, s. 5. O.Reg. No work shall be carried out at a height of 84 metres or more in a building unless the building has temporary or permanent fire pumps that provide a minimum water flow of 1,890 litres per minute at a discharge pressure of at least 450 kilopascals at and above the 84-metre height. A point load of 675 newtons applied in a lateral direction to the top rail. 300. 213/91, s.388(2). (2) When using an explosive actuated fastening tool, the worker shall carry proof of his or her training in its use. (5) The hoist operator shall keep available for inspection at the project the record of tests performed under subsection(3). O.Reg. O. Reg. O.Reg. 213/91, s.22(2). 213/91, s.213(1). 213/91, s.129(1). (5) The supporting surface and path of travel for the drill rig shall be inspected by an engineer after they are prepared or constructed and before the drill rig is assembled and erected on the supporting surface or uses the path of travel to confirm that they were prepared or constructed in accordance with the engineers report. 235. (2) If a worker in an air lock appears to be injured or to be unwell from a cause unrelated to air pressure, a lock tender shall notify, and follow the instructions of, a project physician. (4) The employer shall keep at the project, and make available to an inspector on request, the site-specific work plan. 527/00, s.3. (4) Every change room shall be scrubbed once every twenty-four hours. Identical to the WC-62 but fitted with a PTO-powered Braden MU2 winch, initially of 5,000lb (2,300kg), later 7,500lb (3,400kg) capacity. O.Reg. (8) The following requirements apply to a horizontal lifeline system: 1. O.Reg. (8) If the electrical equipment, installation or conductor is rated at a nominal voltage of 300 volts or more, an adequately equipped competent worker who can perform rescue operations, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation, shall be stationed so that he or she can see the worker who is performing the work. 242/16, s. 11. O.Reg. 183. (c) shall have a diameter which is not less than 100 millimetres less than the diameter of the excavation. A person could be endangered by the vehicle, machine or equipment or by its load. 213/91, s.76(2). 213/91, s.303(5). O. Reg. 213/91, s.287(2). O. Reg. O.Reg. A hose that may whip shall be attached to a rope or chain in order to prevent whipping. O.Reg. Workers who handle or use corrosive, poisonous or other substances likely to endanger their health shall be provided with washing facilities with clean water, soap and individual towels. There shall be a toilet paper holder and an adequate supply of toilet paper. O.Reg. The U10/U11 (end-type) and the U12/U13 (side-type) dump trucks had a short wheelbase. (5) If work is being performed in a tunnel, the facilities shall be located not more than 180 metres, measured horizontally, from the entrance to the tunnel. O.Reg. 213/91, s.366. O. Reg. (11) Before beginning any hoisting operation under this section, the constructor shall notify by telephone an inspector in the office of the Ministry of Labour nearest to the project. These versions were given a longer 123in (3,100mm) wheelbase. 145/00, s.27. O.Reg. The constructor shall ensure that every worker at the project has ready access to a telephone, two-way radio or other system of two-way communication in the event of an emergency. (6) The fall arrest system shall be inspected by a competent worker before each use. 213/91, s.226(2). We hauled these bags across the globe for weeks at a time to evaluate their durability, weather resistance, and ease of packing and transporting. 443/09, s.1; O. Reg. O.Reg. The Roadtripper is a very handy bag that costs less than a lot of others. O.Reg. O. Reg. cleat means a member of shoring that directly resists the downward movement of a wale or strut; (tasseau), o/c means the maximum distance measured from the centre of one member of sheathing, wale or strut to the centre of the adjacent member of sheathing, wale or strut; (c. (3) The chain of a chain-saw shall be stopped when not cutting. (2) If a tunnel is to be cut in sound rock, the constructor shall obtain a written opinion from an engineer as to whether the sides and roof of the tunnel need to be supported by rock bolts or wire mesh to prevent the spalling of loose rock. 213/91, s.346. 96/11, s.2; O. Reg. Find reliable China Suppliers, Manufacturers, Factories, Wholesalers & Exporters on the leading B2B e-commerce website Made-in-China.com. (2) An explosive actuated fastening tool shall be inoperable unless, (a) its muzzle end is held against a surface using a force at least 22 newtons greater than the force equivalent of the weight of the tool measured in newtons; and. 94. Different models have slightly different strap geometry, levels of padding, and ranges of adjustability. O.Reg. O.Reg. 242/16, s. 11. O.Reg. 375/22, s. 5. O.Reg. O. Reg. (a) shall be located as far as is practicable from every other electrical circuit; and. ( travaux mobiles) O.Reg. 213/91, s.372. (2) The air pressure control mechanism shall be set at a level not greater than, (a) for an air lock, the pressure for which the air lock, bulkheads and doors are designed; and. 145/00, s.14. A guardrail system that meets the requirements of this section. O.Reg. O.Reg. (3) A fuel-fired heating device shall be protected from damage and from overturning. 345/15, s. 19; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. (4) A charge of an explosive or a blasting agent that has misfired shall be left in place and blasted as soon as it is discovered. O.Reg. 142/17, s. 27 (2). O.Reg. The vehicles performed well in testing, but neither Britain nor the U.S. decided to standardize them.[46]. 116. 631/94, s.4. Wind load factor = 1.5. 213/91, s.89(5). O.Reg. (2) Lubricating oil shall be stored in a suitable building or storage tank located in a place from which spilled liquid cannot run toward any shaft or tunnel. (3) No lock tender shall work or be permitted to work more than nine hours in a period of twenty-four hours. O.Reg. 145/00, s.38. O.Reg. (b) the minimum transverse cross-sectional area of a shaft that is not cylindrical shall be 5.7 square metres. (2) Each component of a scaffold platform or other work platform shall be capable of supporting a load of at least 2.2 kilonewtons without exceeding the allowable unit stress for each material used. CAN/CSA-Z259.2.3-99 (R2004): Descent Control Devices. 127. 213/91, s.391(4). (i) is equipped with fail-safe mechanisms that will prevent the boom and the suspended platform from free falling in the event of a power source or system failure or the inadvertent release of any operating controls. O.Reg. O.Reg. 306. 213/91, s.270(3). 213/91, s.112(2). (a) its internal pressures shall be adjusted to atmospheric pressure before any fastening is removed; (b) it shall be drained, cleaned and ventilated or otherwise rendered free from any explosive, flammable or harmful substance; and. 375/22, s. 5. 213/91, s.49(4). O.Reg. O. Reg. 213/91, s.387(3). 213/91, s.161(4). (1) This section applies with respect to directing vehicular traffic that may be a hazard to workers on a public way. (4) The employer shall ensure that the project physician instruct workers on the hazards of working in compressed air and the necessary precautions to be taken to avoid decompression sickness. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. (b) at each landing of the hoistway. 242/16, s. 2 (5). 136.0.1 (1) The distance between the platform of an outrigger scaffold and the wall beyond which the scaffold extends shall not exceed 75 millimetres. (a) that bear a legible grade identification stamp or are permanently identified as being number 1 grade spruce; (b) that are at least forty-eight millimetres thick by 248 millimetres wide; (c) that are arranged so that their span does not exceed 2.1 metres; (d) that overhang their supports by not less than 150 millimetres and not more than 300 millimetres; and. (i) shall not be used in an elevator shaft or a similar hoisting area when the shaft or area is being used for hoisting. O.Reg. 377. (2) The inspections shall be performed before the vehicles, machines, tools or equipment are first used at the project and thereafter at least once a year or more frequently as recommended by the manufacturer. (3) No metal trench-jack or trench-brace shall be extended beyond the length used to establish its maximum allowable working load. O. Reg. 105. Although its durability and versatility are compromised compared to the more robust products mentioned above, its lightweight and affordable design make it a good choice for general use and an excellent value product. O.Reg. 213/91, s.44(2). 190/19, s. 1 (2). 213/91, s.174. While we love its spacious interior, with so much room inside, we found it all too easy to far exceed the 50 pound limit for checked bags followed by most airlines. (b) have a copy of the drilling procedure provided to, and reviewed with, the workers engaged in the drilling operation. (optional) 5. (a) have completed a training program that meets the requirements of section 156.9 and have written proof of training available at the project to an inspector upon request; or. 137.1 (1) In addition to the requirements set out in section 137, a suspended work platform shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of this section. 213/91, s.242(3). O.Reg. Replacement for the WC-59, the WC-61 had the step ladder mounted on the roof, the spare wheel was still fitted behind the seats, and the tool trunks were accessible from the outside. While we used the overall weighted scores to determine our top rankings, to learn how each bag performs in specific areas, keep reading. (4) No fuel-fired heating device shall be located so as to restrict any means of egress. The G-507 Cargo and Personnel Carrier, 112-ton, 6x6 Truck, Dodge (WC-62 w/o Winch) was based on a lengthened WC-51 Weapons Carrier with an extra axle added. 213/91, s.49(1). (1) An employer who is constructing a tunnel or caisson in which a worker works or will work in compressed air shall employ as project physician at least one legally qualified medical practitioner. O.Reg. O. Reg. Also, the thick material shows scuffs more than other models and has a more practical look than some more elegant options. If the dissemination of dust is a hazard to a worker, the dust shall be adequately controlled or each worker who may be exposed to the hazard shall be provided with adequate personal protective equipment. 85/04, s.15; O. Reg. On all 1940 trucks, front sheetmetal was mostly identical to the commercial VC and VF models of that year, with the addition of a big brush guard mounted in front of the grille and headlights. (2) The training program referred to in subsection (1) shall. When you click on links to buy products we may earn money to support, Number of Pockets (excludes main compartment). 85/04, s.15; O. Reg. 40. O.Reg. It is necessary to use the suspended work platform system immediately to prevent injury to people or damage to property. Subsections (5) and (6). (1) Design drawings by an engineer for the formwork, falsework or re-shoring. 213/91, s.392(1). Many of the top models in our fleet used at least a 900D nylon or polyester material throughout the duffel, with an additional reinforcement layer of at least 600D nylon on the bottom or other high wear areas. A ladder shall be designed, constructed and maintained so as not to endanger a worker and shall be capable of withstanding all loads to which it may be subjected. 213/91, s.394(1). O.Reg. (2) A worker appointed under subsection (1) shall control and direct the movement of materials to and from a conveyance. O.Reg. (2) A pipe or mop line shall have an inside diameter of at least fifty-one millimetres. O.Reg. (b) shall be supported by either cleats secured to the sheathing or posts set on the wale next below it or, if it is the lowest wale, on the bottom of the excavation. The smaller size had outperformed the 112-ton 4x4 during testing in 1938,[8] and Dodge had invested greatly in half- to one-ton trucks in prior years. (a) 2.4 kilonewtons per square metre if the platform is to be used for masonry work; (b) 3.6 kilonewtons per square metre if the platform is to be used for demolition work or for storage of masonry units or other related material or equipment; or. (c) that have been air tested and visually inspected for damage and adequacy immediately before each use. O.Reg. O.Reg. (10) The employer shall ensure that an adequate means of communication between the worker on the platform and the crane operator is established, maintained and used. These models carried the SNL-code G-613, and brought the total number of half-ton WCseries up to some 79,300 units, and the grand total of all half-tonners (VC and WC; 4WD and 2WD) to almost 84,000. (2) A worker shall be examined by a project physician before the worker enters an air lock in preparation for working in compressed air. 121. (2) Signs indicating the specified live loads shall be posted in conspicuous places on the multi-point suspended work platform. (i) one millimetre for a diameter up to and including nineteen millimetres, (ii) two millimetres for a diameter greater than nineteen millimetres up to and including twenty-nine millimetres, and. 145/00, s.1(1-13); O.Reg. (v) operating the controls of the suspended work platform system or boatswains chair in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. (b) the suspended work platform is designed, assembled and maintained such that the failure of one means of suspension will not result in the complete or partial collapse of the suspended work platform. (pression) O.Reg. Subject to paragraph 2, a support used in a fall arrest system shall be capable of supporting a static force of at least 8 kilonewtons without exceeding the allowable unit stress for each material used. (a) shall have a headframe that is grounded for protection against lightning and is designed by an engineer; (b) shall have guides to control the movement of the conveyance; (c) shall have a device that automatically stops the conveyance when it runs beyond the normal limit of its travel; and. 213/91, s.344. 182. O.Reg. 627/05, s.7. 213/91, s.367(4). (6) A notice setting out the signals used for a hoist shall be securely posted, (a) where it is readily visible to the hoist operator; and. (2) An engineer shall specify in writing the precautions required under subsection (1). The Transporter (left) and the Black Hole (right) models are plenty durable to withstand rough handling. 3. (1) Every prefabricated, hydraulic or engineered support system shall be designed by an engineer. (e) a legible copy of the procedures governing maximum work periods and minimum decompression times for the air lock. 334. height with tarpaulin up; lowest operable: 62in (1.57m), sfnp error: no target: CITEREFTM_9-808__34-Ton_4x4_Truck_(Dodge),_Technical_Manual1944 (, U.S. Army Technical Manual TM9-1808B, 1943, page 4, High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles, UMMC Museum of Military and Automotive Equipment, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Summary Report Tank-Automotive Materiel (1945), Serial Number Guide Dodge Trucks Built for the U.S. Government (1946), Dodge / Fargo start and end serials for T-212, T-236 and other types, "Serial Number Guide Dodge Trucks Built for the U.S. Government", David Doyle: Standard Catalog of U.S. Military Vehicles 2nd Edition, pg. 145/00, s.4; O. Reg. v. is capable of supporting a live load of at least 2.4 kilonewtons per square metre without exceeding the allowable unit stresses for the material used. It is less dependent than other polymers on crude oil or natural gas, which are non-renewable, and hence can be regarded as a natural resource saving plastic, in contrast to plastics such as PE, PP, PET and PS, which are totally dependent on oil or gas. O.Reg. 141.7 (1) This section applies if a generic installation drawing is used under clause 141.6 (2) (a). The Studebaker US6 (G630) was a series of 2+12-ton 66 and 5-ton 64 trucks manufactured by the Studebaker Corporation and REO Motor Car Company during World War II. (1) A smoke line shall be provided from each work face of a work chamber if an air lock or bulkhead is located between the chamber and the surface. O.Reg. (4) If the constructor believes that the work at the project will not take more than 14 days, the constructor may provide the relevant information to an inspector at the Ministry office located nearest to the project, (a) by faxing the completed form to the inspector; or. (1) No derrick, stiff-leg derrick or similar hoisting device shall be attached to a building or structure unless this section is complied with. (d) an engineered support system that complies with section 236. The Expedition also features an exterior compression strap that helps even more when struggling to close an overstuffed bag simply tighten the strap down and zip from either end for a stress-free packing experience. O.Reg. O.Reg. 333. (3) Formwork and falsework shall, before the placement of concrete, be inspected by an engineer or by a competent worker designated in writing by the engineer. 443/09, s.4. 213/91, s.40(3). O.Reg. O.Reg. 213/91, s. 202(4). O.Reg. (1) A superintendent at a project shall designate for each shift at least one competent worker as lock tender who shall attend to the controls of an air lock. (2) If a cage is used, the tire shall be inflated by remote means. (7) No person shall use the platform until the verification required under subsection (6) is given. O.Reg. Privacy | Cookies | Terms, We tested the most promising duffel bags on the market from The North Face, Sea to Summit, Patagonia, Thule, Osprey, REI, Cotopaxi, Eagle Creek, and more to find the best. O. Reg. (b) shall obtain an acknowledgement signed by the worker who is receiving the instruction stating that the worker has been so instructed. O.Reg. 26.2 (1) An employer shall ensure that a worker who may use a fall protection system is adequately trained in its use and given adequate oral and written instructions by a competent person. (b) shall have the brakes applied when a worker is on the scaffold. 631/94, s.3. (5) The constructor shall keep a copy of design drawings for the shoring and bracing at the project while the shoring and bracing are in use. (b) shall be adequately protected to prevent deformation caused by frost heave. 627/05, s.7. A cab or screen shall be provided to protect a worker who is exposed to an overhead hazard while operating a vehicle. 145/00, s.14. 213/91, s.14(2). 213/91, s.170(2). 139.1 (1) Every supplier of and every employer who owns or uses a work platform shall ensure that the testing requirements in this section are met. The garment shall be fluorescent blaze or international orange in colour. O.Reg. (a) that is to be used as a detached or semi-detached single-family dwelling; (b) that has two storeys or less and is to be used as a multiple family dwelling; or. 213/91, s.127(1). (3) Despite subsection (2), rubbish, debris and other materials from demolition on a project may be permitted to fall or may be dropped into an enclosed designated area to which people do not have access. (c) prepares a written, site-specific work plan that complies with subsection (2) and, if it is a work plan respecting a suspended work platform system, also complies with subsection (3). O.Reg. The Thule Chasm, REI Big Haul, the Mountain Hardwear Camp 4 Duffel, and Mountain Hardwear Expedition are all also noteworthy with their sturdy, reinforced daisy chain loops that are thicker and stronger than most. 145/00, s.14; O.Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. (5) An explosive actuated fastening tool shall have a firing mechanism that prevents the tool from being fired if it is dropped or while it is being loaded or prepared for firing. O.Reg. (2) Clauses (1) (b), (c) and (d) do not apply to any access ladder on a tower, water tank, chimney or similar structure that has a safety device that will provide protection should a worker using the ladder fall. Protarp (Pty) Ltd provides professional tarpaulin services, as well as marquee tents along with other various pvc products to suit any function or requirement.
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