Per the terms of the Instrument of Surrender, the Empire and the various splinter factions were ordered to cease fighting. Furthermore, in the film Amidala is shown to be quite physically impressive, and given her larger size compared to Leia uses strength more often in combat. Mothma used her friendly connections and political savvy to outwit Wartol's plot to discredit her leadership. The wardrobe in The Phantom Menace was designed by concept artist Iain McCaig and costume designer Trisha Biggar; concept artist Dermot Power joined McCaig and Biggar in the design process of Attack of the Clones. Having found justification to eliminate his enemies, Palpatine declared the Jedi Order to be enemies of the Republic and ordered Darth Vader and clone troopers across the galaxy to destroy the Jedi. As a result of this, the Council hatched a plan to thwart Dooku's efforts. The team declared the myth plausible when the logs succeeded in punching the truck's side panels off its frame.[30]. [70][71][72][73] Both Decipher Inc. and Wizards of the Coast published AT-AT and AT-ST cards for their Star Wars Customizable Card Game and Star Wars Trading Card Game, respectively. [96] After the character continued appearing in Legends stories, Blakiston became aware of her character's prolific appearances. S-15[7] it has, but probably not in a medium that most people remember. [12] During the battle, the AT-AT designated Blizzard 2 is destroyed when Wedge Antilles and Wes Janson use their snowspeeder's tow cable to trip it up and target its now-exposed neck with blaster fire to blow it up. Padm Amidala makes her first film appearance in The Phantom Menace. Mothma timed the peace talks to take place after the Liberation Day celebrations to mark the liberation of the Ashmead's Lock prisoners. [28] A field of detritus settled into orbit around the moon in the months following the battle. AT-STs are also player-controllable units in several real-time strategy games. Mon Mothma was born in 46 BBY[2] into a political family; her father was an arbiter-general in the Galactic Republic, and her mother was a governor on their homeworld of Chandrila. I had a backstory for her in earlier drafts, but it basically didn't survive. [1] The Rebels had received information from Jyn Erso that the Death Star plans were being held in the Citadel Tower, and decided to attempt to capture them. Mustafar was a small planet located in the Mustafar system, within the Atravis sector of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. When Leia responded that she had authorized the mission, Mothma countered that she did not have the Senate's authority and that hunting Rae Sloane was the jurisdiction of the Senate. They had coerced or bribed five senators into voting against Mothma's motion. [43] Set four years after the events of The Phantom Menace, it reveals that as she ended her reign as queen and became a senator, Padm helped liberate a number of slaves on Tatooine, but was unsuccessful in freeing Shmi. "[32] Film critics Dominique Mainon and James Ursini classify her as a "modern Amazon," a reference to the warrior women of ancient Greek mythology.[35]. Male[1] They declare their love to each other, just before they are saved by Jedi Masters Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) and Yoda (Frank Oz) leading an army of Jedi and clone troopers, thus marking the beginning of the Clone Wars. Padm recoils in horror, but still tries to persuade him to abandon the dark side. Padm then contacts Jabba just as the Hutt is about to execute Anakin and Ahsoka, and forces Ziro to confess his betrayal to Jabba. Unknown to the Rebellion was that the Emperor had allowed them to learn of the station's existence to lure the Rebels into a trap meant to destroy them once and for all. Tano was freed from Republic custody and chose not to return to the Jedi Order, as she was unwilling to return after the Jedi Council did not trust her innocence. [9], The Rebels set up shields and tractor beams to protect the moon from debris from the destroyed space station. Though Mothma grieved the death of her friend Auxi during Senator Wartol's failed assassination attempt on her life, she remained resolute and led the New Republic's peace negotiations with Grand Vizier Mas Amedda. Shortly later, the rebel fleet emerged from hyperspace above Dantooine and the Alliance was formed, beginning the Galactic Civil War. [43], According to background material, the AT-M6 is considered the First Order's most powerful combat walker. He contends that the Empire would've won the Battle of Hoth faster and more easily if they had deployed smaller conventional vehicles.[22]. The attack killed six Jedi, maintenance crew and clone soldiers within the Jedi Temple hangar. Auxi reminded her that Princess Leia was defiant but was not Palpatine. After Ziro forcibly removes Padm, she escapes and eavesdrops on his communication with Count Dooku and the Separatists about an elaborate scheme to kill Rotta, frame the Jedi for his murder and force Jabba to attempt revenge, leaving Ziro as the Hutts' ruler. "[6], An extensive wardrobe was designed for Padm Amidala by Lucasfilm concept artists and costume designers. The Play Set starts on this planet. Biographical information Before the Ghost could be drawn inside the Star Destroyer, Vander and Ezra emerged from the Archeon Nebula. [46] In the limited Marvel comic series Princess Leia, Leia briefly sees a vision of Queen Amidala while visiting Naboo. When it all happened for me, my cousins were exclaiming, 'Oh, my God, you're in Star Wars! In crafting Mundi's manner of speech, Carson said he spoke slowly not only because of the Jedi's age, but because he believed Mundi was wise and would not waste his words.[44]. Sola chides her for ignoring her personal life: "What about Padm Amidala? Leia is adopted by Organa and his wife on Alderaan to be raised as a princess, while Obi-Wan brings Luke to Tatooine, where the boy is to be raised by Vader's stepbrother Owen Lars (Joel Edgerton) and his wife Beru (Bonnie Piesse). [23] Shortly after Turmond's arrest, Mundi and the rest of the Council attended a joint funeral for the six Jediincluding Jedi Knight Tutso Marathat perished. In Revenge of the Sith, for example, a multi-colored "Peacock Gown" and a "Green Cut Velvet Robe" worn by Padm in scenes featuring the Delegation of 2000 were deleted during post-production. He also argued that building such a vehicle would poses challenges since structural strength does not increase the same way as mass and there would be tremendous stress on the legs and joints, though he noted the AT-AT's method of walking was "statically stable" and appropriate for a heavy vehicle. Mothma replied that her arm was still recovering and that she was taking therapy exercises. While recognizing Jyn's criminal tendencies, Mothma argued that everybody including criminals and outcasts deserved a second chance. While in the Ewok village on the forest moon of Endor, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) asks if Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) remembers their real mother. As Palpatine declares martial law by transforming the Republic into the Galactic Empire and declaring himself Emperor, Padm remarks to Organa: "So this is how liberty dieswith thunderous applause." [2], Three years before the Battle of Yavin, Mundi's lightsaber was seen in former Jedi Padawan Kanan Jarrus's vision of the Jedi Temple's dojo during his second visit to Lothal's Jedi Temple. The Empire then began plans to use the source in planet-wide factories and gave the population six weeks to evacuate with no compensation. "[36] According to Mainon and Ursini, "she tried to preach compromise and reason, [but] the disarray within the [Republic] led her to doubt the senate's effectiveness. They declare their love to each other, just before they are saved by Jedi Masters Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) and Yoda (Frank Oz) leading an army of Jedi and clone troopers, thus marking the beginning of the Clone Wars. 4,900 km[6] Film historian Laurent Bouzereau reports that the second draft of the screenplay for Return of the Jedi contained dialogue in which Obi-Wan explains to Luke that he has a twin sister. [71] The Battle of Endor commenced once the Rebel forces arrived over the Forest Moon. Large swaths of land were excavated in order to build starships, and a high-altitude Shield Gate station allowed entry past the planetary deflector shield,[1] which itself was protected by several Imperial Star Destroyers. While they failed to stop Wartol from detonating the bomb, the two managed to overpower the rogue Senator, who readily admitted to plotting to kill the Chancellor. [24], Endor made its first appearance in the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. The case was dismissed with the court noting that not only did Seiler not produce the supposed drawings at trial, but that the copyright came one year after The Empire Strikes Back debuted. It was the homeworld of the sentient Dulok, Ewok, and Yuzzum species, as well as the Wistie and semi-sentient Gorax races. To this, Mundi said the Chancellor should be removed from office if he refused to relinquish his emergency powers once Grievous was killed. The Battle Droids made in this factory had a different color than regular battle droids. 8%[6] [56] However, Syndulla's squadron of X-wing starfighters was intercepted and largely wiped out by Thrawn's Seventh Fleet. Amidst the burgeoning Separatist Crisis following the Invasion of Naboo, Mothma formed ties with fellow progressively-minded senators, such as Bail Organa of Alderaan, Onaconda Farr of Rodia, and, later on, Padm Amidala of Naboo. There are a variety of walkers: The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi introduced the All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) and All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST). "[38] Her decision to quietly marry Anakin and secret discussions with other senators about Palpatine add to the character's duplicity. Ki-Adi Mundi officiated the funeral of Master Katri at the Jedi Temple. Mothma was aware of the strains on the New Republic's resources and was reluctant to deploy military forces to Kashyyyk. When Yoda recommended searching the outlying systems, Mundi reminded him of the Separatist attack on the Wookiees of Kashyyyk. In April 2014, most of the licensed Star Wars novels and comics produced since the originating 1977 film Star Wars were rebranded by Lucasfilm as Star Wars Legends and declared non-canon.[47][48][49]. General Solo was picked to lead a ground assault to destroy the shield generator protecting the Death Star, while Organa, Chewbacca, and Skywalker volunteered to accompany him. Hera and her crew were members of the Phoenix Cell, which operated in the Lothal sector. It was decided that the group would not discuss their plans with any outsiders, including family, without the agreement of the entire group.[source?] Obi-Wan informs Padm that Anakin has been seduced to the dark side of the Force by Palpatine, who is actually the mastermind of the war, and killed everyone in the Jedi Temple, including children. Auburn[5] [18][19], Dr. Malcolm Davis, director of the Defense & Strategy Program at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, asserts that the AT-AT has several flaws which make it an ineffective design. In response, Mothma presented the listening device that Conder had extracted from T-2LC. Imperial forces and the forces of Rogue One fought each other on Scarif. [66], At some point later the Alliance High Command met in the Alliance Fleet to discuss what actions to take next. [26] The name Scout Walker is also used to refer to an AT-ST. The chancellor said that the few resources that they had must be put towards keeping the fleet moving so the Empire could not find them. System [1] After the Clone Wars broke out between the newly-formed Grand Army of the Republic and the Droid Army of the Separatist Alliance, Mothma remained a member of the Loyalist Committee but became an outspoken opponent of the war with the Separatists. Contents 1 Overview 2 Abilities 2.1 Empowerment 3 Trivia 3.1 Etymology 4 Gallery In addition, the Council agreed to pardon Asajj Ventress, Dooku's former Sith apprentice in return for helping to rescue Vos. Due to their design and movement, they are often dubbed as a "chicken walker". [10] He stated, "I was looking for someone who was young, strong, along the lines of Leia. [8], Ki-Adi-Mundi fighting beside special ops clone troopers on Geonosis, Mundi ordered the injured among his men to be loaded onto the AT-TE walker, and then for the forces to move forward toward a nearby bridge, where Mundi hoped to meet up with Skywalker's forces on their way to Kenobi's position. "[37], Padm is sometimes mysterious and deceptive. After Padm's body is altered to appear still pregnant and given an elaborate funeral ceremony on Naboo, on Yoda's command, her twins are separated to be hidden from the Empire. [31], In the Star Wars Rebels second-season episode Relics of the Old Republic, a heavily customized AT-TE is used by clone troopers Rex, Wolffe and Gregor as a mobile residence on the planet Seelos. Later, Mundi stayed behind while Kenobi and Skywalker led forces into the temple to rescue her. [15] Some of Endor's trees reached more than 1,000 meters in height. Unknown to Mothma and her fellow leaders, the real Operator was Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, who was ruling the Empire from behind the scenes. [57] Another hologram discovered in R2-D2 chronicles a conversation between Padm and Obi-Wan. [78], Chancellor Mothma pointed out that their mission to Jakku had been unauthorized. Mothma attended the funeral of her dear friend, Padm Amidala. Grand Vizier Amedda was pardoned and tasked with leading the Coruscant provisional government. [22] As a result of the repulsorlift field emitted by the SLD-26 planetary shield generator to keep the Death Star in a stationary orbit, Endor was prone to earthquakes, tidal imbalances, and other geological disturbances[1] that slowly but surely began to break up the small moon.[27]. The neutrality of the planet Mandalore, led by Duchess Satine Kryze, soon came into dispute when the Mandalorian splinter group known as Death Watch threatened to overthrow the pacifist New Mandalorian government that the duchess led. Organa began to explain that he and Mothma were beginning to put together an organization to push back against Chancellor Palpatine, but Amidala cut him off, saying that she understood and that some things were best left unsaid. [6] But, to Mundi and the others' aghast, Tano refused to come back, having become disillusioned with both herself and the Jedi as a result of the Council's lack of faith in her. "[19], Aesthetics aside, the wardrobe was designed to reflect key plot developments. Stass Allie, a Force-sensitive Tholothian female, was a Jedi Master who lived during the final years of the Galactic Republic. Geonosians reside in hive colonies in organic-looking spires. The Alliance formed the New Republic in the months following the Battle of Endor. [27] Biggar won a Saturn Award for Best Costumes in 2000 for The Phantom Menace and in 2003 for Attack of the Clones. Held to announce the unity between Naboo and contacts Palpatine to inform her that it would essentially the! Mundi reminded him of the original trilogy several other gunships into the battle Endor. 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